Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 388: Sky Up and Above

Chapter 388: Sky Up and Above

Date- 28 Mar 2321

Time- 09:07

Location- Southern Capitol region, SS-rank Gate dungeon Storm Horse Grassland

“Wyatt, I appreciate your thirst for knowledge, but Anna is right. We should get back to the demonstration of your cards. Then we can discuss how you created rune cards without knowing what they are.” Luna seemed to agree with Anna and asked me to continue the demonstration.

“Sure, let’s get back to the demonstration. Girls activate tier two mecha exoskeleton armor.” I had no choice but to continue with the demonstration since I could not press Luna to talk about false relics when my client Anna herself was the one who ordered us to stop talking and get back to work.

“Activate tier 2, Gale Eagle Rider Mecha Exoskeleton Armor.”

“Activate tier 2, Terrain Back Tortoise Mecha Exoskeleton Armor.”

Cortney and her mother simultaneously activated the second tier of their beast rider ring cards. With that blinding Green and Yellow light burst out from Cortney and her mother’s power suit. The next second, as the light vanished, Cortney and her mother were dawning Green and Yellow color 7-meter tall exoskeleton armor, respectively.

Cortney and her mother’s mecha exoskeleton armor were not only in different colors, but they also were created with different fighting styles in mind. Cortney’s exoskeleton had wings and was built to provide support and artillery. In contrast, her mother’s exoskeleton was covered in a bulk armory and was constructed to withstand massive damage and act as a tank. But all in all, both exoskeletons increased the physical and close combat abilities of their host by a considerable margin. Not to mention the hot weaponry mounted on both the exoskeleton. They had enough firepower to take on tens of card apprentices of the same realm.

“Ladies, will you be kind enough to demonstrate what these so-called exoskeleton armors are capable of?” I asked Cortney and her mother not to hold back and display the destruction the second tier of the Beast mech card can create.

“With pleasure”

“With pleasure”

“Activate Gale Wing force shield.”

“Activate Terrain Shell force shield.”

“Activate Dual Gatling machine Blasters.”

“Activate Terrain back Mounted Gatling Cannon.”

The Clown Mask and her daughter happily agreed to my request. They both activated their defensive force shields and fired at each other with their heavy-duty Gatling blasters and cannon. Thankfully the force fields of both of the exoskeleton were strong enough to handle the point-blank damage. Hence nobody was harmed.

“Activate energy blade.”

“Activate energy blade.”

Once, the dual mounted Gatling blasters and Gatling cannon were on standby for a reload of ammunition. Courtney and her mother decided to fight in close combat as they activated the energy blades of their exoskeleton.

“Okay, that’s enough. Let’s quit while nobody is hurt.” Seeing that the Clown mask and her daughter were going to clash with each other, equipping their energy blades, I ordered them to stop it and be on stand-by for further orders.

“Aw, it was so much fun. Why did you stop us? I promise we will be careful.” Cortney complained as she retracted the energy blade of her exoskeleton.

“No can do. I am not worried about you. I am concerned about the exoskeleton. Any massive damage to the armor can reduce the card’s durability. And once the card durability is below 70, the card will automatically deactivate and enter a dormant state until the structural memory recovery ability of the synonium alloy heals the damaged armor. With that, the card’s durability will return to the original durability. And you can once again activate the card.

There is an override function to stop the card from deactivating itself once the card durability reaches below 70. Doing this means if the exoskeleton or the beast mecha are destroyed in action. The original card durability will be penalized by -3 card durability permanently.” I explained the consequence of the exoskeleton and the beast mecha taking heavy damage.

“Why do this?” Luna did not understand why I would add such a complicated function to the card and could not help but ask me curiously.

“These exoskeleton and beast mechas are not your typical golem or puppets. Each of the mechas has an energy reactor within them, and these reactors are the heart of the mechas. If the reactor takes any considerable damage, it will explode, detonating the exoskeleton or the beast mecha. Once the exoskeleton or mecha explodes, you can imagine what will happen to the card apprentice riding them. If lucky, his card will be penalized with permanent -3 durability stats. If not, he can lose his life.

Not to mention broken runes power these mechas, so the fireworks from them exploding will be deadly. Don’t worry, on the battlefield, if the situations were to take such a turn, then the explosion will not only claim the lives of the allies but the enemies too without any discrimination. All I am trying to say is to look at the bright side.” Pax’s Iron Flesh was an origin card, and it did not have durability, not rating making it impossible for his mecha’s reactors to turn into a ticking bomb, so I did not bother to add this function to his mecha.

“Holy shit, self-detonation. Could this armor become any more awesome?” Cortney yelled in excitement. This one was looking past the bright side and was thinking of using the reactor explosion as a suicide bombing.

“I knew you would love it. Hey, why don’t you try the Gale Fight system of your exoskeleton? I bet you will love more.” I knew Cortney, who loved hoverbikes, would fall in love with this card in an instant.

“Get out of here. can it do that?” Cortney looked at me with doubt because the flight system for the second tier of gale eagle was not mentioned in the card info.

“Those wings are not for show, you know? Try the command activate Gale flight mode” I affirmed that the Gale eagle exoskeleton could fly.

“Gale Eagle exoskeleton armor, activate Gale flight mode.” Following my advice, Cortney asked her armor to switch to flight mode and flew to the sky up and above.


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