Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 657 It is a She!

Chapter 657 It is a She!

Date- 31 Mar 2321

Time- 15:26

Location- Sky Blossom City, Burger Empire.

"Okay, That's enough." Saying that, with one hand, I grab the cloaked figure's wrist that is holding me hostage, and with the other, I try to remove the duplicate Devil Skull Mask on my face. But Devil Skull Mask seemed to have fused with my face. I wanted to use more force, but my facial skin started hurting, and I felt that if I were to pull any harder, I might rip off my face with the mask.

Therefore I decided to deal with the duplicate Devil Skull Mask stuck on my face by destroying its essence, the black malicious intent, which is currently trying to take over my Calamity Soul gem. And my hunch was correct. The duplicate Devil Skull Mask on my face crumbled to pieces when I decided to fight back the malicious intent covering and trying to breach the dungeon calamity seed shell of Ego Gem using the ability of calamity soul gem. With my order, calamity soul gem fought back and easily defeated the malicious intent of the Devil Skull Mask trying to take control over me. As the malicious intent was defeated, the duplicate Devil Skull Mask was destroyed, and its pieces fell off my face.

"What the heck?" Seeing me conscious and hearing my vitality words, the Cloaked figure was astonished. Despite the shock, she had the presence of mind to take a few steps back to escape to a safe distance, but my hand grabbing her wrist stopped her from backing away. Another tremendous shock struck her when she saw the duplicate Devil Skull Mask on my face crumble to pieces. In disbelief, she could not help but question me, "How are you able to resist the Devil Skull Mask?"

"..." I responded to her question with a scorn-filled sneer. At the same time, I took a moment to see who was actually hiding under the hood. This was the first time, after such a long battle, I was finally able to see what the cloaked figure looked like. I couldn't see her face as the Devil Skull Mask covered it.

Yes, the Cloaked figure is a she. Due to the baggy robe covering her body, it was hard to notice her physical distinctions that distinctively spoke that the cloaked figure was a woman and a voluptuous one at that. But knowing the ability of her origin card allowed her to morph any human into the original's appearance. Knowing the truth, I was disgusted with what I saw under the rode instead of appreciating it. Who knows if the clone was a man before the Cloaked figure used her duplicate Devil Skull Mask on him, morphing him into her image to make a perfect clone. And the thought that this woman tried to use such an ability on me made me angry so much that I added her to the top of my 'To Destroy' list. Sansa Baylor, Circle's Supreme Leader, and the Duskborn family were right behind.

Sansa Baylor took more priority above the Circle's Supreme leader because she was the one who orchestrated the misfortune that fell the Wyatt Family. I was sure of it because no friend would send about three dozen card emperors to assassinate their late friend's only son. Considering that Sansa Baylor was Mama Wyatt's oldest relation even before the Duskborn family excommunicated her, I had a feeling that this Bitch was behind everything that transpired with the Wyatt Couple before and two decades after they moved to the Sky Blossom City. My gut told me that this Woman was more dangerous than the Circle's Supreme Leader.

But above all of my enemies, my greatest enemy would be the Cloaked figure and her disgusting ability. Come to think of it, the greatest enemy of mankind was the Cloaked figure with her ability to turn a man into a mindless voluptuous woman. Compared to what this woman can do to a man, any man would choose death over it. The miserable ending she could give to a man using her duplicate devil mask was worse than castration. Nope, both are worse. This bitch needs to be put to the ground. Not just for me but for the entire mankind. Now, that's something of a novel battle I would consider joining selflessly.

"Is it the ego gem? No, even though the ego gem has a natural defense against soul attacks still, when it comes to soul attacks, an average card apprentice's ego gem should not be the match of Devil Skull Mask.

There is something amiss here. That is you! Did that bitch give a card that can ward off soul attacks? Wait! That ring! Is that it? It helped you ward off the Devil Skull Mask's Soul attack, right! How much does that bitch care for you to waste one of her item card slots in her grimoire for your safety?

Fuck! It seems I underestimate your value to her. Hahaha! This is going to be for fun than I had thought. Killing you should make her feel the fraction of pain I felt back then." The Cloaked figure started to mumble to herself.

For some reason, she seemed to believe the curse eating ring given to me by Anna as protection against the curse-type attacks was the reason I was able to overcome the ability of her Devil Skull Mask. This was a misunderstanding I didn't bother to clear because if the cloaked figure didn't get an answer, she would continue digging deeper into my secrets for an answer. That's not something I want right now.

But I also could not let her conclude because the last time she got the answers to her question, she self-detonated herself to escape my grasp. Similarly, right now, if she doesn't need anything from me right now, nothing is stopping her from detonating herself again to escape my grasp. So I had to give her a reason to stay. But I wasn't foolish enough to clear her misunderstanding for that. But I had something juicier than that to stop her from exploding her clone.

"Aba Davies…"


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