Card Apprentice Daily Log

1482 Ada's Welcome Gift

Date- 13 April 2321

Time- 22:04

Location- Central Region, Central Capital, ????

“Guys, don’t bully Ada. She is Master’s new pet project,” the female members of Arnas’s team said sarcastically in an effort to taunt Ada. 

“Yeah, I am the new favorite of the master. You guys got a problem with it?” Ada Davis stared down at her new teammates. 

Ada was setting a tone as the new guy on the team. Though she was just a Card Lord and the weakest member of the team, she would not let her teammates push her around. She will fight back even if it costs her life and as the new favorite pet of the Master, she knew her teammates would not dare to go that far. 

“Yeah, yeah, big deal. We all were once Master’s pet projects. Little girl, as your senior let me give you a piece of advice, there’s always a new pet project. So it’s best if you learn to respect the team’s hierarchy,” Another teammate scoffed as all the team members of Arnas’s team were one of many experiments of their Master. The only difference between them and others was that they were all considered successful and flawless experiments. The proudest collection of their Master. 

“…” Ada glared at her new teammates knowing that if she let them get their way today they will never respect her. Being at the bottom of the team was not a problem but not having the respect of the teammates was.

Seeing the little Card Lord stare at them despite repeatedly warning her, one of the teammates lost patience and wanted to teach the weakest newbie in their team’s history a lesson but as he was about to act he sensed the presence of Arnas, their team leader, postponing his plan to teach the newbie a lesson. 

“Looks like you guys are getting along well,” Arnas said as she walked into the room. 

Feeling the tension in the room, Arnas glimpsed over her team and Ada before saying, “Don’t underestimate the newbie because her realm is low. She is the new replacement for Agent Uri. If not for her low realm it would not be wrong to call her the upgrade of Agent Uri.” 

Everyone on the team could not help but take a second look at Ada, listening to Arnas’s words. The terror Agent Uri was known to everyone who knew his existence. His physique, false relic, and unique self-sacrificial type style of fighting scared anyone from going up against even one of his bodies. 

“Really,” the female team who tried to taunt Ada earlier blurted in surprise. 

Agent Uri’s physique and False Relic’s terror were known especially to the female card apprentices. Except for overly powerful and influential female agents all other female agents were under the radar of Uri’s terror. 

The female teammate here had the misfortune of experiencing it firsthand multiple times. As an agent of the central government, she knew if it came down to choosing between her and Uri the central government would choose Uri over her so she never dared to complain. 

When she or Agent Uri wasn’t on a mission she would always try to be in the presence of her team or would be on a constant lookout because she did not know when and where Agent Uri would ambush her and his three bodies would assault her three holes.

When the news of Agent Uri spread across the secret base many female Agents like the one here rejoiced and even celebrated his death. 

Therefore, when Arnas said that Ada would be filling in Agent Uri’s position, she could not help but look at Ada with fear. This was how deep the trauma left by Uri was, even after his death his victims would still tremble in fear hearing his name. 

However, learning that the next person replacing Uri was a female, the female teammate felt a sense of relief and she even looked at Ada with reverence. The fear she had for Uri had turned into respect for Ada.

“Did Ada not tell you guys?”Arnas was looking right at Ada. 

“Looks like the newbie is humble,” the vice-leader of the team said, forming a better impression of Ada. 

“I knew it, Master wouldn’t just send anybody to join our team. Besides, the newbie has guts. She dared stand up to all of us. I can respect that,” another teammate said, which was as good as him welcoming Ada to the team. 

“Okay, Master has given us two new missions. These two missions have to be executed simultaneously to ensure maximum chances of success of both the missions so this time will be taking the help of other teams. So, I want you guys to be on your best behavior since I have invited the other team over to discuss the details of the mission,” Arnas informed her team. 

“Leader, which team will be joining us on the mission?” the vice-leader of the team asked Arnas. 

“You will know when they are here,” Arnas did not answer her second in command, and turning to look at Ada, she said, “Let us continue to welcome the newbie into the team. I take it you guys are done with the introductions. With that out of the way, now it’s time for the welcome gift. Ada, here you go.” 

With that Arnas summoned her grimoire and took out a strip made of paper-thin unknown material that was connected end to end forming a loop with a single twist. It was Ada’s welcome gift. Arnas then carefully handed the welcome gift to Ada. 

“False Relic Mobius Presence,” the female teammate exclaimed. 

“It looks like Master has decided you will be the replacement for Agent Uri,” the Vice-leader concluded, seeing Arnas give Ada the False Relic Mobius Presence made things clearer. 

“Leader, how do you have the False Relic Mobius Presence when? Shouldn’t it be locked away in the diamond grimoire of Agent Uri after his death? Last I remember Agent Uri’s grimoire is currently in the possession of Soldier Queen Colleen who killed him,” one other team member asked. 

“What have I told you guys about asking questions that can get you killed? Come on, everyone answer me together,” Arnas did not answer her teammate, instead she glared at him for asking the wrong question.

“We shouldn’t ask questions that can get us killed,” the whole team except the newbie and the leader answered in unison. 

The teammate who asked how Arnas had the False Relic Mobius Presence which was locked in the diamond grimoire of Agent Uri after his death and currently in possession of the Soldier Queen Colleen who killed Agent Uri could not help but wonder, ‘If Arnas did not want to reveal the origin of the False Relic would it not have made more sense if Arnas gave it to Ada in secret instead of giving in to her in open? 

Did this thought not cross Arnas’s mind or was this some sort of test? Did I fail the test by asking her the origin of the False relic? 

Fuck! I just wanted to know if they got the Southern royal family to return Agent Uri’s grimoire. Seeing how secretive Arnas was, that wasn’t the case there has to be more to it. Did the central government figure out a way to create copies of false relics?’ 

“…” Arnas looked at her teammates and then She looked at Ada. 

Taking the clue, Ada, having heard her new teammate’s answer also answered Arnas aloud. 

Seeing this, Arnas nodded in satisfaction with a bright face. As for the origin of the False Relic Mobius Presence that she gifted to Ada, the thoughts of the teammate who foolishly enquired about the origin of the false relic were not that far from the correct answer. 

“Newbie, since you received the welcome gift now you are officially part of our team. Now, say a few words introducing yourself and this time don’t be humble,” the vice-leader said, trying to change the subject. 

“Yes, newbie come on,” the female teammate cheered. 

Ada nodded at her teammates and said, “I am not the new Agent Uri or his upgrade. My name is Ada Davis. I like to kill anything everything Southern Emperor holds dear. I dislike every second Southern emperor and people dear to her draw their breath. Lastly, my only goal in this life is to destroy the Southern Royal family and make the Southern Emperor watch helplessly as her loved ones burn to death.” 

Listening to Ada’s not-so-humble introduction everyone gawked at her bravery to point out that she was not the next Uri and her insane hatred for the southern royal family. 

“Well, so much for changing the topic,” the vice-leader of the team mumbled hearing Ada’s arrogant and uncut introduction filled with hatred and thirst for vengeance. 

“Newbie, don’t care what others say that was deep,” the teammate who commended Ada for her guts to stand up against the team was once again impressed by Ada’s single-minded thirst for vengeance. 

“Quiet, the other team is here,” the Vice-leader reminded his team, feeling the presence of the other team near them. 

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