Constellation Door

Chapter 3192

Chapter 3192: Tacit understanding (Part 7)

Translator: 549690339


Li Hao considered for a moment.”But I don’t have time and Stars now. How can I immerse myself in the past?”

“You’re the master of the time star. Even without the time star, you should be able to immerse yourself in it … You just haven’t tried it! Your Dao should have already intertwined with time, and it’s very difficult to distinguish it clearly!”

Li Hao thought for a while and nodded. He would give it a try.

If it really didn’t work … It didn’t mean that there was no way.

It all depended on who was faster.

For example, now, he could activate the chess mark and let the chess piece come out from tianfang. He could quickly head there and take away the time star. Or he could activate Lin Hongyu’s life star and death Star and directly injure her. Perhaps Lin Hongyu could understand … Anyway, communication in the chaos was really troublesome.

Li Hao was also helpless.

At this moment, he didn’t say anything more. He quickly tried to immerse himself in it. At this moment, there were thousands of thoughts in his mind. The Dragon Lord might be … Stronger than all the other tier 8 experts. This was the terrifying part.


After trying for a while, Li Hao gradually had some feelings.

A moment later, the power of time seemed to appear in his eyes. At this moment, he did not dare to go out. He hid in the Silvermoon great path universe.

Gradually, he began to immerse himself in the past.

This time, he didn’t need to go anywhere else. He just needed to stay here, because Time and Stars were already in the universe of the great path.

After a long time, Li Hao opened his eyes.

It was as if they had really returned to the past. The universe of the great path was extremely weak and small. It was as if they had returned to the time when the stars and time first met.

Everything was frozen!

Li Hao’s figure was also faintly visible.

According to second cat, there was only one time star. The time star that he was looking at now was actually the same one in the rat world. However, it was projected in two places, one in the present and one in the past.

At this moment, he felt that the Dao of time was extremely complicated. How could Zhan Tiandi form such a great Dao origin?

What a terrifying character!

Not daring to waste any time, Li Hao instantly condensed his figure and grabbed at the time star!

The power of time also appeared in his hands.

The time star seemed to have met Li Hao for the first time. It resisted and tried to escape, but Li Hao grabbed it as if he had grabbed something solid.

Li Hao’s heart trembled. Could it really work?

When one was immersed in it, it was often just an illusion!

But now, it seemed that they had really caught the real thing.


At the same time.

The world of rats.

Director Zhao was stunned. He looked up at the sky. A star was originally floating there, but at this moment, it was as if an invisible hand had appeared … The next moment, the time star was … Gone!

He was stunned!

How was that possible?

It’s finished!

This was Li Hao’s origin of great Dao. Had it been stolen?

‘This … This is impossible!

If even this thing was stolen … Did that mean that Li Hao was killed?

The next moment, King Dali and the Queen flew over and looked up at the sky. They were all stunned. Not only that, as the stars of time disappeared, even the river of time disappeared. The little realm that was still absorbing energy suddenly trembled.

The ethereal extent that enveloped the rat world suddenly trembled violently, and then … It suddenly shattered like a dream!

The three of them were shocked!

How could this be?

Director Zhao frowned. This change was unexpected. He was worried that something had happened to Li Hao. At this moment, the Queen suddenly said,””He took it himself, right?”


Director Zhao looked at her and the Queen explained,””Other than him, who else can take it? If he was really a top-notch expert … Would he still need to steal? Just take it away and kill us! He took away Time and Stars, causing the ethereal extent to shake and shatter. Now, even the power of belief is overflowing … If that’s the case, we can’t hide this place anymore!”

“This …” Zhang xuan frowned.”We’ve been carrying out a secret operation all this time, but we’re taking this with us now. Either we’re in danger, or we’re being told that we can’t hide this place anymore …”

Director Zhao came back to his senses and nodded,””Not bad! Maybe … Something has happened. Let’s go!”

As he said this, he looked at the countless humans in the little realm. At this moment, their faith had already gathered. But now … What should he do?

He had been exposed!

It could no longer be concealed!

Even though it was only a stage one World, it would still be very troublesome for them to take it away.


Or what?

He looked at the Dali King and then at the Queen.”Let’s go … These people, are you still going to take them away?”

The Queen frowned and was silent for a moment.

Take him away?

There were too many!

Not easy to lead.

Unless …

At this moment, she glanced at the king of Dali, suddenly exhaled, and laughed,””It wasn’t easy to gather some faith, and I can’t bear to throw it away … How about this, you might have forgotten that I’m … Silver Moon!”

The two of them were stunned. What did he mean?

The next moment, the Queen laughed,”the Silver Moon is a world of its own, and also the will of the heavens. It is also the first God of the Silver Moon!” And I am the substitute of that God. Of course, now, I am the original body!”

“I will prove my Dao with faith and form the Silver Moon Divine Empire!”

“A divine Kingdom is like a world, but it isn ‘t. It’s a Kingdom of my faith … I can let these people enter and continue to provide me with faith, and I can take them away at any time!”

At this moment, she seemed to have made a decision. She would no longer wait.

Just as the two of them were still in shock, she suddenly transformed into a Silver Moon. She was incomparably huge and shone brightly in the sky. In an instant, the Queen’s voice reverberated through the sky and earth!

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