Cosmic Professional Gladiator

Chapter 793 - 793 Price

793 Price

The two Xu Jingmings cast their eyes around, and the vast Ultimate Land vanished like a mirage, as though it had never existed.

As expected of the Ultimate existence who created the Heart Realm, Xu Jingming thought. With the dissipation of the Ultimate Land, the suppressive forces that governed it vanished as well. Xu Jingming’s invisible power naturally swept through the expansive area, swiftly collecting all the weapons, armor, wings, and other items.

Under the watchful gaze of the 35 beings from the third realm, none of them dared to interfere or snatch anything away.

These so-called third-realm weapons were crafted by third-realm beings like them—something they could easily fashion. To them… the weapons that suited them best were the most valuable.

I’ve gained quite a lot this time, Xu Jingming pondered, examining himself.

A multitude of characters flooded into Xu Jingming’s mind and consciousness, gradually forming into 129 spears. These spears were merely a manifestation of the legacy. Xu Jingming understood that this legacy could be called the 100 Heart Tribulation Spear Scrolls.

This legacy had been left behind by the Ultimate existence who had created the Heart Realm—a psychic weapon spear technique. With this legacy, I have a chance of reaching the third realm or even surpassing its limits, Xu Jingming comprehended.

As for becoming an Ultimate existence?

Even the four Ultimate beings did not possess the ability to nurture one.

The birth of each Ultimate existence entailed countless hardships, and their knowledge had reached an unimaginable level, leading them to forge a new evolutionary path and push it to its ultimate conclusion.

And him?

It seemed as though he had cultivated rapidly, but in truth, he had merely followed in the footsteps of his predecessors.

Whether it was the Abyssal Void lineage or the psychic weapon lineage, he had learned them from those who came before him. With this limited knowledge, he was far from establishing a new evolutionary path.

For instance, the 100 Heart Tribulation Spear Scrolls were but one of the many techniques mastered by the Ultimate existence of the Heart Realm! Reaching the limit of the third realm was already the culmination of this legacy.

I, Xu Jingming, am already content with attaining the third realm as a feeble human from Earth, Xu Jingming mused. However, nothing in this world comes without a cost.

What appears to be a tremendous opportunity actually carries an immense price.

Xu Jingming’s expression grew solemn.

After acquiring the legacy left behind by the Ultimate existence, Xu Jingming comprehended the price he had to pay.

Why would an Ultimate existence take such a liking to me for no reason? It’s only fair to pay a price. There is still time to pay the price—an Abyssal Era.

Just as Xu Jingming lost himself in thought, the distorted spacetime surrounding him completely dissipated. The towering existences, all 35 of them, could now observe Xu Jingming clearly.


Xu Jingming felt the shifting of spacetime, and he found himself instantly transported to a new location.

Huh? Xu Jingming glanced upward and was met with an overwhelming and ominous aura that stretched out before him. Indistinct figures loomed in his vision, their forms difficult to discern clearly.

How many of these figures are there? Xu Jingming strained his eyes but could only make out three of them.

The familiar Lord Louye, Feather Fire Lord, and an unfamiliar being from the third realm.

“I am Mujin’s master.” The unfamiliar figure smiled, though a touch of desolation clung to his expression. “You may call me Watercloud.”

“Senior Watercloud.” Xu Jingming immediately recognized the other’s identity—he was the master of his good friend, Thearch Dragon Island Lord. He bowed respectfully, sensing Senior Watercloud’s goodwill.

Feather Fire Lord radiated a luminous glow as he grinned. “The one who ultimately seized the opportunity hails from Feather Fire City. Haha, well done, Wu Ming.”

“Senior Feather Fire Lord, had you not sent me in, I would not have obtained this opportunity,” Xu Jingming spoke with reverence before turning to Lord Louye. “Senior Louye, I owe my current position to your support. I am grateful.”

Lord Louye never expected this outcome. He never anticipated that the silver parchment would grant Xu Jingming an advantage in the selection of the Ultimate Land.

“It is all a matter of fate,” Lord Louye replied with a smile. “Perhaps this was all within the Ultimate existence’s expectations.”

Of the 35 third-realm beings present, only three revealed themselves to converse with Xu Jingming. The others remained silent.

Among them was Connoisseur Grandpa Xu, who observed the proceedings without any intention of intervening.

“Wu Ming.” Suddenly, a voice resounded.

Xu Jingming turned his gaze toward a towering figure bathed in cyan light, obscuring his face.

The towering figure peered down at Xu Jingming. “Out of all the beings who entered, only you obtained that great opportunity. I wonder if you can tell me what kind of opportunity it was?”

“Senior,” Xu Jingming humbly replied, “I dare not divulge the opportunities bestowed by the great Ultimate existence.”

“Antinight!” Feather Fire Lord interjected. “The Ultimate existence chose only Wu Ming. The other half-step third-realm powerhouses who entered have vanished into nothingness. Do you not understand the intentions of the Ultimate existence?”

“Master of Antinight is flirting with death,” Connoisseur Grandpa Xu stated.

“I am merely engaging in conversation. I believe that if the Ultimate existence is unwilling, Wu Ming won’t be able to speak even if he desires to,” Master of Antinight replied. As a third-realm powerhouse in this spacetime, he had lived countless years and desired to take that final step.

Xu Jingming remained calm as he stated, “Indeed, I cannot divulge this, Senior Antinight.”

He was well aware that he had to pay the price for accepting this legacy. He would not perish within the upcoming Abyssal Era—the Ultimate existence who had created the Heart Realm would not allow it.

This Wu Ming possesses quite the patron. Master of Antinight observed Xu Jingming and sensed his confidence. He even vaguely perceived that… if he were to interfere and disrupt the plans of the Ultimate existence, he would undoubtedly face punishment.

The other third-realm powerhouses refrained from revealing themselves or uttering a word upon encountering Xu Jingming. They did not wish to become overly entangled with him.

Fear gripped them.

They had no desire to meet their demise. Normally, they were immortal beings, and with their esteemed status, encountering an Ultimate existence was a rarity in their lives.

However, willingly involving oneself in matters orchestrated by an Ultimate existence could prove perilous if not cautious.

Only the four Ultimate existences held the power to truly instill fear in the hearts of third-realm beings across the boundless expanse of spacetime.

“Wu Ming, you are free to depart,” Feather Fire Lord declared. With a flick of his hand, he teleported Xu Jingming back to the South Pavilion 3609 Dominion.

“I envy Wu Ming greatly. He has captured the attention of an Ultimate existence. If he can develop safely, he may well become a top-notch third-realm existence in the future.”

“In order to attain something, one must pay the corresponding price. Everything is fair.”

“I advise you to maintain your distance from Wu Ming. It’s all too easy to meet one’s end if you get too close.”

The 35 Ultimate existences engaged in conversation for a brief while before swiftly departing.

South Pavilion 3609 Dominion.

With a single wave of Feather Fire Lord’s hand, Xu Jingming traversed a vast distance and returned to the dominion.

I’m back. Xu Jingming felt as though everything that had unfolded was but a dream.

He had obtained a great deal, but with it came greater responsibilities.

I’ve also acquired numerous weapons, armor, and treasures. Xu Jingming gazed at the spoils of war he had garnered—the possessions left behind by the vast number of half-step third-realm powerhouses who had entered the Ultimate Land.

These were all brought in by the half-step third-realm powerhouses. Only those not generated by the Ultimate Land could withstand its collapse.

Finally, they ended up in Xu Jingming’s hands.

These are all third-realm weapons. Xu Jingming gestured, and a portion of the weapons materialized before him. Over a thousand third-realm weapons floated in front of him, rendering him astonished and almost numb. Every half-step third-realm powerhouse yearns for a suitable third-realm weapon that can enhance their abilities in every aspect.

And this time, they lost their clones and the weapons that suited them best. Xu Jingming inwardly sighed.

If his clone were to dissipate and he lost his psychic spear, he would surely feel the consequences.

With such an immense number of third-realm weapons at my disposal… I fear even third-realm existences would pale in comparison, Xu Jingming mused. These weapons vary in value, but they were all refined by third-realm powerhouses.

Xu Jingming inspected the weapons and was suddenly struck by inspiration.

Weapons from various schools share certain similarities with psychic weapons.

The Ultimate existence granted me the opportunity to acquire such a wide array of third-realm weapons because he wanted me to study different weapon types, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the psychic weapon lineage. Xu Jingming had gleaned a measure of insight from the legacy and swiftly comprehended the Ultimate existence’s intentions.


Xu Jingming took a step and returned to his quarters on Myriad Star Island.

I must study diligently. In preparation for the wager following the Abyssal Era, I must enhance myself as swiftly as possible. Xu Jingming assumed a cross-legged position in his chamber, entering a state of tranquility as he meticulously delved into the newly acquired legacy, the 100 Heart Tribulation Spear Scrolls.

The exploration of the Ultimate Land left a profound impact.

As the Ultimate Land crumbled, countless half-step third-realm clones perished, their weapons lost. News swiftly reached their ears—a half-step third-realm powerhouse named Wu Ming had emerged as the ultimate victor of the Ultimate Land’s opportunity. It was rumored that he now possessed the vast multitude of weapons and treasures left within its confines.


Gumo stood dumbfounded upon hearing the news.

Gumo, too, had ventured into the Ultimate Land alongside his companions. However, his own clone had met a swift demise on the second day, falling victim to the relentless assaults of native creatures without reaping any rewards.

How could it be that amidst the presence of countless invincible half-step third-realm powerhouses and Abyss Sovereigns, it was Wu Ming who ultimately seized the opportunity within the Ultimate Land? Could it be possible that he had even laid claim to the multitude of third-realm weapons and treasures? Gumo found it utterly inconceivable.

Though Gumo had long recognized Xu Jingming’s formidable potential, the participants in the Ultimate Land competition comprised an extensive array of powerhouses under the command of third-realm beings. Wu Ming had not particularly stood out among them.

And yet, prior to entering the palace complex within the Ultimate Land, Wu Ming could dispatch an invincible half-step third-realm powerhouse with a mere two or three strikes? The more information Gumo received, the more incredulous he became. If he desires to end my life, it’s likely he wouldn’t even require a single strike. He can simply bring about my demise through karma?

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