Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Chapter 586 - Wu Yijun: Charming Little Succubus

The pieces of broken bodies that were not crushed and disintegrated to the point of turning every fiber into a mist of blood flew uncontrollably everywhere as the shockwave that hit the ground with great power generated another shockwave which crushed everything around it.

Pieces of flesh, broken limbs, bone fragments, brain matter, and internal organs flew through the skies as blood rained down on the surroundings. The iron smell coming from the blood was so thick that even with the winds blowing so hard it remained permeated in the area for a long time.

With Gravity Manipulation activated in reverse to keep his height a little longer in the sky, Bai Zemin was pulled back to earth with a slightly but noticeably higher force than before.

"Earth's gravity is increasing as well." Bai Zemin muttered under his breath as he realized that not only did the gravity of attraction increase the speed of his descent but it had also been more challenging to jump before.

Fortunately, Bai Zemin had been in Oblon World about a week ago, and considering that the world of the asura race was a clearly more evolved world than Earth, its laws were also much higher. Therefore, the current gravity of Earth was no challenge for him.

"Looks like I'll have to stop all major movement for a few days until the troops get used to this new gravity." Bai Zemin whispered as his feet returned to solid ground, creating a 50+ meter crater with him as the center.

The weight of Crimson Thunder Dragon's Last Words wasn't there just for show after all.

Observing the surroundings, Bai Zemin realized that practically all the creatures were focused on him and Wu Yijun. As for those that tried to flee in another direction, they were immediately caught by the bright red vines that continued to grow larger and larger each time one was destroyed.

At this point it seemed as if a red forest had been born out of nowhere as beyond the vines the view was almost completely blocked; that's how big and amazing the view was now even though a few moments ago they were nothing more than small harmless seeds.

"Wu Yijun, you're doing a great job." Bai Zemin looked back and praised her from the heart as he watched her eyes move all over the battlefield, activating skill after skill and accurately and intelligently preventing the creatures from breaking away.

She was single-handedly holding off at least a few tens of thousands of beasts! Even if it was only temporary and thanks to the fire-energy vines, the fact that a First Order existence could contain such a large army among which there were more than a few existences within the same Order of power was undoubtedly praiseworthy anywhere in the universe!

Although Wu Yijun felt extremely delighted and her heart was jumping like crazy with happiness, she did not dare to lose her focus so she did not even have time to look at Bai Zemin to show him the beautiful smile that adorned her face at this moment as a result of his words. 

Now that she had managed to show her worth, the last thing she wanted was to fail near the end! One single slip up and all the perfect balance Wu Yijun had managed to forge with her skills and ingenuity would be destroyed; this was something she could not afford no matter what!

A faint smile grew at the corner of the mouth of Bai Zemin and he couldn't help but nod at the sight of her so focused. Even though her hair was a mess and stuck to her face due to the sweat covering her body, in his eyes, this was possibly the second time Wu Yijun looked so beautiful and charming with the first being that time during the battle against the spider army.

In the eyes of Bai Zemin, a strong and independent woman was way more valuable than a beauty. In this world, beauty could be achieved by anyone and even a woman with a disfigured face could achieve perfection by evolving; but a woman with the courage to face such a large army on her own and able to adapt to pressing situations like this was praiseworthy and a qualified partner.

"Sis Yijun is a good woman, don't you think?"

Lilith's voice sounded in Bai Zemin's head and his expression froze for a second before he realized that she didn't sound upset.

Bai Zemin didn't answer right away and instead stomped the ground with all his might, lunging forward like a torpedo and closing the distance between him and the beasts. The ground cracked and pulverized rocks flew everywhere; the mutant beasts and plants didn't even have time to comprehend the situation under the Agility of a monster like him.

Bai Zemin raised his greatsword high above his head as a thunderous roar came from his mouth.

[War Cry]


A roar that resembled that of an unknown beast came out of his wide-open mouth and the sound wave hit all the living creatures in front of him. All of them, regardless of whether it was a mutant plant or First Order evolver beast, fell to the ground with their eyes rolling and foam coming out of their mouths.

"Die!" Bai Zemin roared as he swung his greatsword ferociously downwards at the same time as a bright crimson flame began to dance on the weapon.

[Crimson Flame]



The earth shook and the heavens rumbled. 

The earth shattered and cracks stretched as far as the eye could not see.

The heavens seemed to weep as the few clouds in the near-night sky dispersed as they were hit by the shockwave spread in all directions.

Wu Yijun was forced to put both arms in front of her in the form of a cross to cover her face as even though the shockwave did not extend to the back the surroundings were covered by dirt. In fact, she was unable to stand her ground and fell to the ground, sitting on her backside due to the fierce earthquake that was incomparable to the ones before.

The dust cloud that rose into the sky was approximately 10 km in diameter so it was extremely challenging to see what was happening in the core. However, except for the rumbling of the surroundings, Wu Yijun could no longer hear roars of beasts or signs of battle.

Standing on an earthen stage that measured approximately 10 meters in diameter, Bai Zemin slowly placed his weapon on top of his shoulder and with narrowed eyes scanned the surroundings as the [Critical Hit!] messages flashed in his retina constantly.

Other than dirt and blood, there was nothing else there.

In fact, Bai Zemin realized that he was standing on the surface of what appeared to be a giant crater at the moment and only a conservative estimate told him that the crater should be at least about 1000 meters deep.

With the sound of rumbling still faintly persisting, Bai Zemin finally answered the question that Lilith asked before, "Indeed. She is a splendid woman. Unfortunately, where heart rules, brains don't or otherwise she would definitely be my first choice in choosing a partner to spend the rest of my life with."

"Oh? You're quite sincere aren't you?" Lilith didn't seem angry even though not long ago they both practically laid bare their feelings for each other. But this was also normal considering she wasn't a naive young girl; Lilith was a woman who had seen and heard too much to feel more than a little jealousy over mere words.

"I think honesty is necessary when it comes to feelings." Bai Zemin shrugged.

Wu Yijun had been the first woman who had truly loved him and shown it without fear. Therefore, it was naturally impossible for Bai Zemin not to feel that she had at least an important place in his heart. In fact, she was the only woman who had openly told him how much she loved him so far if he put aside his mother and younger sister.

Lilith, seeing how the corner of Bai Zemin's mouth was constantly twitching, couldn't help but laugh and point out, "You're remembering dark things about your past, aren't you?"

"Shut up."



Bai Zemin snorted and casually slammed his fist forward.


A giant bubble of air and pressure burst as a result and the entire dirt quickly began to shake off. However, it wasn't enough with just one punch so he had to strike more than 10 times to remove all the dirt from the surrounding area and disperse it enough to see everything with clarity.

At some point, the world had stopped trembling and the earth had stopped expanding. In addition, perhaps frightened by the terrifying explosions from moments before, the mutant beasts and plants stopped coming out of the forests while the sea creatures no longer came up onto solid ground once the giant waves had completely subsided.

"Looks like the expansion is over." 

The voice of Wu Yijun sounded from behind Bai Zemn and as he turned around he realized that her body was completely drenched in water. Considering that she was wearing a magic robe, every part of the robe hugged her wet body tightly and highlighted to the point of the highest seduction her beautiful curves.

The eyes of Bai Zemin warmed for a second before he looked away and asked in an attempt for her not to notice the way he had looked at her, "... What happened to your clothes?"

Wu Yijun's eyes sparkled with a hint of joy but she didn't say anything about it to prevent him from feeling uncomfortable. After all, knowing that her charm was not indifferent to Bai Zemin was more than enough for her to be able to go to bed with a big smile on her face.

"Oh... About this..." She blushed and began to explain.

Bai Zemin felt a little embarrassed when she told him that her body had been covered by dirt and due to sweat had turned into mud. Therefore, Wu Yijun had no choice but to use Hydrokinesis to wash her body but still, she couldn't wait to get to a safe place and take a shower.

"Sorry about that." He said after coughing.

While utilizing the overwhelming physical attack power and formidable weight that Crimson Thunder Dragon's Last Words bestowed upon Bai Zemin whenever he wielded it was the fastest way to wipe out large numbers of enemies, it was definitely far from the most optimal way. After all, the power of the greatsword was 100% destructive power that Bai Zemin had no way of controlling.

While he could have used Blood Bullets or any other blood weapon by making use of Blood Manipulation, it would take more time and consume Mana that he did not need to consume. Why put so much stupid effort into it when a swing of his weapon was enough to end all the pressing problems? If the situation wasn't so pressing, he might have been able to do it; but since the situation was urgent, there was no time to waste.

"Don't worry... It's nothing." Wu Yijun smiled sweetly toward him and her eyebrows curved into a crescent shape. In her heart, she thought, 'If I can make you look at me like this I'm willing to go through this a thousand times.'

The corner of Bai Zemin's mouth twitched a couple of times at the sight of the innocent smile on her baby face. That innocent and pure smile coupled with that seductive devil-like body really was any man's undoing.

He had to admit that if Shangguan Bing Xue was like an immortal fairy because of her beauty that simply transcended all senses, then Wu Yijun really was like a little succubus even though she herself was not aware of this fact.

Bai Zemin naturally did not know what she was thinking but he simply shook his head and looked off into the distance: "Help me to get the Soul Stones. We need to catch up with the rest as soon as possible."

Changping District was also a suburb-like district located in the north of China so the forests were dense in the area. The beasts that Bai Zemin together with Wu Yijun had just killed were only part of the forests closer to Yanqing District but these forests were only one of many so it was practically a given that his faction would be fighting more mutant creatures right now.

Besides, with the Earth growing in size, Bai Zemin had yet to understand how far away was the point he had ordered his troops to go.

Previously, a simple vehicle ride of about 30 minutes at 60 km/h was more than enough to get to the right place. However, considering that now Bai Zemin could not even see the sea, it was a good idea to question how much the continents and the seas had actually grown.

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