Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 723 Desolate Punisher Array

Chapter 723 Desolate Punisher Array

Date- 1 April 2321

Time- 17:12

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

"Master, I don't know if this helps, but I heard the royal family has a token that gives them direct access to the Space isolation barrier array covering cities. It is rumored that anybody with that token can override the authority of the city array and control it to their will." Hearing his benefactor cuss, Rami hurriedly added.

Rami tried his best to find information on the Space isolation array and Desolate punished array but couldn't due to their special nature. Though he couldn't find any accurate information regarding both the arrays, he still managed to gather some rumors about the arrays. He didn't bring them forward, not knowing if it would be appropriate to relay rumors without checking the facts. But feeling he was of no help, in the end, he wound up deciding to talk about the rumors.

"Interesting, you are proposing that I ask the southern emperor for the token in the rumors to take control of the Sun Blossom city's Space Isolation Barrier array to deal with the branch of the circle in Sun blossom city," I asked Rami.

"I wouldn't dare to. I am sorry I shouldn't have played a part in spreading such rumors by something of it," Rami hurriedly explained himself and apologized for spreading rumors about the Royal family.

"Okay." Rami misunderstood my intentions, but I didn't try to correct him. And asked, "What about the desolate punisher array?"

"I heard one needs to be equipped with a token card to enter this array. This one doesn't seem to be a rumor." Rami retold what he had heard.

"There was no such function to array covering the circle branch in Sky blossom city. What changed?" Realizing this, I checked the copied memories of the clown mask of the security measures used by the circle to protect their hideout, especially the arrays.

'Yin-Yang Harmony Sect' this name popped up when I searched the Desolate Punisher array through the clown masks' copied memories. This array belonged to the Yin-Yang Harmony sect.

According to the alternate future, Circle shouldn't have this array until a few years ahead in the future because the Yin-Yang Harmony sect hadn't allied with the Supreme leader yet. But for some reason, it appears that the alliance between the Supreme leader and the Yin-Yang Harmony sect has formed way ahead compared to the alternative future seen by Clown mask.

What prompted this? I had no idea.

But thankfully, Clown Mask's copied memories had more detailed information on the desolate punisher array.

First, the presence of a desolate punisher array meant that the branch of the circle in Sun blossom city had an Array master from Yin-Yang harmony present. Because the desolate punisher array was the sect's secret, and it wouldn't pass its recipe to the circle despite their alliance. Therefore the sect would send trained array masters to their allies to set up and maintain the array formation to express their friendship. Of course, the circle would be paying a fee to the sect for their service and bare all the expenditures of the array.

From the memories, I knew that a person needs to be equipped with a token card to enter the array and not be targeted by its effects. Rami wasn't wrong about that. And if a person without the token card were to force himself into the array formation, they would face a dire consequence because the desolate punished array involves the silence rule.

The silence rule is why the allies of the Yin-yang harmony sect were willing to pay a high price to add a desolate punisher array to their regular protection array.

Clown Masks' memories had the history and effects of the desolate punisher array. But, it did not have any details on its recipe and workings of the array. Which is required to understand the array better for me to hack it.

"Hmm…" learning about the effects of the desolate punished array, I was bummed because I couldn't try to break through it with force because the silence rule used in the array left little room for struggle. And also because I didn't know how to use rules with arrays. There was nothing about this segment in the notes given by Lorenzo. Incorporating rules in the array formation, I didn't even know it was possible until I learned about the desolate punisher array from Clown Mask's memories.

But there was one plus point in this, the disciple of the Yin-Yang harmony sect that was sent to the circle to arrange and maintain the desolate punisher array. Why would a sect disciple be the one good thing out of this ordeal? The Silence Rune in his ego gem. Since the sect disciple can arrange a desolate punisher array, then that means that he has forged a silence rule rune. The prowess of the silence rule is undisputed. Clans and families are willing to spead a fortune to recruit a card apprentice with the silence rule, but they are scarce and get recruited for sky-high benefits as soon as they hit the job market. The card apprentices with the silence rule have no choice but to join the big prowess of the world because they get hunted for their ego gem.

Almost 65 percent of the world's card apprentices with silence rule are from the Yin-yang harmony sect. The sect was able to maintain this monopoly only because of their ancestral heritage, which allowed their disciples to comprehend the silence rule.

Hunting the disciple of the Yin-Yang harmony sect for their ego gem was akin to signing a death warrant. They would immediately become the enemies of the Sect and their allies. And will be hunted to the end of the world.

Despite knowing the dangers of killing a Yin-yang harmony sect disciple for their rune, I still planned to aim for them because of my Calamity daughter gem. I didn't have to kill them. I could enslave them. After enslaving the sect disciple, I could try to gain insight into the silence rule, borrowing their runes.



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