Card Apprentice Daily Log

1505 Obsession

Date- 13 April 2321

Time- 9:45

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital

The wind stood still as the pillars of red light surrounding the Southern capital began to expand, alerting Ann, Jill, and the demigod teams. 

As for Dalton Wyatt, his eyes were closed and his body appeared to be vibrating from time to time without the care of the danger in the outside world. Not to mention the Corpse Doppelganger eyeing him with its bloodshot eyes. 

Destroying the City array and dodging the attacks of 250 turrets using Adaptive Resonance Disruption, had consumed too much of its energy than it would like to display. Hence its bloodshot eyes. 

Thankfully the demigod team sent by the Southern Royal family to hunt it was cautious of it because of the power it displayed earlier allowing it to take a breather to enter the ‘One with the world’ state physically to recharge its energies and also for its original to consume a few elixirs to bring her back to her top condition. 

As for why the Corpse Doppelganger was staring at Wyatt when the rest of the people in the city were looking at the expanding pillar of red light was because its original body had become obsessed with Wyatt seeing him try and replicate her move to achieve one with world state physically. 

It took her years of practice and experience to come up with a way using adaptive resonance disruption to achieve that state physically and master it. 

However, Wyatt was almost near achieving it, having just seen it. She could not understand how he could be close to achieving something believed to be impossible for the card apprentices across the world after just watching her do it. 

Did Wyatt also have a unique pair of throat, ears, and sense of sound like she did? Was that why he was able to do what she did? No, he was not emitting a noise like she did. He was genuinely controlling the vibrations of his physical body’s soul pathways to match that of the vibrations of nature surrounding him then the world itself. 

How was he doing that? Was it not already determined fact that card apprentices aren’t capable of accurately controlling the vibrations of their physical bodies, after having done various research and being collectively approved by all of the greatest minds of the world?

As the user of Adaptive Resonance Disruption, Arnas knew that what Wyatt was doing was impossible and nothing short of a miracle. 

Yes, the experienced diamond-grade card creationists and array masters were able to control their physical body’s soul pathway vibration to match that of low-level array formations but what Wyatt almost achieved was beyond that. 

Wyatt had almost managed to match his soul pathway vibrations with his surrounding nature now he was trying to tune into the rhythm of the world itself.

Not to mention it appeared as if every time he failed to tune into the World’s vibration he would get closer with the next try. 

What Wyatt was doing required a lot of focus and concentration. Arnas would understand if he was doing this in the laboratory conditions but he was not, he was trying it for the very first time that too directly in the field. 

There were several reasons for Arnas to be obsessed with what Wyatt was doing. If not for her mission she would just spend the day watching him try and achieve the ‘One With the World’ state with his physical body. 

While Arnas could not figure out how Wyatt was able to control the vibrations of his soul pathways so precisely, she would have never guessed that the answer was so simple, his origin card’s ability soul energy manipulation. 

Yes, being introduced to the Adaptive Resonance Disruption through Arnas’s Corpse Doppelganger, Wyatt watched it use the principle of absolute resonance disruption to destroy the city array formation and dodge thousands of energy properties but both of them did not manage to impress him however her using the same principle to become one with the world physically to replenish her energy did. 

Wyatt had watched Agent Louis enter the ‘one with the world’ state physically several times. However, she achieved it naturally through her physique. Meaning there was no technique to explore and copy unless he studied her physique. Which was not reasonable. 

However, in the case of the humanoid figure in black, it was different. She had a specific technique designed for her specialty to achieve the ‘one with the world’ state physically. Now this was something Wyatt could work with especially since he had the soul energy manipulation ability. 

Copying and modifying the technique used by Arnas’s corpse doppelganger with the help of his soul pupils and the Hive AI was not a big deal for Wyatt. But there was a problem. 

The problem was tracking the vibration of the world at different locations. Arnas made use of her excellent ears and unparalleled understanding of sound to track the vibration of the world. This was a skill honed by Arnas through years of experience and not like a technique that could just be copied, replicated, and modified. 

Though Wyatt had Soul energy manipulation and the modified technique at his disposal he did know how to track the vibrations of the world. So he decided to think of a way by trial and error. 

That was when Wyatt began to use his Soul energy manipulation ability to control his physical body’s soul pathway’s vibrations. Then used the modified technique he created using the technique displayed by Arnas’s corpse doppelganger to match his physical body’s soul pathway vibration to the vibration of nature’s soul pathways. 

Having achieved this, Wyatt began to sense the nature surrounding him in a new light that he had never heard or read of. Becoming one with the surrounding nature Wyatt began to search for the vibrations of the world believing if Arnas can use her excellent ears and unparalleled knowledge of sound to detect it, so could he. With this, Wyatt obsessed to search for the voice of the world in nature through his physical body. 

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