Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1613 Enemies Everywhere

Chapter 1613 Enemies Everywhere

Date- 13 April 2321

Time- 11:48

Location- Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Outskirts

Wyatt paused mid-air hearing Sarah say that Cortney might have been inside the Bloodette's dungeon seal during the explosion. After a short silence, he ordered Sarah, "Pause everything, mobilize everyone to find out what Cortney has been up to and who she has been in contact with these days. I want every little detail. If Cortney sneezed yesterday then I want to know why, when, and where. Do not leave out any little detail no matter how insignificant it may seem."

"Sure, I will get right to it," Sarah affirmed through the hive AI while using her grimoire to make the arrangements as per Wyatt's orders.

"I want the report asap," Wyatt stressed

"Yes, Master. And should I cancel the meeting with Fine Gold?" Sarah asked.

"No, postpone it to a later date," Wyatt answered without giving a specific date but Sarah understood that Wyatt would be seeing the Fine Gold once he had addressed the assassination attempt on him.

"Sure, master. I will contact you when the report is ready," Sarah said before Wyatt ended the communication channel.

Standing in mid-air, Wyatt began to contemplate who would attempt to assassinate him through Bloodette, the Circle was the first suspect that came to his mind considering their grudge against him and their connection with Cortney who was the only person who had access to Bloodette other than him. If someone wanted to meet Bloodette they would either have to go through Cortney or Wyatt's Calamity Daughter Gems that were guarding Bloodette's dungeon seal.

Therefore, whoever tried to use Bloodette to assassinate him must have gotten to Bloodette through Cortney which was why Wyatt had his people investigate everything Cortney had been up to these past few days.

Why did Wyatt not suspect Cortney and Bloodette of trying to kill him, instead he so confident that someone was trying to assassinate him through Bloodette? That was because of the minute changes in Bloodette's soul energy signature that he noticed with his soul pupils in the final moments before she used the blood-rule explosion to detonate her blood-rule body.

What were these minute changes in Bloodette's soul energy? If Wyatt were to use an example, he would compare the similarities between the changes in Bloodette with the method Belphegor used to control Agony when she was too emotional to fight after Baem rebelled against her. However, similarities only ended with the victim losing control of their body and mind.

In Agony's case, the trigger was Belphegor but in Bloodette's case, the trigger was seeing Wyatt. That was to say that somebody had planted a hypnotic suggestion deep in Bloodette's consciousness to detonate herself using blood rule explosion when she was in the presence of Wyatt.

This hypnotic suggestion was why Bloodette who had come to the gate of the dungeon to greet Wyatt, suddenly turned silent and her movements became more stiff and mechanical as she dashed toward him.

Thinking of this assassination method, Matron's memory manipulation abilities came to Wyatt's mind. But there was a problem, whoever left a hypnotic suggestion in Bloodette must have left it recently after he went to the Southern Capital, most probably after he created VR-Universe. This also meant they had to have known that Wyatt would come to visit her or Bloodette would visit him soon.

However, Matron who was aware of the battle of the Southern capital should know that Wyatt had left the card world to die in an unknown realm after being forced by the devil to incubate a plague egg. So she could not have been behind this assassination attempt. This reason also clears the Circle of most suspicion. The same goes for the Central government.

Leaving Wyatt with no suspect and he was right back to square one. As for Chris Chase, Wyatt did not believe Chris had what it took to pull something like this. Otherwise, he would not be a nobody with his overpowered origin card in the future vision seen by Clown Mask.

If it was not somebody whom he pissed off then who? Who would go to such lengths to assassinate him? Who knew that he was fine and be returning to Sky Blossom City? Wait— was it just Bloodette or did they leave hypnotic suggestions in everyone close to him?

Thinking of this Wyatt's felt a chill on his back as this could mean that Susan was in trouble. He then immediately morphed his appearance using Myraid devil transformation and flew towards the city at the fastest speed he could summon.

If Susan was also planted with a hypnotic suggestion, she too like Bloodette would execute the suggestion implanted in her upon seeing Wyatt. So Wyatt planned to use a disguise to get close to Susan and check her soul energy signature and if there was a hypnotic suggestion planted in her then he would have the time to think of something to undo it.

While he flew towards the city, Wyatt called Corey to get her location knowing that she would be next to Susan.

[Calling Psycho with Mommy issues…]

[Psycho with Mommy issues has disconnected your call…]

"That bitch," Wyatt cussed out loud seeing that Corey did not pick up his call. Wyatt could directly call Susan to get her location but he had no idea what the trigger for the hypnotic suggestion, if any plant in Susan, was so he did not want to risk it by calling or texting her.

Swallowing his pride, Wyatt sent Corey a text,

[Susan's life might be in danger, send me her current location.]

Cortney immediately replied,

[Don't worry with me by her side no one can harm her. Not even you.]

"Fuck!" irritated Wyatt sent a text to everyone in his contact list that lived in Sky blossom city and knew Susan well enough to know her location asking for her location.

[Send me Susan's current location. Do not tell her about this text, it's a surprise.]

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