Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 665 Ingredients List

Chapter 665 Ingredients List

Date- 31 Mar 2321

Time- 16:26

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234.

It took a while, but I finally had mapped out what Kane's origin card would be and how I would go about creating it. Meanwhile, Susan had just returned after procuring the ingredients mentioned in the list of ingredients I gave her, specifying the ingredients I require to get started with origin card creation.

Apart from the list, I needed two other ingredients they were right here, Vivian's blood rule and the DNA material of the Elder druids in her forbidden garden to create a Viltroinian Ironwood variant of the elder druid.

"Wyatt, here are the ingredients you asked for." Said Susan handing me a storage trunk card. It did not take long for Susan to procure the ingredients on the list as there were only five items on the list.

[ 1. A-Rank Entwives core - 2 soul Jades

2. A-Rank Treant core - 3 Soul Jades

3. B-Rank Wild Fist Arts - 5 Soul Jades

4. A-Rank Mandrake roots - 2 soul Jade

5. Origin Core - Free

Total Cost - 12 Soul Jades ]

Entwives are female Ent, humanoid tree monsters. They have abilities that allow them to grow and manipulate trees. Boss Ent can even raise and control an entire forest. According to Kane, he didn't want just a wooden shapeshifting blow-up doll, he wanted a combat-ready wooden shapeshifting blow-up doll that not only takes care of his carnal appetite but also helps him exact vengeance on his bullies. So the abilities of the Entwives, which allows them to control and grow trees and forest, will come in handy in Kane's origin card as strong crowd control abilities.

Treant, sentient but violent tall tree monsters. Their close combat prowess is second to none in A-Rank monsters. Their huge build and hefty weight give them a massive advantage in close combat. Their herculean strength and elemental resistance abilities will give Kane's origin card the capabilities required to have an excellent defense as a close combatant.

Wild Fist arts, since Kane's origin card, is going to be a humanoid combat summons. It requires one or two martial techniques up its sleeves so that it can actually fight in close combat and not just take hits. I wanted to add more similar martial arts, but no high-ranking combat arts suitable for Kane's origin card were available in the city.

Mandrake's roots look bizarrely like a human body, and high-ranking mandrakes can even come in humanoid male and female forms. They are mostly known for their medicinal properties. They have high vitality and regeneration abilities. Its capabilities will make up for the support abilities in Kane's origin card. If everything goes as per the map I have for Kane's origin card, then Kane will not only be able to use his origin card for his urges and combat but also to eat its roots and heal himself. Or maybe even sell a few roots of his origin card as ingredients because of their high medical properties.

I decided to add the D-Rank Arborist occupation card to Kane's origin card since I no longer had any use for it. And also because it will enhance the effect of the tree/forest growth and manipulation abilities extracted from the A-rank Entwives core.

Now that everything was mapped out, all that remained was the card creation part. This time the card creation will be different from the usual. Unlike the previous times, this time, I will be entering a party of three along with Kane and Vivian so that Vivian can add her blood clone meaning of the blood rule to the creation process of Kane's origin card. This wasn't something new, many card creationists do this, but this was the first for me.

"Kane, do you have any combat arts cards on you?" B-rank Wild Fist Arts will not be enough for Kane's origin card to become an excellent fighter. It requires more cards. Therefore I asked if he had any high-ranking combat arts.

"I do. When my mother saw me return from school with bruises, she bought me the best martial technique cards to fight my bullies. But they are all C-rank cards." Kane was a silver-grade grimoire holder. The highest card rank he could equip was limited to C-rank.

"That won't do," I said in disappointment, if I wanted C-rank combat arts then there were tonnes of them available in the guild association mall.

"Do you need high-ranking martial arts cards? I have some with me. Here, pick the ones you like." Offered Corey passing a stake of cards to me. I hesitated before taking the cards as she was being oddly generous.

"Whoa! So many A-rank Martial Arts cards. It's good being second-generation rich." Going through the stack of cards, I was dumbfounded to see so many high-ranking martial arts cards in Corey's possession.

"For your information. I created those cards. And I am not giving them to you for free. Select the ones you like and pay for them in full." Hearing Corey claim that she had created the high-rank martial arts cards, I rolled my eyes as I knew she was lying.

"By you, you mean your Ego fire, right!" I commented. Corey had a good foundation for card creation, but she did not have the required knowledge of martial arts to turn them into cards successfully. If not, Corey, then it had to be Corey Park Corey's Ego Fire. So Corey was just a fraud trying to steal glory off of Corey Park's work.

"Shut up! She is part of me. So what she does is automatically done by me." I didn't know that Corey was such a credit hog. Or is she willing to do anything to prove that she is a better card creationist than me?

"Whatever? By the way, why do most of these cards have the word Demon in their names? What is your fascination with demons?" Going through Corey's martial arts cards, I noticed that most of them have the word demon in their name.


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