Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Chapter 635 - Feng Tian Wus worries

Chapter 635 – Feng Tian Wus worries

Chapter 635 – Feng Tian Wu’s worries

Bai Zemin really didn’t know how to feel after hearing Wu Keqian’s words. Being honest with himself, Bai Zemin knew that he was still angry with the man in front of him because due to his own incompetence his little sister had had to bear the harassment of a minor piece of trash. However, after the flame of anger slowly began to die down and he began to think more deeply, he realized that it wasn’t really that easy.

Not everyone was him.

Wu Keqian had sacrificed his own potential and limited his future for the sake of forging a place as safe as possible in times of chaos while humanity gained time to adapt and prepare for the sudden changes they had to face and would still have to face from now on. Just based on this fact alone Bai Zemin knew that Wu Keqian was neither a bad person nor a bad leader.

At the end of the day, what kind of selfish leader or bad person would put others before himself?


However, Bai Zemin was used to the leader’s word being heard. Therefore, in his eyes, any kind of problem that arose was not the fault of the subordinates or the people but was proof of the incapability of the one who led them.

Therefore, even though he was angry with Wu Keqian he understood him as well. The two were two different men and therefore the vision of leadership they had was different.

Moreover, it was true that, unlike Bai Zemin’s overwhelming power, Wu Keqian did not have all the power of the Chinese Renaissance faction completely in his hands. Therefore, it was natural that he could not do everything well as he would probably wanted to.

Hearing that Wu Keqian was actually willing to hand over his leadership position to the young man before him, everyone looked at each other in shock. However, no one said anything; even Sun Yun did not open his mouth to object even though he was clearly not very happy with this deal.

The most powerful person in the entire base was not even able to land a blow on the other side despite attacking abruptly, what else could they do? Fight to the death against Bai Zemin? Wouldn’t that be courting death?

“You want me to prove to you that I’m a better leader than you?” Bai Zemin frowned and asked calmly, “How am I supposed to do that? Just so you know but I don’t plan to waste any unnecessary time. I need to get stronger as soon as possible after all.”

“Don’t worry. If everything goes well, within four days at most the whole base will be in your hands.” Wu Keqian assured with calmness and confidence in his voice.

Bai Zemin slowly released his grip on Wu Keqian’s hand, letting the man sigh in relief and rub his wrist as he looked at him with hidden bitterness and said in a low voice:

“Boy, you really are cruel. You even dare to mistreat your father-in-law like this.”

Bai Zemin shook his head without any intention of meaningless chatter. Instead, he got straight to the point. “What am I supposed to do?”

“Changping Silver Mountain.” Wu Keqian said those three words aloud and while looking at Bai Zemin stated, “You will lead the troops in this operation. If you really are as strong and capable as you and your comrades say you are, then you shouldn’t have any problems, or yes?”

“No problem. Leave it to me.” Bai Zemin nodded in confidence and agreed without hesitation.

Bai Zemin already knew beforehand that a rather large operation would soon take place he just didn’t know the exact location yet. Therefore, he was not surprised after hearing what Wu Keqian’s request was and in fact, he was relieved since if it was just to lead the troops then everything was easier.

Bai Zemin really wanted Wu Yijun’s father not to become his enemy. Apart from the fact that Wu Keqian was Wu Yijun’s father, the man was a powerful Second Order powerhouse which meant that he was brave and could fight well against enemies. Besides, it would be thousands of times easier for Bai Zemin to take control of the Chinese Renaissance and everything would be much smoother with the unconditional support of the current leader.

“Then I will prepare the documents for you.”

“Documents?” Bai Zemin frowned slightly.

“This operation is not as simple as it seems. You will naturally understand when you read the reports.” Wu Keqian said in a deep serious voice.

“All right. When shall we leave from here then?”

“Tomorrow at noon. I’ve already prepared everything so there’s no need to worry.”

“I see. Then……”

Bai Zemin and Wu Keqian seemed to go into a world of two and completely ignored all the people who were looking at them in shock.

A moment ago, the situation seemed extremely serious and it took only a spark for the bombs that seemed to have been secretly planted underground to fully explode but now the hot air cooled to natural room temperature and there was no longer any trace of animosity whatsoever.

What the hell was going on here? That was what everyone was wondering.

In reality, both Wu Keqian and Bai Zemin had their reasons for doing what they were doing. However, the two men had come to a tactical agreement all because of one person and that person was none other than Wu Yijun.

Bai Zemin did not want Wu Yijun to suffer and furthermore, he would not have the face to see her in the future if by conquering a camp he ended up fighting to the death against her family. At the end of the day, she was more than a subordinate as she was in the past.

But Wu Yijun didn’t care what reasons the two men might have, all she cared about was that everything seemed to have worked out somehow. She finally sat down on the ground without caring at all about her image and a great sigh of relief slipped from her trembling lips, expelling the cloud of bad feelings that choked her chest. Her beautiful face was still pale but slowly the color was returning to her as her heartbeat calmed down.

“Thank the gods…” She whispered without realizing it.

Cai Jingyi exchanged glances with Zhong De and Nangong Lingxin. The three of them also looked relieved as they also let out their own sighs of relief. None of them really wanted to clash against the family of an ally as it would be really awkward to face Wu Yijun in the future. She was well-liked by everyone in the Transcendent faction as she was one of the hardest working people; in fact, Wu Yijun was the most liked person by the citizens right after Bai Zemin as she was the one who showed her face in public most of the time since the government cabinet was practically under her complete control and command.

Shangguan Bing Xue and Chen He also sighed in relief and finally relaxed greatly as if a great weight had been lifted off their shoulders. The two of them were very close to Wu Yijun’s family for obvious reasons and just like her, they were also in a difficult position just now.

“Brat, you’d better blurt out everything you know.” Ye Linger suddenly caught Meng Qi by the ear and lightly squeezed it while with her free hand she patted her chest. She thought her heart was going to stop a moment ago but fortunately, the worst didn’t happen.

But Meng Qi didn’t open her mouth to blurt out the secrets she knew even when her ear was turning slightly red so Ye Linger who couldn’t bear to punish the girl finally let her go after a few stern words.

Bai Delan also let out a big sigh of relief as he looked at his son several meters ahead with pride but also with some regret. That boy who had been under his protection all his life had left the nest a few years ago, it had only been a few months since he had last seen him but that baby hawk had now become a huge predator with wide wings capable of protecting from wind and rain those who once used their wings to take care of him.

A few more minutes passed and after a few simple but deep words, Wu Keqian agreed to send the necessary documents to his home early tomorrow morning to which Bai Zemin agreed naturally.

Bai Zemin was about to approach and leave with his family as the party was clearly over when he suddenly stopped and looked to a far corner where a person lay on the ground like a dying dog.

“Mr. Sun, you are Yijun’s maternal uncle so even if we can’t get along I hope we can work together for personal benefits.” He said in a voice clear enough to be heard by all. His eyes flashed with a hint of coldness as he said with a frightening calm, “However, for that to be possible I hope you will leash and educate your son well from now on. Sun Jie was hospitalized in the past by me after he betrayed my trust in the lowest possible way and now he will probably have to stay in bed for several days for harassing my family… But there will be no third. Do you understand what I mean?”

Everyone present could feel the slight murderous intent at the end of his sentence, among them of course Sun Yun did not miss this little factor. Even though the man was dissatisfied with the tone of voice of the young man several meters away, he was a man who knew perfectly well that when the bridge was low one had no choice but to duck one’s head.

“It is understood.” He said nodding deeply.

Sun Yun was aware that sometimes his son Sun Jie did bad things, however, like any parent he also wanted the best for his child. The problem was that sometimes, showering our children with love and protection was not necessarily the right thing to do.

“Bai Zemin, how do you know my nephew from the past?” Sun Ling asked suddenly.

How could she not be interested? It could be said that everything that had happened tonight was practically 90% Sun Jie’s responsibility after all!

“That doesn’t matter anymore.” Bai Zemin shrugged and replied indifferently. “Sun Jie was a friend, then someone I hated, but now he’s nothing more than an insignificant ant in my eyes; an ant I’m not willing to give a second glance to as long as he doesn’t provoke me.”

Bai Zemin did not wait for a response from Sun Ling and looked at Wu Yijun as he said in a somewhat guilty voice, “I’m sorry to ruin it. This was supposed to be a party for you but in the end this is how it all ended.”

Wu Yijun looked at him with a relieved smile on her face still wet with tears. She shook her head gently and as she looked at him with her eyes slightly swollen from crying she said softly, “It’s okay… I’m glad that in spite of everything things didn’t turn out so bad… Thank you for all of this. It means a lot to me.”

Bai Zemin thought about what to say for a moment but in the end, he simply smiled kindly at her and nodded before turning around and walking to his family.

‘And now how am I going to explain all this?’ Bai Zemin couldn’t help but force a smile into his heart as he noticed the way his parents were looking at him.

It was clear that he couldn’t escape even if he wanted to.

Feng Tian Wu was stunned as she watched all the events unfold like a spectator unable to intervene at all. Her iron expression that rarely changed was the vivid description of the word disbelief and the word surprise as she stared at the back of the person she wanted to apologize to disappearing into the distance.

She wanted to step forward and stop him to apologize honestly, but her brain that was still processing everything she had just heard and seen did not allow her body to move. Even stepping forward was not possible.

It wasn’t until many minutes later that she finally came out of her daze after hearing her father’s voice calling out to her from beside her.

“Tian Wu, are you all right?” Feng Hong asked with a frown.

It was rare to see his firm and stern daughter show such a shocked expression on her face so he couldn’t help but worry.

Actually, Feng Hong was at ease with everything that was going on. Even if the faction changed its leaders it did not affect him to any great extent since his Feng family was not particularly allied with any other family. With his and his daughter’s power, he was sure that the new government to come would have no problem accepting them as valuable fighters, and thus the benefits they would receive would surely be no less than what they had at present.

Feng Tian Wu hesitated for a moment before shaking her head. “Father, we should go too.” She said, noticing that all the guests were leaving after saying their goodbyes with complicated expressions on their faces.

Feng Hong nodded in agreement and led his family of three to bid farewell to Wu Keqian and the others. Regardless of whether the base changed its leader in the future or not, it was a fact that Wu Keqian was destined to be someone big not only because of his strength but also because his daughter Wu Yijun clearly had a peculiar relationship with the young man named Bai Zemin.

Standing next to her family and with a smile on her face, Wu Yijun watched as her father said good night to the guests and apologized for today’s awkward moment. Wu Keqian even made use of the 4 soul evolvers with healing type skills to help those who had suffered some minor wounds during the whole event and also promised to reward them later.

Suddenly, however, Wu Yijun felt someone staring at her. Being sensitive to all kinds of stares, she turned and met the clear eyes of a woman slightly younger than herself but whose beauty did not lose much to herself.

For some reason, Wu Yijun felt that this young beauty’s eyes reflected many complicated emotions as she looked at her. However, Wu Yijun was sure that she did not know her from anywhere so all she could do was incline her head with a big question sign on her face.

But Feng Tian Wu simply shook her head without saying anything.

Her opportunity to apologize had passed once again. But this was not a good occasion to do it either so she would do it during the mission that would start tomorrow since she was also one of the soul evolvers that would be mobilizing.

The only thing that worried Feng Tian Wu a bit was that her apology might not be seen in the honest way she wanted to apologize as the current Bai Zemin was clearly far from being that ordinary young man from a normal family that he was in the past.

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