Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 653 Demonic Titanoboa

Chapter 653 Demonic Titanoboa

Date- 31 Mar 2321

Time- 14:02

Location- Sky Blossom City, Burger Empire.

*Boom* the cloaked figure detonated herself to escape from me. Thanks to my viltronian physique, I was fine except for a few scratches. But I felt disgusted smelling the blood, gore, and charred flesh on me. So I could not help but curse, "Fuck! I should really get myself one of those cleaning cards."

Pissed! I activated my soul pupils to search for the perp, but to my shock, I found numerous copies of the single-horned cloaked figure circling the entire Burger empire block.

"1000!" I yelled in alarm as Hive AI was done counting the number of cloaked figures clones I spotted with my soul pupils. When I was about to make some sense of the situation, the 1000 single-horned cloaked figures clones sacrificed themselves for a massive demon summoning ritual.

*Hisss!* loud slithering sounds sounded throughout the city. With the sacrifice of the 1000 clones, the cloaked figure summoned one thousand 30-meters long demonic Titanoboa from the corpses of the sacrificed clones.

"Fuck!" I couldn't help but cuss, seeing that, this time, too, I was the target of the summoned demonic creatures. A city full of tender meat humans and these creatures only targeted me. But thanks to this, the civilian casualty was low, and they could move to a secure location in a safer place far from this demonic mayhem.

Thanks to the cloaked figures' strategic placing of the sacrifice, a nest of a thousand 30-meter-long demonic Titanoboa had surrounded me, and they were closing in on me at a fast pace. With my viltronian flight, I could fly away and leave this mess for the authorities to clean up while I searched for the true body of the cloaked figure to put an end to all of this, but I had no idea where to begin the search.

Therefore I decided to play the cloaked figure's game until I got the slightest hint of how they could create and control so many perfect clones that could be accepted as sacrifices by demonic rituals.

The sacrifice in demonic rituals has always been flesh, blood, and soul. Stronger the power of the sacrifice used in the demonic ritual stronger the returns. The demonic creatures are very strict about this. Therefore it was shocking to see the demon realm accept the clones as valid sacrifices. As clones were nothing but cheap copies of the originals, made using their soul energy or rule energy or both.

If that was odd, this one is suspicious. How was the cloaked figure able to control so many perfect clones without being in the nearby vicinity? Knowing that clones need to be guided and instructed to do what they are doing, I scanned the surroundings, searching for a suspicious card apprentice who may be commanding these clones, but that was a dead end. There were no suspicious card apprentices in the surroundings, with the soul pathway arrangements matching the single-horned cloaked figure's soul pathway arrangements.

This could only mean that the single-horned clocked apprentice had the ability to control his clones from a long distance. Making it impossible for me to track the culprit behind the Burger empire mayhem. Leaving me no choice but to participate in his play, hoping that I could get some clue or hint with regard to the cloaked figure and his cloning abilities.

"Summon! Stone viltronian x 3" with no choice left, I summoned the remaining three stone viltronian's from my monster orb item card.

"Stone Vitronian's, calamity daughter core second transformation, titan form activate!" With my command, the Boss stone viltronian and the other two stone viltronian's transformed into titan stone viltronians. And then stood on guards facing three different directions with their backs towards me. Preparing to fight the incoming one thousand demonic Titanoboa.

"Titans, Stone manipulation! Spiked Spinning Top!" As the demonic Titanoboas near me, I commanded the Titan Stone Viltronians to execute the spiked spinning top move I used against Vivian and her reverse harem in the school tournament. But this one would be on a ten times larger scale than the one excited in the tournament.

Following my command, the titan stone viltronians used stone manipulation to create a huge spiked stone dome, which was laid on a large circular stone foundation of the same diameter as the stone dome and with four of us inside it. By the time the spiked top was set up, the one thousand Titanoboas were about 100 feet from us.

The Titanoboas were of the card lord realm, similar to my titian stone viltronians. Though the Titanoboas were 30 meters long, they were puny in front of my 50-Meter tall stone dome created by my titan stone viltronians. Despite seeing me hide in such a large stone dome, the one thousand Titanoboas did not stop their advance. Instead, their speed increased, ready to break through the stone dome with their large bodies. But they would soon come to regret that.

"Spin!" Just when the demonic creatures were about to crash onto the stone dome, I ordered the titan stone viltronians to use their stone manipulation to spin the spiked stone dome at the highest speed possible.

*Whoosh!* With my command, the titan stone viltronians spun the stone dome at an incredible speed.

*Splash!* clashing into the spinning spiked stone top, the demonic boas were turned into a bloody mess and died on the spot. Backed by the spin of the stone dome, the spikes on it ripped the scale armor of the demonic Titanoboa and cut through its flesh and bones.

"Hisss!" Despite seeing their friends ripped apart, the demonic Titanoboas at the back did not stop rushing towards the spiked spinning stone top. Their action seemed out of the ordinary, they appeared to be in a frenzied state. It seemed to be the side effect of the oath taken during the demonic ritual that they would not rest until they had fulfilled the summoned request. Even if demonic creatures decide to give up, their soul will be forced by the oath to fulfill the contract.

The demonic summon contract is a contract signed by the summoner and demonic creature when the summoner summons the demonic beast. The agreement forces both sides to fulfill their part of the bargain if anyone decides to blackout. Meaning if one has signed a demonic contract, they have no choice but to hold up their end of the deal. Otherwise, their soul will be enchanted by the demonic contract forcing them to hold up the terms of their agreement.

The demonic summon contract is the reason why the demonic Titanoboa entered into a frenzied state when they were frightened by the massacre of their cohort by the spiked spinning stone top and had lost the will to fight. Since the demonic Titanoboas had lost the will to fight, the demonic contract put them under a frenzy state, making it so that they would lose all sense, enter a berserk state and go on a killing spree.

*Splash* like the moth to the fire, the demonic Titanoboas kept rushing at the spiked spinning stone top without the care of their life and kept getting shredded to pieces. It took a while, just when I thought that I would be able to kill the demonic beasts quickly without moving a muscle. The demonic creatures proved me wrong.

*Boom!* The foundation of the spiked spinning top was hit by the Titanoboa from underneath. Disgusted by the gore flying all over the place I didn't notice that some of the Titanboas were not in a frenzied state and they cleverly burrowed underground to attack the spinning top's base from underneath.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

The attack of the demonic Titianoboas from underneath the ground became stronger and more frequent. I finally understood what the demonic beasts were trying to achieve. They wanted to flip the spinning top over from underneath.

"No, you don't! Titans, stone manipulation! Move!" With my command, the titan stone viltronians began moving the spiked spinning top. Since a stationary target made an easy target, I had the stone viltrionians move the spinning top around at the fastest speed possible.

I had to finish all the demonic snakes on the surface to get to the demonic snakes attacking from the underground. Instead of waiting at a single point for the frenzy demon snakes to come to their deaths, I began actively hunting for them. Avoiding the attacks from underneath.

One by one, I hunt the giant demonic snakes, more like I keep moving to avoid the attacks from underneath, and the frenzy snakes on the surface throw themselves onto the spiked spinning stone top to their deaths. After a few minutes of this, I finally saw the number of giant snakes decrease. About another hundred were left on the surface, and underneath the ground, I had yet to tally. Even with my soul pupils and Hive AI teaming up, I still could not find how many of the snakes were hiding underneath.


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