Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 833 Asong’s Payback

Chapter 833 Asong's Payback

Date- 3 April 2321

Time- 01:56

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234, Card Lab

The world's blessing on Asong's origin core lasted for a while to the point where I felt bored waiting for it to be done. Still, the boredom did not last as the thought of the Asong's origin card info kept me excited till the end, when the origin core morphed into a card and slowly descended towards Asong while emitting a bright light.

Seeing her origin card make its way toward her, Asong held out her grimoire, and the origin card land on her grimoire page and occupied the origin card slot emitting a wave of bright light that spread throughout the card lab, and soon the light covering her origin card disappeared.

After that Asong hurriedly checked her origin card info and sighed in awe. Seeing Asong's reaction I grew impatient to read her origin card info. I thought Asong would pass her grimoire to me to check her origin card info after she was done but that wasn't the case, she retrieved her grimoire and thanked me, "Thank you, Wyatt. The origin card is amazing and like you promised it does have the ability to cure my condition. I don't know how to thank you enough."

"Good to know that you are satisfied with your origin card. And if you want to thank me I would appreciate it if you could show me the origin card info." Usually, after the origin card creation, I am the first person to check the card info but with Asong's origin card that wasn't the case due to the intervention of the world's blessing. And since Asong did not think to let me read the card info of the card I created I could only clench my fist and ask her to let in on her origin card info.

"Wyatt, you know that is not something anybody is supposed to share. After all, origin card info is personal." What Asong said was true, the power of the cards lay in their mystery it was disadvantageous for a card apprentice if this origin card info were known to his opponents.

"It's okay since I created that card," I said trying to reason with Asong, and have her show me her origin card info. I did not like this conversation one bit. Usually, at this part of the origin card creation, I would be showered with praises and thanks from the grateful clients but here I had to beg Asong to let me read her origin card Info.

"I don't know Wyatt. I don't think that is a thing," said Asong refusing to show me her origin card info. I finally understood what it felt for a mother to be refused to see her baby after giving birth, I know it was insensitive of me to compare my pain to that of a new mother's, but I took my card creation that seriously.

"Asong, you can't do this. As its creator, it is my right." I glared at Asong who seemed to have no intention to show me the origin card info.

"Wyatt, like I said that is not a thing," Asong repeated herself as he headed out of the card lad.

"Asong you are going too far." I was pissed, if not for the ten semi-demigods constantly watching over Asong I would have fed her a calamity daughter core just to read her origin card info. That's how desperate I felt right now. I wouldn't be this desperate if it was some other origin card but this one was the one I created with all my heart like my other cards, so how could I not. This was no longer just my curiosity.

"Hahaha, that was what you get for tricking me. You should see your face, hahaha, so cute. Finally, your expressions match your age." Asong suddenly burst into laughter saying that this was her getting back at me for the events before commencing the creation of her origin card.

"..." My expression became ugly hearing Asong's laughter and reason. But I held in my dissatisfaction and asked, "Well, if you had enough fun at my expense then now can you show me your origin card info?"

"Nope, I haven't had enough, not until you learn not to mess with your elders," said Asong exiting the card lad.

"I didn't think the so-called elder will be so petty," I uttered expressing my displeasure at Asong having the time of her life at my expense.

Hearing me call her petty, Asong suddenly turned Asong turned around and said, "Just because of that you will not be able read my origin card info for another hour."

"You can't do that. As its creator, I demand to read its card info." Another hour of this, I don't think I can survive that long, by that time my curiosity would have pushed my heart out of my throat.

"Why don't you get it? that is not a thing," Asong said in annoyance.

"Hey, I created it, I think I have the right to know what it is," I yelled at Asong's back while following behind her.

"No, you don't. Be happy that I am allowing ou seeing it after an hour. You pestering me only push it further" Asong replied without even turning to face me.

"..." hearing Asong's warning I turned silent.

"You guys seem like bickering exes. I did not think you guys were that close." Anna's voice suddenly sounded, startling Asong. For some reason, she avoid eye contact with her and said, "What are you talking about? I am close to everyone, I am people person remember."

"I don't think that is a thing," hearing my voice from behind her Asong turned to look at me and glared at me with threatening eyes.

"Grandma Asong was the creation a success. Will you be okay now?" Aba ran to Asong and hurriedly asked Asong if her origin card was a success,

As Aba tried to jump into Asong's embrace, Asong moved aside and pinched Aba's ear, and sternly reminded her, "How many times do I have to remind you that I am younger than your father? You should call me Auntie."

"But you look older than him," Aba complained.



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