Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 171: Trap

Chapter 171: Trap

Date- 26 Mar 2321

Time- 3:54

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

“The Circle… No, they are not a part of my faction but they are backed by a neutral faction and they are quite powerful. If you don’t mind me asking what is your interest in the Circle.” Anna seems to know about the Circle so why is she allowing an organisation of different factions to grow in her territory.

“Well… if you want to, you will find out about it anyway. They owe me a blood debt for Killing my parents. And why the hell is an organization that is not part of your faction growing in your territory.” Even if I did not tell Anna the reason behind my hatred for the circle with her power and influence, she can unearth the truth in no time.

“I don’t know because this organisation existed in the sky blossom city even before I came to power. It seems the leader of the Circle is the little brother of the Card King that attended the top 10 universities from the Sky blossom city 200 hundred years ago. He and my predecessor have some kind of understanding so I had to let the Circle grow in the Sky blossom city.

I can protect you from the Circle but once you go on the offensive against them for your revenge I can not do much for you because higher-ups would not like to add the neutral faction into their enemies list to watch out for.

Don’t worry we will still protect you from high-level card apprentices and other factions. But we will not help you seal with the circle, the fight between you and the circle will be yours to fight if we get involved then other factions will also help the Circle.” So basically what Anna was saying was that she and the faction behind her will give me protection but not help me with my vengeance, once I seek revenge then I will have to see it through myself.

To think the Circle existed even before Anna’s time and its mysterious founder is the only Card King born from Sky blossom city to date. Knowing my enemy’s strength and history I felt wise choosing to exchange 5% of the royalty to gain the protection of Anna and the faction behind her. This way I did not have to watch my back for Circle. Now I can peacefully grow strong and collect the blood debt later.

“It doesn’t matter I do not plan on seeking vengeance until I am perfectly prepared. I have all the time in the world, why rush it?” Young Wyatt did not know that his parents were murdered so he only asked me to take revenge against the people targeting him that would be the Zhang mercenaries. And Mama Wyatt did not want me to walk on the path of vengeance so honestly, I did not have a reason to seek revenge against the Circle. But the Circle had enough reasons to come for me which is why I was guarded against them.

“Aww… That Sucks because I would have wiped out that organisation for you in exchange for another 5% of the 15% remaining royalty in your hand.” Anna was genuinely saddened seeing I had no thirst for vengeance. But it did not stop her from offering to massacre the Circle of course for a price.

Reaching an agreement I and Anna signed a soul contract on the previously agreed terms and conditions.

1.The Silver milk powder will be patented in my name but I will give the exclusive rights of my patent on silver milk powder to Anna in exchange for 20% Royalty.

2.Anna and the faction behind her will have no ill intention towards me and my close ones. And neither of us will provoke each other.

3.Anna and the Faction behind her will provide me with protection in exchange for 5% Royalty.

Signing the soul contract I and Anna headed to the patent and trademark organisation. Thankfully Anna used some weird card that reconnected my cut off feet, ear, left arm and also healed the cut on my chest as if I had no wounds in the first place. As for Elliott I forgave him and decided to give him a second chance as this incident was unintentional and I still needed him to take care of uncle Wyatt, auntie Wyatt and the Kane Siblings. And Ronnie, that snoring pig never woke up from his deep slumber.

At the patent and trademark association seeing the commander of the Southern Watch personally come to help me apply for a patent I was granted a patent in half an hour, though Silver Milk Powder did attract some attention. They could only suck it seeing a Card Emperor next to me.

Getting a grant for patent in half an hour was unbelievable for me as back on earth no matter how important or powerful a person’s status was the grant of patent took years due to the involvement of a major process comprising its examination and origin.

Getting the grant of the patent I signed a contract giving Anna the exclusive right to production and supply of Silver Milk Powder in exchange for 20% royalty. And signed another legal contract exchanging 5% royalty as a fee for Anna and her factions protection.

Having acquired the exclusive right to production and supply of Silver milk powder Anna was delighted, now all that remained was for her to acquire the D-rank silver beach gate dungeon from the newly formed Tyrant Sun Raven guild of the Sky Blossom City. The trap I left for Anna which she never saw coming.

Date- 26 Mar 2321

Time- 5:46

Location- Sky Blossom City, Tyrant Sun Raven guild, Meeting room

I tagged along with Anna to watch the show and Anna was more than happy to take me with her now that we were partners in crime.

Tyrant Sun Raven guild aka TSR guild was just 13 hours or so old since it’s establishment and its guild leader was none other than ex guild leader of Tyrant guild Van George and the Vice guild leader was the ex-vice guild leader of Sun boar guild Fred a newly ascended Card Lord. Inside the meeting room of the TSR guild, Anna was Seated on a chair while Fred and Van politely Stood showing their respect to the Card emperor and the commander of the southern watch.

“Name your price, I want the D-rank silver beach gate dungeon.” Said Anna nonchalantly flaunting her status and wealth. Van and Fred did not dare to be shown slightest displeasure as this involved a mission from their Lord and they had to fulfil it at all cost.

“Your highness, how dare we demand anything from you, please give what you deem fit” Van answered, he was acting as I asked him to.

“Good, a Normal D-rank gate dungeon can fetch you somewhere near 15,000 to 20,000 soul jades in the market. I am in a generous mood today so I will pay 20,000 soul jades for the gate dungeon. Are you satisfied and moved by my generosity?”


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