Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 661 No More Excuses

Chapter 661 No More Excuses

Date- 31 Mar 2321

Time- 15:45

Location- Sky Blossom City, Burger Empire.

"Since there is nothing here in need of my assistance, I will leave now." Said Anna as she flew to leave.

"Ahem! Anna, little help with this isolation array." I hurriedly asked Anna to help me get out of the isolation array.

"Wait here. I am sure the authorities will shut down the isolation array once they know that threat has been neutralized." Anna replied to my plea for help with advice as she hovered in the air.

"Come on, Anna, don't be like that. Take me with you. If it's up to the authorities, it will take hours before they decide to put me in quarantine or let go of me." I flew next to hovering Anna and pleaded for her help once again.

Even though I have handled the demon cultist problem, the city hall will not remove the isolation imposed on Burger Empire block because this site has been used for extraterrestrial summoning. Opening the door to an unknown realm for summoning is very dangerous, especially when that unknown realm is the Demon realm and requires sacrifice. There have been cases where powerful unknown entities smuggled through the summoning door when someone tried sacrificial summoning.

Powerful entities aren't the only ones. Various diseases from other realms have plagued the world by using the summoned beings as their carriers. A malicious entity can be subdued with some casualties, but a plague will lead to genocide before its cure is found. Therefore, sacrificial summoning is strictly banned by the orthodox side of the world, that is, the Government, 4 Royal families, and the Noble families of the central region.

Since the Burger Empire block was used for sacrificial demonic summoning, the authorities will first put this block in an extended quarantine then sweep and sanitize the entire block to make sure it is not compromised with unknown entities and diseases which could harm humanity of this world before they remove the isolation imposed on it by the city's array formation. As a person who breathed the air of this isolated space, I, too, would be put in quarantine until it is proved that I did not have the potential to become patient zero. Therefore I needed someone of Anna's authority to get me out of here.

"Wyatt, the rules are made for a purpose. Don't break them because of a bit of inconvenience." Said Anna, but her eyes spoke a different story, 'Now you need me. No, not me but my authority. You heartless lowlife. Like everyone else, you only plan on using my background. To think I would fall for you out of all those capable men. Sigh, I still cannot bring myself to punish you. You better coax for another week, then we will be okay.'

"Oh, shit! I am so sorry, Anna. I forgot about our breakfast appointment. I am sorry. Let me make it up to you." While I was thinking of how to please Anna, I remembered I seemed to have promised to take her out for breakfast, just the two of us. No wonder she looks pissed. But why didn't she remind me? She was right there with me in the warehouse. I know better than to ask her that. Therefore I stuck to classic kiss-assery.

"Oh! Now you remember, hmph." Anna snorted with a snarky remark. As if saying I only remember her when I am in trouble. Though I have my trust issues, I have no qualms regarding using Anna for my needs. Yep, I am a lowlife jerk who uses his past life as an excuse to use the girl who claims to like him.

I did it again, 'claims.' How does a person know if the girl really likes you? I am having a hard time discerning romantic relations or any relationship for that matter. This explains why I did not think twice before adding the parent and daughter ability of the dungeon calamity core to my Calamity soul core. I am broken, fuck it! No more excuses. Time to take action. I won't let the fear of getting hurt stop me in this life.

"Anna!" Grabbing Anna by her waist, I pull her into my embrace and lock my lips on hers.

"..." Surprised, Anna shoved me away, "what the heck are you doing?"

*Bang* I crashed on the ground below. Caught by surprise, she did not have time to adjust her strength. Thankfully she managed to hold back subconsciously. Yet, it resulted in half of my ribs cracking.

"What the heck?! I should be the one asking that." I got up and stipped out a mouthful of blood. Then yelled while restructuring my cracked ribs to normal.

"What! You are the one who kissed me without permission. You're lucky that I didn't kill you." Anna shouted.

"Six cracked ribs, how is this considered lucky? And what permission? You kiss me without my consent all the time." I yelled back. Despite Anna harming me, the soul contract between us didn't activate as I was the aggressor. Fuck! Even the world's will is a better judge of relationships than I.

"That's different. I do it because I like you. Not because I want to use you." Anna finally spoke her mind, revealing that she knew I was using her.

"..." I was without words realizing that Anna wasn't pissed because I forgot the breakfast I promised her, but there was more. She had finally walked out of the initial blind infatuation stage and noticed that her feelings were only one way. And despite all her work, they weren't being responded to and reciprocated.

"And what were you thinking by kissing me out of nowhere? Did you think I would cave to your demands for a kiss? You lowlife asshole, you are no different than other jerks I hooked up with before." Anna screamed at me feeling betrayed.

"I wanted to ask you out on a dinner date after the kiss. You know, as you would. This is what I get for being a little active, six cracked ribs, and being labeled as a lowlife asshole. I'm done trying, take me home." I slowly flew back towards Anna, explaining that I wanted to make it up to her by taking her out on a dinner date for having forgotten about our promised breakfast.


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