Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Chapter 658 - Electromagnetic Rifle's Power and Mechanical Golem Variant

Chapter 658 – Electromagnetic Rifle’s Power and Mechanical Golem Variant

When the first pair of red eyes glowed with demonic radiance amidst the darkness that plunged the inside of the pagoda into a world of shadows, Bai Zemin did not wait for the pagoda doors to open as before and instead waved his hand as he sent a small strand of mana into his liquid storage pearl.


The small red pearl appearing for the first time before the sight of most of those present naturally surprised each of them, however, what happened next undoubtedly marked the beginning of what before the end of the day would be a memory that would never die and would forever remain eternal in the minds of all those present.

“Blood Arrows!”

His voice crushed the creaking sound of both metal doors and in response to his words, the small red pearl immediately released a powerful radiance, tinging the surroundings with its crimson light.

The two giant doors had barely opened halfway when the wind hissed and in an instant over a hundred dark red arrows glowed, tracing their paths directly into the building and breaking the wind that obstructed them.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!….

The several demonic eyes that had been illuminated amidst the darkness that engulfed even the sunlight were extinguished as in the midst of continuous explosions their heads were blown off by the arrows of blood. Their bodies fell to the ground noisily and even before they could take a step out of the pagoda they were destroyed with no possibility of return.

The red demonic eyes disappeared and apart from the sound of the pagoda doors opening the only sound that could be heard was the remaining echo of the falling bodies of what were probably more mechanical golems.


“What happened…?”

“The leader…”

“He… But, why…?”


The abrupt change in the situation naturally left everyone present dumbfounded. Some of them even almost let their weapons slip and their nerves began to go back without them even realizing it.

They were all expecting to face more terrifying enemies than before, but even before one of them could take a step out of the pagoda, they were all turned into metal scrap.

There were few people who immediately understood Bai Zemin’s thoughts.

Shangguan Bing Xue, Chen He, Wu Yijun, Cai Jingyi, Zhong De, and Nangong Lingxin; the six of them were tense waiting for the next words of the man in front of them all as those words would mark a new beginning for all of them.update faster perks? google search pan.da no.vel,remember to remove punctuation

Bai Zemin took a deep breath, and after a few seconds, his voice spread throughout the square:

“First Order!!!”

His words were like the arrival of the sun after what seemed like an eternity of rain and lightning.

To those people who understood the reason why Bai Zemin had immediately attacked without allowing the enemies to leave and without caring if they lost training subjects for both himself and the troops behind him, the two words “First Order” were like a powerful breeze of warm wind blowing away the dark clouds that overshadowed the skies.

Shangguan Bing Xue and the other five let out sighs of relief before their eyes blazed with fiery excitement.

It was only then that everyone else understood what was going on.

The first pagoda was protected by Unclassified mechanical golems while all the mechanical golems in the second pagoda were First Order golems…. Therefore, although it might sound crazy to many, Bai Zemin and a few others were worried that the third pagoda might be guarded by Second Order mechanical golems.

Even Bai Zemin would have to be careful if he faced tens of thousands of enemies with the strength of Second Order existences not to mention the others present; the entire party would probably face annexation if even the slightest slip-up happened.

Fortunately, that did not seem to be the case.

Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash!…

Not more than a few seconds passed when more than five times the number of glowing eyes compared to the previous number flashed inside the pagoda as the two giant doors finally slammed hard against the two walls behind them.


The sound of the explosion generated by the collision between the two doors and the pagoda walls was like the resounding sound of the war horn announcing the imminent confrontation between two armies.

Just as before, silver-skinned, red-eyed mechanical golems armed with swords, spears, maces, shields, chains, and shining deep black armor, came out from inside the pagoda with amazing Agility and in moments arrived in front of Bai Zemin, who greeted them with an indifferent smile on his face.

He drew Annihilation of the Falling Sky in the form of a normal sword and with a wave of his right hand the wind was cut off by a flash of golden light that spread out in front of Bai Zemin in the form of an arc.


The 70% of the mechanical golems were cut off from the waist down and the lower parts continued to advance a couple of steps before falling down, as well as the upper part. As for the remaining 30%, some of them charged in the direction of Bai Zemin while others focused their red eyes on the back where the group of soul evolvers and soldier shooters was waiting for their share of the pie.

However, unfortunately for the soul evolvers, they didn’t get to taste too much of the pie this time.

“Fire!” Sun Ling pointed her dagger forward and in an instant around two hundred light blue beams burst beyond where she was standing.

Not even a second after the bright beams shot out from the Electromagnetic Rifles under the accurate fire of military-trained soldiers when over 80% of the mechanical golems charging at them were turned into a pile of scrap metal; several of them were even hit by more than three energy beams before falling to the ground never to rise again.

“Wooo! These electromagnetic rifles sure are something else!”

“Hahahaha! This senior just killed a First Order golem with his own hands!”



“Now even we can defend ourselves against First Order creatures! As long as we have these weapons, we don’t need to fear!”

“Crush them all! Don’t let the team leader and the others do all the work!”


The power of the Electromagnetic Rifles naturally amazed everyone but mainly delighted the soldiers who without evolving felt like they were falling behind. Now they too had the power to help their comrades and defend their loved ones!update faster perks? google search pan.da no.vel,remember to remove punctuation

The soul evolvers were shocked to the marrow of their bones as they saw the terrifying power of their human race’s newly acquired weapon and shuddered in terror as they realized that had it not been for Shangguan Bing Xue and Nangong Lingxin’s powerful defensive barriers they would have all lost their lives hours ago and wouldn’t even have known how they died!

“Interesting!” Feng Hong roared and over fifty fireballs floated above his head as he shouted loudly, “Brothers and sisters, let’s not let the army take too much prey or we will become the biggest joke in the entire base!”

At the same time as Feng Hong’s words made the soul evolvers’ blood boil and raised their competitive spirits, he proved that it was not for nothing that he was the man leading the Phoenix guild; which was composed of the mages with the highest and most frightening attack power in the entire Chinese Renaissance faction!

“Meteor Rain!”

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!….

The fifty fireballs were only the prelude to the real attack because when Feng Hong’s words fell hundreds of magic circles appeared in the sky and from them fist-sized fireballs began to rain down.

Each fireball despite its size was definitely powerful as even the Rank 1 armor covering the metal body of the golems was incinerated in no time and the mechanical golems had not taken more than a few steps before turning into a pool of thick silver-colored liquid.

In just five seconds, over three thousand mechanical golems whose power was comparable to that of First Order soul evolvers were turned into useless scrap and even the armor and weapons disappeared from everyone’s sight.

“Good skill!” Bai Zemin couldn’t help but praise aloud.

He had stopped holding back the mechanical golems upon seeing how relaxed the soul evolvers were with the help of the shooters armed with Electromagnetic Rifles so he naturally glimpsed Feng Hong’s attack.

Although the name Meteor Rain was too much for a skill that only generated fist-sized fireballs, Bai Zemin believed that if Feng Hong continued his growth he would one day be able to bring his skill to the stage of doing justice to its name.

One should not forget that Feng Hong, despite being level 50, had not yet broken into the Second Order! He had just in a sense slaughtered over 3000 existences within his own Order of power!

Now Bai Zemin finally understood where Feng Tian Wu’s talent came from; it looked like her father was actually a natural talent for fire-type magic.

With the trained soldiers now wielding deadly long-range weapons capable of crushing First Order existences if they hit the right place and with the soul evolvers not willing to be left behind and thus giving 200% of themselves, the first wave of mechanical golems was soon overwhelmed.

Not even ten minutes passed before more than 20,000 First Order golems fell to the ground.

Most surprising of all was that in fact, Bai Zemin and Shangguan Bing Xue barely intervened during the entire confrontation; providing support as the mechanical golems began to come out at twice the speed as before and slowly overwhelmed the human group.

However, the second wave was not as easy as the first one.


Amidst hundreds of melee mechanical golems, a flash of blue-colored energy broke past the allied lines composed of golems and in an instant closed the slightly more than 200 meters between the inside of the pagoda and the human group.

The face of Zhong De changed slightly when he realized that the attack was directed in his direction and that his relatively low Agility did not let him move out of the way in time.

Fortunately, Bai Zemin had already warned someone earlier that there would definitely be some change in the third pagoda compared to the second one.

“Energy Barrier x5!”

Nangong Lingxin, who had been attentive at all times and had reacted as soon as she noticed the flash of light inside the pagoda, gritted her teeth and activated her skill for which Bai Zemin held her in such high esteem.

She took no risks and activated her skill to the maximum possible just in case!

When the blue energy beam met the multicolored energy barrier, there was no explosion or strange bangs, instead, what happened was a clash between two equal types of energy with one trying to devour the other.

This was the first time Nangong Lingxin had shielded an Electromagnetic Rifle attack by herself without Shangguan Bing Xue’s help.

However, Nangong Lingxin didn’t feel like seeing if her skill which was now a Second Order level 4 skill was more powerful than the enemy energy beam so she immediately activated another one of her most powerful skills:



The energy beam suddenly seemed to be affected by a pair of invisible hands as without warning it spun in a U-shape and in an instant disappeared in the direction of the pagoda’s interior.

Everyone who was paying attention noticed that beyond the open doors, a pair of glowing red eyes went out as the energy beam disappeared into the darkness.

“First Order shooter!” Nangong Lingxin shouted loudly to be heard by Bai Zemin, who was more than two hundred meters away even amidst the constant explosions and shouts in the heat of battle.

“The enemy has shooters!” Sun Ling quickly took Bai Zemin’s place as he had instructed her earlier. “Soul evolvers with Rank 1 shields and mages capable of erecting defensive barriers, protect the team of shooters and mages of attack!”

The human troops seemed disorganized for a moment as everyone tried to adapt to the slight change in the formation and the sudden activation of dozens of skills that altered the flow of mana around them.update faster perks? google search pan.da no.vel,remember to remove punctuation

Fortunately, with Shangguan Bing Xue and Nangong Lingxin present, as well as the constant attacks from Chen He and the other shooters, the group managed to have time to adapt to the changes even under the constant storm of energy beams falling over them from inside the pagoda.

As for the reason why Bai Zemin had not intervened yet….

Right in front of him, a mechanical golem completely different from all the other golems they had faced so far advanced step by step from the darkness of the pagoda. Furthermore, this golem immediately focused its eyes on him as if it knew who its real enemy was this time.

“I was saying it couldn’t be that easy.” Bai Zemin scoffed and instead of waiting for his enemy, he charged forward, turning into a whirlwind of swift wind.

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