Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation

Chapter 379 - Chapter 379: Cosmic Supreme Treasure

Chapter 379: Cosmic Supreme Treasure

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“It’s less than 400 lightyears away.”

Wang Ye looked at the radar projection.

The old tree was quite useful. Within the scope of its soul consciousness, it knew the locations of all the wormholes. It saved him a lot of time.

If he relied on himself to explore, even if he had the bloodline of Treasure Hunting, he would need at least a cosmic year to know the rough area of the wormholes.

Right now, he would be able to take the mission down in two cosmic days at most.


“Fourth.” Wang Ye looked at the squad’s battle credits.

This was separate from individual battle credits.

Squad battle credits were the additional rewards obtained from completing missions based on the squad’s ranking of the mission.

[Current accumulation: 133.78 million!]

They were not far from the top three squads, Taiwu Squad, Ji Yanan Squad, and Heidun Squad.

Taiwu Squad was still in the lead with 160,240,000 battle credits.

However, Heidun Squad had 135,110,000 battle credits. The difference was less than 1,400,000!

“It’s not difficult to surpass it.” Wang Ye knew that as long as they submitted a few natural wormhole coordinates, they would be able to increase their battle credits slightly and enter the top three.

But this was not his goal.

“Taiwu Squad…” Wang Ye looked at the squad ranked first.

Ever since the establishment of the Milky Way Ace Team and the beginning of their missions, they had always been at the top, never falling behind.

The strongest squad of the Silver Warband.

The Taiwu Cosmic Nation itself was one of the top cosmic nations in the Taishi Starfield.

“Since we’ve already climbed to third place… Isn’t it a little unreasonable not to fight for first place?”

Wang Ye was naturally competitive, but more importantly, it was about what he could gain.

As the captain, if he could lead the squad to take first place in the exploration of the Ancient Battlefield Milky Way, his resume in the military camp would be even more splendid, and his future would be limitless!

The Human Race’s War Military Camp was backed by the seven supreme human factions. In the entire human race, it held a considerable weight!

It was like the story of Cry Wolf.

The squads of the Silver Warband, which were still fighting in the devil race’s territory, watched helplessly as the Azure Mountain Squad completed the exploration mission.

From sixth place, they received an additional 25 million battle credits as a reward, thus rising to fourth place, and then… They suddenly obtained 300 battle credits and jumped to third place, surpassing Heidun Squad!

Heidun Squad, which had been in the top three since the beginning of the Ancient Battlefield Milky Way’s exploration, had been pulled down!

This was not only a matter of face, but also the final reward. The top three squads of the Silver Warband would receive a special reward, which the fourth place wouldn’t.

“Why is this happening?” The captain of Heidun Squad, Tuyan Jie, had an ugly expression.

“It’s the coordinates of a natural wormhole, captain. The Azure Mountain Squad has discovered a new wormhole. After verification, this is the squad’s battle credit reward,” A member said.

“Don’t worry, captain.” Another member laughed. “They were lucky to discover a natural wormhole, but it’s impossible for them to find wormholes continuously. When our killing mission is over, our squad’s battle credit reward will naturally surpass theirs.”

Tuyan Jie’s expression changed. He frowned. “Wu Mohan just sent a message over. The Azure Mountain Squad has uploaded a new natural wormhole. Their battle credits have increased again.”

All the squad members were stunned.

Wasn’t this too fast?

Even the Silver Road Team didn’t have such efficiency.

“I know! It’s the exploration record of Yaozhu Planet’s demon race! That’s why they can quickly discover new natural wormholes,” One of the squad members exclaimed. “They only need to analyze the ready-made information!”

“That’s troublesome. There must be more than one demon exploration record. The more wormhole coordinates they upload, the more battle credits they will gain, widening the gap. At that time, the killing mission will be over but we might not be able to catch up.”

Tuyan Jie’s face was cold. He shook his head and said, “That’s not the main point. The main point is that we don’t have enough time. With the discovery of a large number of natural wormholes, the other squads can save their exploration time. The treasures of the Ancient Battlefield will be discovered quickly. By the time we complete the killing mission, perhaps… There will be no more treasures left.”

Swoosh! The squad members had ugly expressions.

As a member of the Milky Way Ace Team, the biggest profit of exploring the Ancient Battlefield came from the treasures of the Ancient Battlefield!

Even if they obtained one, they would be able to get a considerable amount of wealth.

But if they couldn’t get any of them… Wouldn’t this mission be in vain?

“Don’t worry, I’ll discuss it with Mohan and Ah Long,” Tuyan Jie said calmly.

He then contacted the captains of Taiwu Squad and Ji Yanan Squad.

The three squads had formed an alliance from the beginning and shared information, so they were always ranked in the top three. They absolutely couldn’t allow other squads to interfere and make them fail at the last moment!



Becky Galaxy.

[Cosmic warp successful.]




“Beep, beep, beep.” The radar soon detected an energy response. The alarm rang at a high frequency.

Yao was a little stunned.

Another discovery?

This was too fast.

They had only discovered an Ancient Battlefield treasure a few days ago…

Moreover, the energy reaction this time was extremely high!

Unimaginably high!

Basically, it meant that the Ancient Battlefield treasure they had discovered was of a higher grade than the pair of twin swords that the captain had given him.

He turned his head and looked at the captain who was sitting calmly in the main control seat. The latter was calm and there was no change in his expression. It was as if everything was under control. His calm aura made Yao even more shocked.

The captain was unfathomable!

His intuition told him that the captain might know something. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have gone straight for the treasure.

Even so, he didn’t show any joy when he discovered a treasure of this level.

The captain’s determination and willpower were so strong that he could not compare to him.

He wanted to learn from his captain. This state of mind was even more important than strength.


Wang Ye was naturally not surprised.

The Silver Road Team was currently gathered at the center of the Ancient Battlefield Milky Way, so they couldn’t reach this place.

No one could snatch the treasure from him. It was already in his hands.

As for the value of the supreme treasure component…

It was just a component.

Moreover, the treasure might not acknowledge him as its owner.

Supreme treasures were divided into cosmic supreme treasures and innate supreme treasures. Those born in the low-dimensional cosmic were basically cosmic supreme treasures, which were treasures born naturally in the cosmic, gathering the essence and mysteries of heaven and earth.

Compared to Dark Energy-level equipment, they were usually better.

However, when compared to Undying artifacts of the high-dimensional cosmic, which was better varied from user to user.

The difference between the upper and lower limits of a cosmic supreme treasure was greater. The key was whether one could obtain the acknowledgment of the cosmic supreme treasure.

Without the acknowledgment, it was useless.

In contrast, if one could obtain the acknowledgment of a cosmic supreme treasure, even if one was weak, one could still unleash astonishing power.

“If I can’t obtain its acknowledgment, I’ll just sell it.” Wang Ye’s idea was simple.

It was just like a woman who didn’t fancy him. No matter how beautiful she was, he could only look at her from afar.

He already had two indestructible artifacts, one being the Whitewheel Oblivion Armor, and the other being the four beast totem poles.

Although he could only display a portion of their effects, as his strength increased, they began to show their power.

In particular, the grades of the four beast totem poles were even higher than the Whitewheel Oblivion Armor, and might not be inferior to supreme treasure components.

“Let’s see what it is.” Wang Ye was still looking forward to it.

After all, this was a supreme treasure that he had thrown out in his previous life to attract many experts!

A ring with three cosmic mystical engravings.

Each mystical engraving was extremely complicated, even more complicated than those on the four beast totem poles.

This was especially so for the last mystical engraving. Not only were the patterns more, but they also intersected more frequently.

Moreover, the mystical engraving was several times smaller and almost indiscernible.

It was hard to imagine how such complicated engravings could be forged if they weren’t formed naturally by the cosmic.

“An ability user supreme treasure.” Wang Ye more or less understood why he had taken out this treasure in his previous life.

First of all, its energy was really strong, much stronger than the four beast totem poles. Even if it was just a component, it had an energy aura comparable to that of an Undying Lifeform. It was the best bait.

Secondly, in his previous life, when he was at the Super Star level, he focused more on close combat. When he was at the Black Hole level, he had already fused four paths into one, so the need for ability user treasures was minimal.

Lastly, it was only a component of a supreme treasure. A supreme treasure often needed to be found in its entirety before it could be used.

“Supreme treasure acknowledgment.” Wang Ye clenched his fists and his consciousness instantly entered.

The method of acknowledgment was very simple. He only needed to communicate with the spirit of the supreme treasure. There was no need to use blood.

This was his first time and he was quite nervous.

He did not hold much hope though.

After all, it was very likely that he had not been acknowledged by this treasure in his previous life, which was why he had thrown out this supreme treasure component.

As expected, his attempts at mental communication were like touching a barrier, and he was completely unable to enter the treasure.

He tried several times, but there was no reaction.

“So cold.” Wang Ye had read the relevant information.

It was quite difficult to obtain a supreme treasure’s acknowledgment.

Many factors were involved. For example, how close he was to the spirit of the supreme treasure, how strong his potential was, how strong his strength was, whether his ability was compatible with the supreme treasure, and so on.

Take this ability user supreme treasure for example. It was obvious that he was not familiar with the spirit of the supreme treasure. His potential as an ability user was average, and his strength was only at Dark Energy level 7. He didn’t know his ability yet, but he wasn’t particularly good in any ability user system.

The spirit of the supreme treasure had high standards, so it was normal for it to not think much about him.


Let’s try with the jade carving light ball.” Wang Ye planned to use his last resort.

The jade carving light ball was so powerful that it could absorb the four beast totem poles. It contained extremely powerful energy and might be able to obtain the recognition of a supreme treasure.

The star core shook, and the number 6 on the jade carving light ball lit up with a bright white light.

Wang Ye controlled it with his mind. Like a spear, he stabbed it into the supreme treasure’s barrier.

Boom! It was resisted by the supreme treasure component.

In an instant, the jade carving light ball released a huge amount of energy and physically communicated with the supreme treasure component.

Energy intertwined, and mystical engravings lit up continuously.

Wang Ye’s mind seemed to be in the middle of the confrontation between the two armies and was affected.

Fortunately, this was a one-sided war.

As the number 6 exerted force, the supreme treasure component was no longer cold.

Soon, it was overwhelmed by power. A faint light shone and opened up for Wang Ye to enter.

It had surrendered.


Wang Ye integrated his consciousness into it.

It was a bit like a powerful Eternal Lifeform forcefully gaining the acknowledgment of a supreme treasure.

It was also a little like the acknowledgment of one’s talent by the supreme treasure component.

All that was not important.

It was fine as long as he took it down!

The component of the supreme treasure landed on his left index finger. All three mystical engravings lit up, emitting a noble and powerful aura.

Good heavens, it knew him well. It knew that he was unmarried, so it took the initiative to be worn on his left index finger.


The spirit of the supreme treasure was connected to his mind, and countless information surged into his mind.

Wang Ye’s eyes lit up.

Good stuff! It was exactly what he wanted!

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