Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 2209 Ann Was An Accident III

Chapter 2209  Ann Was An Accident III

Having warned the outside help not to gossip about Anna and her origin card, the Soldier Queen and the Southern Jewel jointly head out to spend quality granddaughter and grandmother time ignoring Lorenzo and Leo's pleas to look further into Anna's origin card. The brothers did not dare to press too hard as they were very aware of the Soldier Queen's quick temper. Left with no choice Lorenzo contacted the Southern Ruler to update him on Anna's origin card and seek his wise advice. Learning that there was an accident during his only grandchild's first origin card creation the Southern Ruler left his post at the Way Beyond to his still single son and hurried to the palace. Though Soldier Queen repeatedly assured her husband and daughter that there was nothing wrong with Anna. However, seeing the 180-degree shift in Anna's personality they insisted on studying her origin card to make sure Anna was truly alright. The Southern Ruler, himself, took on the task of uncovering the mystery of Anna's origin card despite the repeated pleas of his family, entourage, and royal court ministers to reconsider his decision. After all, many people were capable enough to try and uncover Anna's origin card's mystery like Lorenzo, Leo, Anna's mother, etc but there was only one person capable of watching over the South, the Southern Ruler. The royal family, his highness's entourage, and the royal court ministers' worries were warranted but what they did not understand was that the Southern Ruler was trying to safeguard the future of the Southern region while trusting the present day of the Southern region to them. However, one could not blame them for being shortsighted as they had no idea that the Southern Ruler had long decided his granddaughter would be inheriting his throne after him. Not to mention, using the excuse of inspecting Anna's origin card the Southern Ruler planned to spend some alone time with his future heir and teach her a thing or two. He trusted his wife. When she said nothing was wrong with Anna, he believed her. Yet, he insisted on inspecting their granddaughter's origin card because this way he could solve its mystery, get some quality time with his heir, and confirm his choice wasn't wrong. Even though he had a very capable son whom many world leaders and masters envied him for, he still chose his granddaughter over his son as his heir because his son traveled the enlightened path. A path where one would shed one's mortal attachments and pursue a higher power and understanding of it. This path was fit for a hermit, not a ruler. This also meant his son had no plans to start a family. Therefore, he could not entrust the Southern region to his son. As for his daughter, after the incident with her husband, she had changed. Instead of trying to deal with her inner demons, she was letting them control her actions. He tried to talk to her about it but how could he successfully reason with someone who was just as stubborn as him and smarter than him? Having failed repeatedly, he could only hope that his daughter could find a way to rid the darkness in her heart before she ended up with the regret of a lifetime. Until she had dealt with her issues he did not plan to trust the Southern Region to her but he monitored her from the shadows to help her if she ever needed him. With his two children out of the running, Anna was his only choice. Since she was still young he believed he could help her gain the qualities he was looking for in the next Southern Ruler. With that, leaving his dominion in the hands of his trusted people, he began to administer the future of the Southern region. However, he had no idea that his risky bet would yield unexpected but amazing results that would make him stand alongside the strongest Southern Rulers of all time. Inspecting the mysteries surrounding Anna's origin card, the Southern Ruler made many discoveries. The first discovery was the answer to the question of why Anna's origin card miraculously got created without any human involvement. After intensive research, he figured out that Anna's obsessive tendencies made her the perfect candidate for the extreme path. She unknowingly tapped into the Extreme Path's power during her origin card creation which resulted in her origin card miraculously getting created without any human assistance. Learning this the Southern Ruler's feet went cold realizing his choice was wrong and understood he was one's again without an heir. However, he did not give up there. He tried to understand Anna's obsessive tendencies so he could uproot them with their roots. For that, he began to understand the origin card that was created with extreme path power by her obsessive tendencies. It was here, that he uncovered why it was the good daughter who got banned in the origin card while the bad daughter was deemed as the original Anna. Because the bad daughter was the true Anna while the good daughter was the Anna that she changed into to please her mother. In simpler terms, the obsessions of the good daughter had lost to the obsessions of the bad daughter. That was to say in Anna's heart the obsessions of the bad daughter were her primary obsession while the obsessions of the good daughter were her secondary obsessions. The only reason the bad daughter was able to overpower the good daughter was that the obsessions of the bad daughter Anna were Anna's true obsessions from her heart, it was her true self. They were the things Anna wanted to do but suppressed in order to please her mother. For most of Anna's childhood, her obsession to please her mother won over her inner obsessions to live her life freely mostly because her mother was manipulating her at every chance she got. It would not be false to say that 'living her life freely' unconsciously became one of Anna's obsessions mostly because of her mother's manipulation. If not for her mother Anna would never suppressed her true self to the point where it turned into an obsession.

Young Anna was too young and naive to figure out her mother's manipulation and ended up suppressing her true self to please her mother. However, her origin card had changed all that. This was why Anna told her grandmother that her origin card had opened her eyes and she felt more free than ever. 

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