Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 717 - 134- Reece – Time (VOLUME 4)




"So, how far do you think it is that Trinity needs to?" I heard Trevor whisper to Gloriana as we all watched on.

"I don't know. If the distance she has already gone is any indicator, then I would say that she has a very long way to go. I think this will take a long time, even with her having sped up."

"Yeah, me too. But I feel like, going fast or not, it's almost like it's taking a long time. Or maybe time here just seems to be moving really fast." Valerian noted the strange feeling he had been having, and come to think of it, he was not alone in it.

          I, like Valerian, felt like either they were moving too slow. Slower than it seemed like they were going, or time here was moving really fast. I mean, it couldn't be moving fast, no faster than normal anyway. We had just been here watching the magical screen that Talia had made for us. It had been what, an hour, two hours at most. That wasn't all that long. So why did it feel like so much longer when I tried to think about it.

When I looked at the clock on the bedside table, I saw that it had stopped working. That was odd, since it was not a battery operated clock but one that plugged into the wall. OK, well if that one stopped, let me check the other one.

I checked the clock on the wall, across the room from us. That one had stopped too. Well damn. That sucked.

There was another alternative though. I could check my watch. It was the same one that my Little Bunny had given me on our first ever Christmas together. I wore it every day. I always have and I always would.

And of course, that one had stopped too. I hoped that whatever stopped all the clocks didn't damage it permanently. I don't want anything to be wrong with this watch. I loved it too much.

Well, when all the old schools fail, it's time to be modern. I pulled my phone and tapped the screen so that it would light up.

"Hmm. Let's see, it's.." I stopped speaking to myself and just froze. I could not be reading that right. Not at all.

"What is it, Reece?" Trevor came over to me then. He waved his hand in front of my frozen face as I watched the time on my phone.

"Do you guys know how long we have been in here?" I didn't say anything else to him or the others. Just that.

"Maybe two hours?" Trevor was pulling out his phone now too.

"Yeah, that would be my guess too." Noah added, also grabbing his phone from his pocket.

"Yeah, it hasn't been any longer than that. I mean, it's not like it's been.. It's been sixteen hours?" Carter was about to agree with the others when he saw the time on his phone. All of them were now pulling out their phones, aside from Gloriana and Valerian since they didn't have them. 

"How in the world has it already been sixteen hours? I mean, Trinity hasn't been in the Hall of Damnation that long, I just know that she hasn't. So how is it that time is passing that quickly?" Gloriana was perplexed as she looked at Trevor then at me.

"Yeah well, that question took you fifteen minutes to ask." Carter held up his phone. "Time is moving insanely fast right now."

"Does that mean that we are stuck in here right now?" Juniper looked around at everyone. "And is time passing this quickly for everyone else? If time is passing us by that quickly then it would basically make us all look like we're frozen to everyone moving at normal speed."

"Or would we be moving at super hyper speed or something? We're obviously moving at an accelerated speed for some reason, but I don't know what it is right now." Paul shrugged and pulled Juniper toward him and held onto her.

"I think this has to do with the magic that Talia used. We're seeing into a place where time moves differently there than it does here. I think time there is slower than it is here." I was watching the screen now, just seeing my Little Bunny and the others flying through the hall. "I think time here moves quicker than it does there. So, if we were to be watching her at our normal speed then they would all be moving super slow. There would be no point in watching Trinity and the boys on this screen if we couldn't see what they were doing. This super speed that we seem to be moving at, I think it's the only thing that is stopping this from being a picture."

"Now that you mention that Reece, I do believe that I have heard about that before." Gloriana looked at me with thoughtful eyes. What about you, Val?"

"Yes, it sounds familiar." That was all that Valerian had to add.

"So, what do you think will happen if we leave this room while the magic is in effect? Will we be able to get back in, or would we be stuck out there until we close the magic? And how do we close the magic?"

"Those are good questions, Mom." I thought about it for a minute, trying to give her answers that I didn't have.

"I don't think that all of us can stay in here that long. That would not be fair to everyone else. If we've been in here that long, I know that my kids are missing me." Juniper was on the verge of tears when she said that.

"And I have work to do. As the mayor of Trinity Falls, I need to be there."

"I think some of us need to leave. And one will try to come back in. If they can't, then we know that they're stuck out. But only a few of us should stay." Samuel was trying to be helpful and diplomatic here, so I let him say what he needed to.

"I agree." Noah nodded at him. "And those of us that leave, please inform the others what is happening. We don't want more people to worry about us."

"I am staying." I wasn't going to let anyone talk me out of it.

"As am I." Noah added, though I knew that was going to be the case."

"I will stay as well." Valerian stepped up next.

"And me." Trevor was the last. Everyone else was too busy to stay here too much longer. I didn't know how long we were going to be in here for. Another day. A week. Who knew? I would miss so much with the kids, but they would know that I was watching after their mommy and brothers so that should make things a little easier on them.

Gloriana, Juniper, Paul, Eve, Wesley, Samuel, Mom, and Carter all left the room. It was just the four of us left behind. Samuel had agreed to try to come back in, but it obviously wasn't working. Or he just hadn't tried just yet.

Now that it was just the four of us, Valerian used his magic to put a very large couch in front of the screen. We all sat there among a mound of fluffy pillows and hearts filled with worry.. It was time to see what happened to my Little Bunny. 

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