Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 713 Card Mastery

Chapter 713 Card Mastery

Date- 1 April 2321

Time- 11:17

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

"Demonic Martial Arts is what we call the Martial Arts meant for killing. And I am an expert at that. If you had chosen martial arts meant for defense, I couldn't have been of much help to you." Corey Park explained.

"Demonic Martial Arts? Aren't they plain old traditional martial arts with the word Demonic/Demon added to their name?" I said this because I had gone through Corey's collection of martial arts. They all sounded like traditional martial arts, but they had the word Demonic/Demon added to their name.

"How dare you say such blasphemous words to my face? You take that back!

There is a vast difference between demonic martial arts and traditional martial arts. Demonic martial arts are meant to overcome the suppression of destiny. In comparison, conventional martial arts is to rid all the roots of evil.

Can't you see only hypocrites and vain people practice conventional martial arts as martial arts itself is one of the roots of evil?" Corey Park flipped, hearing me compare demonic martial arts to traditional martial arts. And went on to explain how vain hypocrites practice the conventional martial arts.

"Okay, Demonic martial arts are better than conventional martial arts," I said what Corey Park wanted to hear. I was no expert on martial arts, all I knew about Martial arts was what I read in online novels back on earth. They were just fantasies to me but out here, they are natural. Since I knew nothing about martial arts, I decided to stick with the expert opinion.

"I will forgive you this once because earlier you didn't know any better, but now you know since I have explained it to you. So don't you dare repeat the same mistake twice, understood?" Corey Park questioned.

"Yes, ma'am," I answered, trying to seem genuine.

"Good. Since you want to use martial arts cards, you must know that martial arts and occupation cards are different from other skill cards.

To unlock the potential of Martial arts or occupation cards, you need to undergo vigorous training and practice to understand and gain mastery of said martial arts or occupation cards.

Take a cannon and Bow and arrow, for example.

A cannon doesn't require vigorous training and practice to master it. Any dumbass with a good eye can aim and shoot using the cannon's full power.

But the same is not true for the Bow and arrow. One requires vigorous training and practice to master it. And only by mastering can one expect the full power of the bow and arrow.

Skill cards are like cannons. All you have to do is aim and pull the trigger.

But martial arts or occupational cards are like Bow and Arrow. You require a certain mastery for you to show its full potential. A skilled archer can hit a bullseye no matter the circumstances, but a trainee archer can barely hit the target under normal conditions.

What I am trying to say is no matter how strong your martial arts cards are, you cannot unleash their full potential until you physically reach the mastery level mentioned in the cards." Corey park explained how martial arts or occupational cards are different from regular skill cards. According to her, it is necessary to understand this to uncover the full potential of martial arts cards.

"Okay." I understood what Corey Park was trying to tell because I have experienced something quite similar with my Abyssal Giant Bear Spirit Guard card. It had a beast form martial arts called the Abyssal Giant Bear form.

Back then, my body was fragile and had yet to form a calamity soul gem. Due to my weak body, I couldn't tap into the full potential of the Abyssal Giant Bear form. But still, when I practiced the Abyssal Giant Bear form, it slowly began to use the soul energy to enhance my physique to meet the requirements for unleashing its full potential. Later I never tried practicing it because I had gained the viltronian physique, which was stronger than Abyssal Giant Bear, rendering this card useless.

So I kind of understood what Corey was trying to tell about physically achieving the mastery mentioned in the card info.

"Martial arts or occupation cards are like training wheels. Upon activation, these cards rearrange the related soul pathways in your body according to the directions given in the cards to get the desired effect. How accurate these arrangements are depends on the mastery mentioned in the card.

When you physically start to recognize these soul pathways and understand their arrangement, you begin to physically master the said martial arts or occupation card. When your physical mastery reaches the mastery mentioned in the card, only then can you display the card's full potential.

Over time with enough practice, your physical mastery of the martial arts or occupation card can transcend the mastery mentioned in the card. That will be akin to upgrading your martial arts or occupation card.

For example, let's take Helen's bakery. Its bakery goods are best in the entry Sky Blossom city. People think that because of the baker occupation card she uses. But do you know how many bakeries there are in the city using baker occupation cards?" Corey Park paused

"How would I know?" I answered, thinking Corey Park actually wanted me to answer her question. This misunderstanding was due to Corey Park's untimely pause.

"That was a rhetorical question. And please don't interrupt me again.

There are a lot of bakeries with baker occupation cards. Still, none can compete with Helen's bakery because Helen has physically achieved higher mastery than mentioned in the occupation card itself. Though her occupation card is of low rank, her physical mastery of the occupation has reached that of a high-rank card. That is how she is ahead of her competitors" Corey Park explained how martial arts or occupation cards could be upgraded to achieve the effect of a high-rank card despite being a low-rank card.

"Interesting." I was impressed by the upgradation part of Corey's explanation.


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