Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1647 Realm Ticket

Chapter 1647 Realm Ticket

Date- -- / -- / ----

Time- -- / --

Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Barren Lands, Central Tower, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon, Inter-Realm City, Sector DS0909, Central Area, Blight Brood Club

"This…" Mak Tul's voice trailed not knowing how to answer the Chaos Dwarf. As couldn't yet get a grasp on the attitude of the Dwarf to give him the answers he wanted to hear. However, Mak Tul was new to this bizz of ass-kissing, "Esteemed Guest, I thought a realm fragment can make an excellent gift for your leaders."

With this carefully crafted answer, Mak Tul was not only able to avoid the Chaos Dwarf's question but also get a gist of his background. Mak Tul preferred that Chaos Dwarf did not have powerful elders supporting him because then he could introduce the Dwarf to the founding devil merchants of the 'Seven Princes of Hell' faction. Any one of them would reward him handsomely for this.

"Even if I had that idea, I do not have your faction's merits points to buy the realm fragment," Wyatt crafted his answer in such a way that Mak Tul could only continue to keep guessing.

"Esteemed Guest, this slave has collected some merit points over the years if you do not mind I share them with you," Mak Tul offered, knowing that even if he spent all his accumulated merit points he could not befriend a Chaos Dwarf so he did not hesitate to use them to gain the favor of one.

"No need, I heard that the guest of your club can do some odd jobs to earn your faction merit points. I am right?" Wyatt had thought of a reason why an arrogant being such as the Chaos Dwarf would wait in front of the Blight Brood club on his way here. Now that he had managed to enter the club he was just executing the next step of his plan accordingly.

"Esteemed Guest, don't tell me you plan to offer your expertise to our club?"? Mak Tul asked.

"That depends…" Wyatt trailed

"Esteemed Guest, I do not understand. Please, enlighten me," Mak Tul knew what the Dwarf was getting at be he did not want to jump to conclusions.

"I have faced some problems in the lower realms I have recently bought the tickets to. I need a bunch of mercenaries that would not mind getting their hands dirty," Wyatt responded.

To dark races killing an entire race or destroying a realm in the myriad realms was not considered as getting their hands dirty, it was regular work. The only thing that would hurt their consciousness and make them feel guilty was hurting their own they were similar to other myriad races in this way.

Listening to the Dwarf, the expression of Mak Tul and the staff behind him changed. With a serious expression, Mak Tul replied, "Esteemed Guest, why don't we continue our conversation inside?"

The 'Seven Princes of Hell' faction and their 'Blight Brood' club did questionable things even by the Dark Realms standards but they knew better than to be open about it.

Soon Mak Tul led the Dwarf to a luxurious office while signalling his staff to serve an expensive spirit wine. As the Dwarf got comfortable on the couch, Mak Tul responded, "Esteemed Guest, you heard right. How can the Blight Brood be of help to you?"

"I will not go into the details now since we have yet to reach an understanding," Wyatt paused and looked at Mak Tul, who nodded in agreement. So he continued saying, "I have run into trouble against another faction who has also bought the tickets to the lower realm that I have an eye on. I could have used my men to solve the said trouble but then the culprit behind the incident would be obvious to their faction. Therefore, I am in need of trustworthy demons that would get the job done in my stead without drawing any form of suspicion toward me."

"I see. So what grade demon do you need and how many of them do you need?" The situation the Dwarf spoke of was not new to Mak Tul. This was one of the main reasons why their Club was able to flourish in central sector DS0909, by taking on the dirty jobs that others would hesitate to do.

"I am in need of three parties consisting only of demon lords, they should be able to get the job done," Wyatt answered with a hypothetical number of men needed for the hypothetical task he created.

"Would it be bold of me to assume that Demon Lord is the limit of the realm you have purchased the tickets to?" Mak Tul asked the Dwarf.

Demon/Devil merchants use the inter-realm scan function to detect new realms and register the new realms under their name. By doing this other than them, no other Demon/Devil merchant can enter the said realm through the Devil merchant code without their permission. Now either the Demon/Devil merchant can loot all the resources in the said realm to recover the expense they spent on finding this realm and then some profits too. But if they feel the realm they found was not capable of that then they sell it to the Devil merchant code to cut their losses.

But the smart ones divide the right to the said realm into multiple equal shares known as realm tickets or tokens and sell these tickets to other demon/devil merchants to not only cover their expense to search the said realm but also rack in a huge profit from it. Now the realm equally belongs to the demon/devil merchants holding the realm tickets. Except for then, nobody can enter the realm through the Devil merchant code.

However, when multiple people had ownership of something they were bound to have disputes when it came to sharing. In the case of the realm, the demon/devil merchants fought over the various resources and the natives of the realm.

They had paid a hefty price to attain the realm tickets and now they planned to earn expense and some profits back by looting the resources of the realm. However, the realm had limited resources and each of them had paid a considerable amount to gain their realm tickets, there was no way they could come to a compromise as that would mean sharing the losses among them equally.

Mak Tul thought the Chaos Dwarf was in a similar situation. Unfortunately for him, his rivals were stronger than him so he needed to recruit smart outside help. Such that the faction behind his rivals would not suspect him of any foul play.

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