Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 826 Commence

Chapter 826 Commence

Date- 2 April 2321

Time- 23:35

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234, Card Lab

While Asong was condemning her thoughts she heard, "Asong, I sent you the party request, join it."

"Okay," Asong replied as she confirmed the party request.

Receiving the confirmation of Asong joining the party, I asked, "Asong, you fate ingredient."

"Here," Asong summoned the oddly large storage box, and taking out her fate ingredient she handed it over.

"Okay, everything is now set, let's start with card creation," I announced while going through the ingredients one last time.

[A-rank Deepwater clam monster core x1

A-rank Hairy triton monster shell x1

A-rank Hairy triton monster core x1

B-rank Deep Sea Murex monster shell x1

B-rank Deep Sea Murex monster core x1

A-rank Ocean Dream Turtle monster shell x1

A-rank Ocean Dream Turtle monster core x1

A-rank Measled Cowrie Shelled monster shell x1

A-rank Measled Crowie Shelled monster core x1

A-rank origin core x1

B-rank saltwater weed monster core x1

A-rank Boulder Back turtle monster shell x1

A-rank Boulder Back turtle monster core x1

C-rank Thorn Shell Snail monster shell x1

C-rank Thorn Shell Snail monster core x1

E-rank Clear Water Oyster monster core x1

E-rank Clear Water Oyster monster shell x1

A-rank Water Nymph essence x 10

A-rank Water Nymph core x 10]

Hearing me declare the start of the card creation Asong considerately nodded in agreement because she did not want to interrupt the flow with her unnecessary words.

Holding Asongs fate ingredient deepwater calm monster bivalve shell I took out the origin card from the row of ingredients. Then placing two of them on the card creation page of my grimoire, I transferred the soul pathways of Asong's fate ingredient Deepwater calm monster shell into the origin core. Next, I reached for the A-rank Deepwater clam monster core and transferred its soul pathway into the origin core. Then I fused the soul pathways of the Deepwater clam monster core and bivalve shell, this was easy as these two belonged to the same species of monsters. In fact, by fusing the core with the shell I had rejuvenated the shell's abilities that needed deepwater clam's other organs to function.

Done with at I took the A-rank Water Nymph essence and cores, ten each, and used them to enhance the soul pathways of the deepwater clam shell that was rejuvenated by fusing with the deepwater clam core. I had planned to add numerous features to Asong's origin card so I need her fated ingredient to be strong enough to withstand the fusion of the various abilities.

After enhancing the soul pathways of the rejunavited fate ingredient I decided to begin adding the various features I had stored for Asong's origin card. First I began with transferring the soul pathways of the A-rank Hairy triton monster shell and core to the origin core and then fused it with the enhanced rejunavited fate ingredient, the reason for adding the Hairy triton monster core and shell was the ability of this monster's shell.

The Hairy triton monster's shell was called hairy because of its unique thorns extending out of its shell. There is a purpose for these thorns, they were part of the respiratory system of the Hairy triton monster. This unique respiratory system of the shell not only allowed the monster to breathe deep under water but also purified and filtered the air so that it could supply the monster with fresh and pollutant-free air.

The unique respiratory system of the hairy triton monster wasn't the only reason I chose its core and shell as ingredients for the creation of Asong's origin card, it had another ability that made it a rare commodity, its natural cleansing, and defense mechanism. Unlike humans the hairy triton monster does not have extensions such as arms or tentacles to clean itself, so they are helpless if parasites were to latch on to them or enter their shell. Therefore to fight against and cleanse itself of parasites and other impurities it secretes a liquid that surrounds all the filth and parasite in its body and pushes them out of its body into the body of water in the form of sediment. All shell monsters have such mechanisms with different approaches to deal with the same problem.

After adding the two abilities of the hairy triton monster to the enhanced rejuvenated fate ingredient, I took the Measled Cowrie Shelled monster shell and core and transferred their soul pathway into the origin core.

The abilities that I planned to extract from the Measled Cowrie Shelled monster for Asong's origin core was its shell's unique ability to miniaturize its humongous main body and fit into the shell. The main body of the Measled Cowrie Shelled monster compared to its shell is three or four times bigger. Yet its huge body can fit into its small shell because the shell itself sucks in the main body by actually shrinking it. This ability of the shell makes it a very useful commodity for the creation of advanced storage cards. Though this ability of the shell was unique to itself, other shells of the shelled monsters too address this problem with different approaches.

Then the cleansing and defense mechanism of the Measled Cowrie Shelled monster, it too secretes a chemical that can actually break all the filth and parasites to small molecules that will be discarded through its urination system along with other bodily wastes. As for the respiratory system of the monster its shell does not participate or aid the creature in respiration.

Discarding the rest of the soul pathways to the side in the origin core I add the unique ability of the Measled Cowrie Shelled monster to the modified fate ingredient along with its cleansing and defense mechanism that it uses to keep itself and its shell parasite free.

Though I am extracting the abilities of the other shelled monsters to add to Asong's fate ingredient, I did not think po using the Hairy triton monster and Measled Cowrie Shelled monster shell hardness to Asong's fate ingredient because went it comes to the hardness of the shell of the deepwater clam monster was harder than the other two.


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