Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 842 Retirement?

Chapter 842 Retirement?

Date- 3 April 2321

Time- 03:36

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234, Card Lab

"Don't worry, I am a man of my word," I said reassuring Asong. Despite what happened, Asong and I could only come to a mutual understanding.

Though ten semi-demigod bodyguards were constantly guarding Asong, the fact that her family had only one semi-demigod ancestor did not change. Asong had a high post in government but she did not have a big enough background. Her family was just another politically influential noble family of the capital. Unlike her colleagues who used their time in the government to enhance the strength of the families backing them, Asong used her time to improve the government and make sure that it didn't just represent the majority but also the minority.

So in case, the world was to know about her overpowered support type origin card they would kidnap her despite her status in the government and as for her background, it would be considered fortunate if whoever kidnapped her did not destroy her family to avoid future troubles. This was one of the reasons Asong wanted to keep her origin card info hidden. And the news about her receiving the world's blessing would bring other troubles that were far worse than being kidnapped, suitors, yes, numerous eligible bachelors from different influential families would line up in front of her house to marry her and share the world's blessing received by her. The entire world would treat her like some kind of auspicious commodity to be conquered. How was that any different from being kidnapped and enslaved?

This wasn't the worst of it, Asong had heard that the mummified body parts of card apprentices who received the world's blessing before her time was being circulated in the black market as people believed that it would bring them good luck and did not hesitate to buy them for a hefty price. These people weren't willing to let the corpse of the blessed being rest in peace so how could they let her be in peace after knowing that she too was blessed by the world's will. Therefore for Asong, her being blessed by the world's will and her origin card info were the secrets that she had to take to her grave but all that was moot as one another person was involved in her secrets despite her efforts to keep him from knowing too much. Despite the unsettling feeling, and all her instincts telling her otherwise Asong could only choose to believe in him.

They say time keeps testing one's friendship and now the one Asong shared with her friend's young love was being tested, since Asong did not have it in her to put a bounty on his head to keep her secrets hidden she could only hope that the friendship she chose to put her trust in would withstand this test of time.

While Asong was setting her thoughts straight, I found that Aba finally figured out that she could summon her grimoire in this world. It painted a kind of chilling picture for humanity to witness a cat monster summon a grimoire but I was fine knowing it was just Aba who had yet to figure out how to break the soul illusion cast on her soul to alter her appearance back to her original appearance. Still, she was able to use her grimoire to break the three-headed Cerberus illusion buying herself some room to breath. And then she hurried towards Agatha for help before her Aunt finds out what she was up to.

As for Anna, Ann, Susan, and Cole they were experiencing the majesty of soul illusion in the Dream reality. With a frim will, they were giving birth to their thoughts through soul illusion. They all played and built the things they wanted from reality but couldn't. Watching them build the reality they seek I kind of remembered the Minecraft game kids used to play back on earth.

"Anna, there is so much empty space over there why do you keep invading my space," Ann complained. She was tired of having to constantly keep moving her soul illusion because Anna's soul illusion constantly kept invading her soul illusion. At first, it was funny but now it was getting annoying.

"Now you know how I feel when you keep invading my life." Anna retorted to Ann's complaint.

"What do you mean by your life? Don't you forget that it is my life too? It is not my fault that you don't know how to share." Ann did not feel down with Anna's remark as she had heard worse than this over the years and after deep contemplation, she had reached a conclusion that it wasn't her who was hindering Anna but it was Anna who was hindering her because of her mean streak and mental issues.

Seeing the heated Atmosphere between the twins I decided not to be near them and headed toward Susan, it seems that either Ann or Anna had taught her how to materialize her thoughts as a soul illusion in the dream reality. Thanks to the specialty of the dream reality it was easier to cast a soul illusion here than outside. So it did not take Susan long to get proficient in materializing her thoughts. This did not mean that she could cast soul illusion in reality because what Susan was able to achieve right now was all thanks to the ability of the dream reality which allowed the souls inside it to cast soul illusion.

I stood next to Susan watching her soul illusion a plain and simple wooden cabin next to a lake and flower bed, "Susan, what is this?"

"This is the retirement home I plan to prepare for my parents with the money I have saved up till now," Susan answered while still focused on adding details to the illusion she was building. From the smell of the flowers to the tranquility of the lake. With more details, the soul illusion became more and more vivid.

"Retirement? I thought you would use the silver milk powder to help them become card apprentices or did you forget?"


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