Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon

Chapter 150 - Chapter 150: Investigation

Chapter 150: Investigation

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Gong Zhan approaching her voluntarily surely didn’t wasn’t good news, thought Gong Xin. But hindered by her short legs, she might not be able to escape.

“What do you want to say?” she asked calmly as she walked up to him and poured herself some water.

Gong Zhan wasn’t coy either and asked, “When Gu Zi worked as a broadcaster at the radio station, did she have an affair with the station’s leader?”

In response to Gong Zhan’s astonishing and infuriating question, Gong Xin spat out the water she was drinking.

“Gong Zhan, don’t tell me you think that some man helped Gu Zi? Couldn’t it be because of her husband’s connections?”

Although it was said that Gu Zi was marrying a pig farmer, at least he owned a pig farm.

Since he was running a business, what was so odd about knowing one or two officials? How could Gong Zhan jump to conclusions and question Gu Zits character? Men’s thinking was too dreadful!

Gong Zhan’s face was cold as he firmly believed in his own judgment. “Ask around at the station and see if there was anything unusual about her previously,” he said.

“Please don’t order me around!” Gong Xin said with her hands on her hips. “Besides, what’s wrong with you? You both are about to get married separately, yet you’re still meddling in Gu Zi’s affairs?”

Gong Xin felt that something was amiss, and she shot a strange glare at her brother.

After Gong Zhan left, Gong Xin suddenly realized something. Could it be that her brother liked Gu Zi?

If that was the case, Gu Zi was really unfortunate. How did she fall in love with an egotistical person like her brother from the beginning?

However, Gong Zhan was her biological brother after all. If Gu Zi still liked Gong Zhan and knew that Gong Zhan was developing feelings for her, would she be willing to become her sister-in-law?

Gong Xin made an important decision. When she had time, she would visit Gu Zi, considering it an effort to help her foolish brother!

At the Public Security Bureau.

After Gu Zi left, the person in charge quickly initiated the investigation, exactly as she had instructed.

This was a matter that even Deputy Chief He was paying attention to. If he handled this case well, a promotion this year was likely.

He first went to visit Lin Miao’s classmates in the city. Based on their words, they could confirm that Lin Miao was an extremely vain person.

She had boasted to her classmates that her family was a hidden rich family in the village and after graduating, she had treated them all to a big meal.

With such an attitude, after receiving that sum of money, naturally, she wouldn’t entrust it to her family but rather use it to flaunt herself among her classmates.

However, she didn’t openly ask her family for that sum of money. After leaving the Lin family, she accused them of withholding the money.

All this indicated that Lin Miao had ample motive. But that wasn’t enough; they still needed to gather more evidence. The next step was to visit Little Lin village.

At the Lin family’s residence, Lin Cheng, Gu Zi, and others had already arrived home.

After setting things down, Lin Hun squatted on the low wall by the Lin family’s door, smoking. He grabbed anyone who passed by, complaining about Lin Miao’s ingratitude and sympathizing with the Lin family.

The villagers blushed in embarrassment as they remembered that they had previously believed the Lin family had embezzled that money and had been criticizing them behind their backs.

Some villagers were reluctant to admit their mistakes, saying, “Just because you say so, should we believe it? Lin Miao isn’t in the village now, and you’re blaming everything on her. We don’t know what’s the real truth.”

Someone asked Lin Hun, “Weren’t you the one who criticized the Lin family the most?”

Lin Hun stomped out the cigarette rudely. “I was fooled by Lin Miao at that time, too! But I’m better than you all; I can admit my mistakes.”

Just then, a police car stopped at the Lin family’s gate, and two officers got out, making everyone nervous.

The officers asked, ‘Who’s from the Lin family?”

Lin Cheng and Li Hua stepped forward to respond. The police asked Li Hua,

“Regarding the missing gift money, do you remember someone seeing Lin

Miao returning to the village on that day? Can you find that witness?”

Li Hua affirmed that she could and, under everyone’s watchful eyes, got into the police car to look for the witness.

Those who had been unwilling to admit their mistakes were instantly refuted. At this rate, it was clear the Lin family couldn’t have lied.

After dinner, Mrs. Lin and Li Hua took Gu Zi into a room.

Mrs. Lin handed a pair of red embroidered shoes with intertwined lotus patterns to Gu Zi, while Li Hua gave her a red box, instructing Gu Zi not to open it yet.

Mrs. Lin said, “Since ancient times, wealthy families have provided their daughters with everything they need from birth to death, as part of the dowry to take to their husband’s home. We don’t have that capability, but we want to provide what we can..”

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