Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 728 Aba Windsor

Chapter 728 Aba Windsor

Date- 1 April 2321

Time- 18:19

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234.

"You will address the princess as her highness and not by her name." Agatha who stood by and watched Anna play dress-up with Aba, pounced on me for calling Aba her name. Thanks to Anna's presence her reactions didn't get physical and were limited to verbal.

"Little girl, answer me." Ignoring Agatha I taunt Aba since she did not answer questions.

"You how dare you—" hearing her Princess being addressed as a little girl by a mere card soldier despite her warning Agatha was furious and decided to teach the commoner a lesson with her realm suppression—

"Watch it, Agatha. You are still in my territory. Your master is still in my hands. Any aggression from you will be taken as rebellion and your master will pay for not training her retainer properly. So behave." Anna's words echoed in Agatha's ears.

"Susan, why don't you head home early today. Until Anna and I clean the trash in the warehouse." I said glaring at Agatha. Because of her little stunt of realm suppression, Susan almost fell unconscious if not for Anna's intervention.

"Wyatt, I can—" Susan wanted to stay but was interrupted by me.

"Susan, I will be less stressed knowing you are nowhere near this mess." I grabbed Susan by her shoulders and stared into her eyes asking her to get off work early for my sake.

"Fine, but you pick up when I call. I don't want to be worried sick." Seeing the concern for her in her young lover's eyes Susan felt warm. So she agreed to his request without hesitation.

"Fuck! Shorty, I am sending one of your pictures to your classmates." Anna cussed hearing her crush show concern for another girl.

"What did I do?" Aba panicked and felt wronged for being punished without any fault. Her school life was at stake here. Aba didn't see the irony in it. How many people had to suffer just because she was in a bad mood.

After Susan left I turned to Anna and asked, "Anna what kind of School does a demigod's child attend?"

"There are a few prestigious Schools that only admit the descendants of demigods. It is very luxurious and fancy. But it is mostly attended by 2nd and 3rd-generation descendants of demigods. Direct defendants like this one here and myself included rarely attend such high schools. Unlike this little girl, I was homeschooled by my relatives."

" hmm… I see. Must be expensive as hell." Saying that I clicked a photo of Aba hopping around on her all fours in a bunny oncy using my grimoire.

"You, who gave you permission to take my picture?" Aba finally acknowledged my existence.

"Why would I need anyone's permission to take pictures of my warehouse?" I argued, clicking another picture of an angry Aba pointing at me.

"Hey, little bunny! Focus! If you ruin my shot again I will send two of these images of you to your classmates." Anna snapped at Aba.

"You cow—" hearing Anna call her little bunny Aba almost lost it and called Anna a cow but hurriedly went silent praying that Anna didn't hear her.

"Cow? Wait, I think I have a cow costume stored somewhere here." Anna started going through her storage cards one by one.

"Anna, what a school does this little bunny attend?" I asked Anna while giving Aba a mischievous smile.

"Based on her uniform I guess she attends Excellence high or Skypoint academy. They both have similar uniforms." Answered Anna as she took out a cow costume and added, "Good thing I did not throw these costumes when Luna outgrew them. Lucky for you, little bunny."

"You! Why do you ask where I attend school?" Aba asked me.

"I want to post a few pictures on your school grimoire forum hoping that they will consider giving me a scholarship impressed by my talent in photography," I replied and asked, "Which is it? Excellence high or Skypoint Academy. Doesn't matter, I will post the images on both the school forums. After all, both of them are prestigious academies."

Since Aba was ignoring me and was not answering my questions I decided to use a page from Anna's playbook and threaten her into submission with her embarrassing pictures.

"You can't do that." Aba asserted.

"Why not?" I asked innocently.

"If you want a scholarship in those schools I can help. I can talk to my father and have him pull some strings. You don't need to go through all this trouble of posting images on the school forum."Fuck! Aba bullshitted on my bullshit. And I almost believed her. She made it sound like applying for scholarships in prestigious schools by posting images on their forum was a thing.

"Little bunny, what I want from you is answers to my questions. As long as you truthfully answer them then we are square and I will delete these pictures." Putting a stop to the charades, I informed Aba what I wanted from her.

"Deal, what do you want to know?" Aba readily agreed to my proposition.

"What were your intentions for contacting me? Don't sell the bullshit about requiring my services with the creation of a mutant slime summon origin card." I asked Aba to cut the bullshit and get to the truth.

"The truth is someone asked me to recruit you into my mercenary group. Not only did she ask me to recruit you but she also demanded that I should help you enter the morning star university. She asked me to be discreet about it and not disclose her involvement to anyone." Aba answered truthfully and added, " By the way, I do need your help in the creation of an origin card based on mutant slime summons."

"Who is this person whom you speak of?" I was shocked to learn that someone instructed Aba to recruit me into her mercenary group and help me get admitted into the morning star university.


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