Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 674 Ivy

Chapter 674 Ivy

Date- 31 Mar 2321

Time- 19:52

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

"Corey!" Susan gave Corey the stink eye.

"What? It's not my fault that I am too straightforward." Corey replied nonchalantly.

"You are not straightforward. You are rude. What makes it worse is that you know that and still choose to continue as such. Go bring the mop and clean this goo on the floor." Susan gave Corey an earful and punished her by having her clean the gore goo that spilled as Kane's summons came out of its fruit. Despite its stickiness, the fragrance emitted by the gore goo made it bearable.

"Fine!" Corey wanted to use her cleaning cards but chose not to, thinking that would piss off Susan even more.

"Master Wyatt, what do I do about this vine?" Asked Kane, grabbing hold of the placenta-like vine connecting his belly button with his summons's belly button.

"Following childbirth rules, we should cut it but let's ask the expert," I said, pointing at Kane's summons. After all, she knew her body the best.

"She says she can use it to strengthen the bond between us. And is asking my permission to do so." Kane consulted my advice. After the whole memory-sharing ordeal, he did not dare to take his origin card's capabilities and the effects of his decision on it lightly.

"I don't know. But I guess she knows what she is doing, so let's just trust her with this." Memory sharing is one thing, but this shit, a vine-like placenta connecting a card apprentice to his summons, was my first time dealing with such a crazy situation. Therefore, I decided to trust the summons after all. Its role was to protect Kane. So it will not harm Kane in any way.

"... Okay." With too little information, Kane had no choice but to trust his summons and hope everything works out in the end.

"Kek ku" Though the summons made a weird noise, we could tell that she was trying to assure Kane. Then she removed the baby-pink pullover and handed it back to Susan. Giving the warehouse a complete view of her ample curves tied in a tiny rose-red petal bikini.

Then in a flash, she vanished. Not just her. There was no sign of the Vine-like placenta either. There was no sign of the summon or the placenta left. Thankfully, my soul pupils were active, and I recorded that she did not vanish but instead retracted back into Kane's naval region. I didn't think that was possible.

*Gulp* The subsequent second, two large leaves about 3 meters in size burrowed out of the floor and warped around Kane in an egg shape.

"Wa-ah!" Susan couldn't help but cry in surprise. Seeing two large leaves warp Kane into an egg.

"Don't worry. He is okay. I think he is undergoing metamorphosis induced by his summons. It must be regarding using the Vine-like placenta to strengthen the bond between them." I explained even before Susan asked me.

"Guys, move aside. I need to mop this." Said Corey, holding a bucket of water and a mop to clean the goo covering the warehouse floor.

"What are you doing? A mop and bucket of water are not enough to clean this. Use your cleaning card." I didn't mean to undermine Susan's punishment, but I didn't want to bear watching the fragrant goo covering my warehouse floor any longer.

"You are the best, Boss!" Yelled Corey and hurriedly used her cleaning card to clean the goo. Fearing that Susan would change her boss's mind.

Soon the leaves that were warping Kane, unwrapped and retreated into the ground back where they came from. Leaving behind a tall, hunky Kane. The skinny body, which outlined all of its bones, had turned into a well-chiseled muscular chick magnet. Kane's current fit body could be considered beyond handsome. His well-defined jawlines made me wonder if he was the same timid kid who came to me searching for the power to handle his bully problem. Kane had gone through a total makeover, similar to a certain legendary skinny cadet who transformed into a buff captain.

"Corey, close your mouth and wipe the drool," Kane advised looking at the astonished Corey, whose jaw hung open in shock and unconsciously drooled over the hard piece of meat in front of her.

"What, no" Corey hurriedly closed her mouth and wiped the drool.

"What is that spiral imprint on your abdomen originating from your naval region and coiling around your belly button?" I asked Kane, pointing at the red spiral tattoo that looked like a thorny vine coiling around his naval. It wasn't present before Kane's metamorphosis.

"That's a bond imprint between me and my summons. Or at least that's what she said." Kane pointed at his summons, who reappeared out of thin air. This time she wasn't wearing a rose-red petal bikini but a velvet tight-fitting mini dress with a deep V-neck, which emphasized her ample bosom while giving a full view of her deep cleavage.

"I think you should give her a name. It feels wrong to keep addressing her with pronouns." Anna pointed out. She seemed to have experience taking care of a pet or a summons.

"Master Wyatt, you created her. That makes you almost her father. So I think you should give her a name." Kane tried to make a good gesture, but he chose his words very poorly.

"If creating the card makes Wyatt her father. With that logic, since you gave birth to her, that makes you her mother. Together you three make one happy family." Commented Corey, trying hard not to laugh.


"Yes, Boss."

"Shut The Fuck Up!"

"Kane, you name her yourself." Telling Corey to shut the hell up. I coldly rejected Kane's offer to name his summons.

"Master Wyatt, I am sorry. I didn't mean it that way. But please give my summons a name. It would mean a lot to me." Kane did not take a no for an answer and pleaded with me to give his summons a name.

To shut Kane up, I had no choice but to give his summons a name,

"Ivy... From the plant Poison Ivy."


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