Card Apprentice Daily Log

1467 Calm Before Storm

Date- 13 April 2321

Time- 06:40

Location- Southern Region, Southern Capital, Southern Royal Palace, Royal Guest Palace No.1

Coming out of the seed world, I uprooted it from space and returned it to its card. In about three hours I will be leaving for the university interview so this was me preparing for the worst. This right here was one of the reasons why I built a mobile subspace in the first place. 

“Wyatt, you are up early,” feeling the presence of the boy Ann awakened from her half-asleep state and greeted the boy. 

Ann never left the room as she could not trust Jill alone in his bed. After all, Jill was the one who popped the boy’s cherry. 

“I have a big interview in three hours, I have to prepare for it,” I answered Ann as I summoned my grimoire. 

“Good morning, Wyatt,” Jill too woke up feeling the presence of the boy and greeted him. She never left the bed because she knew that once she left the boy’s bed then Ann would quickly occupy it. 

“Good morning,” returning Jill’s greeting, I took a storage card containing about 180 million VR-Slime cards and handed them to Ann saying, “After taking the royal family’s share, distribute the rest to every high school and university card apprentice in the southern region. There is more where it came from so do not worry about there being enough cards. Just distribute these and I will give you more soon.” 

The Southern Royal family had placed an order of 20 million VR-Slime cards for 300 devil-grade ingredients while on the same day, the Art family paid 60 devil-grade and took the four million VR-Slime cards. 

With the 360 devil-grade ingredients I created 180 million VR-Slime cards of which 20 million belonged to the southern royal family and the rest I planned to give away to the high school and university card apprentices. 

Considering the current tensions I decided to currently focus on equipping the southern population with VR-Slime cards first and then if I am still alive and have my freedom I can expand the giveaway to their regions. 

Since the VR-Slime card was already popular across the world I no longer need to waste time with it. Currently, my primary focus was increasing the user base of the VR-Slime card. 

“180 million VR-Slime cards!,” Ann exclaimed the boy after learning the total number of VR-Slimes cards and then asked, “Wyatt, how did you create so many cards in such a small period?”

“Ann, what have we talked about asking questions?” I reminded Ann of the time when she agreed not to ask questions. 

“…” Listening to the boy reminds her of their agreement Ann’s head drooped down in disappointment. 

Seeing Ann knew better than to ask a follow-up question to my explanation I added, “I want those cards to be distributed by the end of the day. Is that possible?” 

“Yeah, it is possible. My Mother seems to have expected that you will do something like this so she had already made all the preparations, now with these cards, I can deploy her plans. So don’t worry, by the end of the day each of these cards will have a young owner,” Ann replied with great confidence. 

“Okay, then I will go take a good relaxing bath in preparation for the interview,” Saying that I left the room but feeling a shadow follow behind me I frowned. The shadow was none other than Aria, my bodyguard. This little girl silently followed me everywhere and since arguing with me would not take me anywhere I decided not to bother to stop her from following me to the bathroom. 

Thankfully I did not make the mistake of asking Aria to not follow me to the bath, as Ann and Jill did that for me. If anything I could count on these girls to get jealous. 

“Little girl, where do you think you are going?” Jill asked Aria to see her follow the boy as he informed her that he wanted to take a bath. 

The reason Jill was so cautious about Aria was that this little girl has been standing in the corner of the boy’s room, hiding her presence, the entire night without taking any rest. 

The last time Jill was here the girl was doing the same thing in the meeting hall. This behavior of the girl freaked Jill out, mostly because she did not understand the girl’s obsession with the boy and believed she was some kind of stalker bothering the boy.

Jill was ok with the girl following the boy around and waiting in his room with the rest of them but when she tried to follow him into the bathroom that did not sit right with Jill. 

“…” Being stopped by Jill, Aria turned to look at Ann for help. Only to hear Ann relieve her of her bodyguard duty, “Aria, you’ve done a good job as Wyatt’s bodyguard so far however you are no longer required to be Wyatt’s bodyguard anymore since I will be his bodyguard henceforth. After all, the enemies we are going to face today are of another level. Now go back to your post and report to your superior.” 

“Yes, your highness,” having followed the boy around Aria was aware of the situation and knew that the current peace was nothing but calm before the storm. So she was not surprised that Ann relieved her of her duties as the boy’s bodyguard. 

Still, Aria quickly followed the boy and called out to him, “Master Wyatt, please wait.” 

“What is it Aria?” I asked 

“About my physique, you said you had a solution to it. I wanted to make an appointment with you regarding that,” Aria did not bother with small talk knowing that the boy already had a lot on his plate, and directly talked about the matter she approached him about. 

And that was her bloodline. Which has been messed up due to the lack of synergy between the bloodline of the Heat family and the Art family running in her body. Aria trusted the boy to solve her issue because he was the only one who was able to correctly tell the symptoms of her problem at first glance. 

“Appointment? I am sure you have heard what is happening here. There are a few teams of powerful demigods in the city after my life. It isn’t clear if I will live past today. Yet, you want to make an appointment with me regarding your physique. Where do you get this confidence from?” I asked Aria because even though I had all the information and the Southern Royal family’s manpower at my disposal I could not guarantee my survival today as one cannot control all the variables, they can try but will ultimately fail. 

Yet, Aria had such confidence about my survival that she wanted to make an appointment to meet with me in the future and consult regarding her. Which surprised me and I could not help but ask where her confidence stemmed from. 

“Master Wyatt, I know you are going to face strong enemies today but you are also going to be protected by a few of the strongest being I have ever gotten the chance to meet, the Southern royal family, I know from experience when I say that you are in safe hands,” Aria sung the praise of the Southern royal family like any extreme loyal subordinate of the Southern royal family. 

“Well, we will see about that,” the reason I was skeptical about the abilities of the southern royal family was because they have already let them down more than once on several occasions. 

Therefore, I was kind of expecting them to kind of drop the ball today too. The Southern royal family only had themselves to blame for my low opinion of them. If they had managed to keep their promise so far then I would not have such skepticism about their abilities. 

“So, when can I visit you to talk about solving the issue with my physique?” Aria did not continue to argue about the abilities of the Southern royal family with the boy and began to speak about solving the issue with her physique with him.

“How about this? If I survive and am still a freeman after this ordeal, come meet me and I will help you with your situation, sounds right?” I proposed and Aria agreed to my agreement as she did not have much choice in it. 

“Sure, I will meet you in a few days,” saying that Aria took her leave.

After Aria left I found Ann following me to the royal guest palace bathhouse but before I could say anything to Ann about her actions Jill stopped her and asked, “Where do you think you are going?” 

“I am the boy’s bodyguard now. The protocol dictates that I should always be with him to act fast in case someone tries to assassinate him. Now, move you are stopping me from doing my duties,” Ann explained with a straight face. 

“The only thing Wyatt needs protection from, right now, is you.” 

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