Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 708 Garica Twins

Chapter 708 Garica Twins

Date- 1 April 2321

Time- 10:25

Location- Sky Blossom City, Southern Watch military base.

"50 pounds of Mimercornium, that's out of the southern watch's budget for the rookie origin card creation fund," Anna replied. For someone flaunting her wealth earlier, Anna folded pretty quick.

"If you tell me your budget, I can think of a suitable ore for your budget," I said.

"No need. We will go with mimercornium ore." Anna disagreed with my proposal and turned her head to Todd to add, "Since I introduced you guys to such an expensive card creationist. I will bear the extra cost for your origin card creation. This isn't a charity. You will be paying me back in full with interest when you can"

"Thank you for your generosity, commander," Todd yelled, thanking Anna for her help. Though inwardly, he wanted her to switch the current card creationist for platinum or a diamond-grade card creationist.

"Don't mention it." After replying to Todd, Anna turned to me and asked, " Do you need anything else?"

"Nothing else, just the 50 pounds of Mimercornium," I answered Anna.

"I will ask Luna to place an order, and when the 50 pounds of mimercornium becomes available, I will contact you." Since the required ingredient wasn't available for now, we had to push Todd's origin card to creation to a later date.

"Okay." I agreed with Anna.

"Next, the Garcia twins. This one is tricky." Anna gave me heads about the twin's fate ingredient.

"Ollie Garcia and Andy Garcia, greet master Wyatt." Andy Garcia greeted me politely. While his twin Ollie still looked at me sullenly. It seems this one was as stubborn as a bull. Despite being punished by Anna twice, his wings didn't clip.

"Nice to meet you. Name your Fate ingredient and type of origin card you want." I asked.

"Fate ingredient is the bone marrow of baby dragon. We want a martial skill-type card." Answered Andy Garcia.

"Aren't there two of you? Shouldn't you two have two fate ingredients?" I was confused. As the twin only named one fate ingredient for the two of them.

"Master Wyatt, we both share the same fate ingredient," Andy answered, clearing my confusion, and I finally understood what Anna meant by tricky. Ollie Garcia and Andy Garcia, their fate ingredients were the same. This type of thing was a rare occasion and only seen in twins.

"Wait, you guys want me to create two origin cards using one fate ingredient. This is more than tricky and edging on the line of impossible." Creating two origin cards using a single origin card is more than just challenging but stupidity. Do I divide the fate ingredient into two to create origin cards? How would one go about that?

"Don't think of cutting the fated ingredient into two. That will only damage the fate ingredient in the best-case scenario, but in the worst-case scenario, the fate ingredient will be wasted." Anna advised me.

"..." I looked at Anna with a grudge. Because it became clear to me that she brought the twins to me because all the platinum and diamond card creationists under her must have denied this particular case.

Feeling my glare, Anna hurriedly said to the Garica twins, " Rookies, hurry and tell master Wyatt about the rules you two have comprehended."

"Commander, we haven't comprehended any rules yet." Andy Garica replied in embarrassment.

"..." Hearing Andy's response, Anna's smile became awkward.

"Enough. I have thought of a way to create two origin cards with one single fate ingredient, but I don't know if it will be successful." I put forward what I could do for Anna to decide whether she would continue with my expertise or try her luck elsewhere.

"How much is the chance of success?" Anna asked me to give her a number to work with.

"I can not say for sure because I have never tried this before." The Gracia twin's situation was an impossible challenge. The word impossible made me excited. I wanted to prove that it was possible. But this matter doesn't just concern me but the twins too. If I failed, they would have lost the only fate ingredient they could find in their lifetime. Therefore I need to be innovative and patient about this.

"Boss, I may have something that may help." Corey, who was waiting with Susan and Ann, suddenly pitched in.

"Little girl, don't interrupt when adults are at work here." Anna dismissed Corey's help without listening to what she had to say.

"Shut up, you cow. I was not speaking to you." Corey snapped at Anna.

"It's time." said Anna as she flickered in front of Corey and added, " Time for me to accept my responsibilities as your godmother and teach you some manners."

"What the…" Corey jumped back as Anna appeared next to her out of nowhere.

"Don't get scared, my little goddaughter. This won't hurt." Anna flickered again, and this time, she appeared behind Corey and grabbed her by her neck.

"Let go. You damn cow." Corey didn't cower in fear in front of Anna's Emperor realm might. Instead, she struggled harder despite no fruits to show for it. It was a fruitless effort.

*Slap* *Slap*

Lifting Corey in the air by her neck, Anna started to slap Corey's butt, "little girl, blame yourself for forcing me to use corporal punishment on you."

No matter how painful it was, Corey did not let out a single cry because she was that prideful and also because it would make her situation more embarrassing than it was.

Neither Susan nor I came to Corey's rescue because we had already stuck our necks out in front of Anna for Corey twice. Corey had to learn not to piss off people stronger than her. And also, Anna's punishment was more about shaming Corey than killing her, so I guessed that it should be okay. I hope Corey will learn her lesson. After a good five minutes of ass slapping, Anna let go of Corey. Corey's legs had grown numb due to the pain. She had a hard time standing. Still, she stood straight stubbornly.


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