Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation

Chapter 368 - Chapter 368: She was the Most Important!

Chapter 368: She was the Most Important!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Silver Road Team’s Red River Squad.

In the starship, the team members were busy working.

“Yao, hurry up!”


“Yao, give me the map of Ningze Starfield!”



Yao, who was wearing a black battle suit, was busy.

As a newcomer to the Silver Road Team’s Red River Squad, his current job was to assist the other members and then learn to adapt to the Silver Road Team’s missions.

The Silver Road Team was very busy with work, and no one had time to teach him. He wasn’t good at socializing either, so he could only learn slowly by himself.

Unknowingly, it had been almost twenty years since he left the Blue Planet.

He originally thought that life was already very difficult on the Blue Planet, but after leaving, he realized that the cosmic was even more difficult.

He was like a frog at the bottom of a well, unable to imagine how vast and endless the cosmic was, and how tiny he was.

His unique talent on the Blue Planet was nothing in the cosmic.

The power level he had cultivated to the peak on the Blue Planet was merely a New Star level in the cosmic. His genes, the foundation of his body that he was so proud of… They were all trash.

Even the Chimeng family that enslaved him and controlled the Blue Planet was just a drop in the cosmic ocean. He didn’t know what the future of the Blue Planet would be like, and there was nothing he could do because he couldn’t even control his own fate.

Once he left the Blue Planet, he was sent to the battlefield as cannon fodder.

He was heavily injured in the first battle, narrowly escaped death in the second, third, fourth, fifth…

He kept fighting demons to stimulate his potential. Seeing his comrades die one by one, he gradually got used to it. He went from cannon fodder to soldier, sergeant, then decurion, from the New Star level to the cosmic level…

He didn’t even know how he survived.

After accumulating battle credits, he became a centurion, and then… He was completely enslaved by the Chimeng family.

The Chimeng family had given him resources and cultivation techniques, ordering him to continue staying in the military camp.

He was like a controlled puppet, living mechanically.

However, he still had hope in his heart, and hot blood was still flowing in his veins.

Therefore, he did not want to die.

He had never given up after climbing out of the endless skeletons.

From the battlefield to the special forces, then to the Silver Road Team. He buried his goal and hope in his heart and moved forward step by step, just like when he was on Blue Planet.

“Yao, the Silver Warband sent a message asking if you are interested in joining the Azure Mountain Squad?” The leader of the Silver Road Team’s Red River Squad walked over and looked at this taciturn and unremarkable rookie.

Yao was stunned.



Wormhole Base 1, the Milky Way Ace Team’s new encampment.

Ke Yuanqi sat on the ground after she finished her cultivation. She raised her chin proudly, looked around, and snorted.

This was too much!

It had already been two days, and there was still no sign of Wang Ye!

Lan Jian had come before. He hoped that she could return to the squad as soon as possible.

But how could she go back like this?

She had lost all her face!

If Wang Ye begged her, then… she would consider.


“Don’t come looking for me if you’re so great! Without me, the squad’s strength will be greatly reduced. How can you compete with the other squads?” Ke Yuanqi mumbled.

As she thought about it, Ke Yuanqi felt uncertain.

Previously, Wang Ye and Yan Sanqi had perfectly completed the guardian mission.

Now, Lan Jian and Xiaoyu were still around while she was the only one gone…

It didn’t seem to have much impact.

“It’s almost the third day. Will he really not come?” Ke Yuanqi felt uneasy.

Instinctively, she activated the team emblem and found the Azure Mountain Squad.

She opened the team details.

Ke Yuanqi’s eyes widened as she stood up abruptly.

Five people!

There was the addition of an idiot named Yao!

What did Wang Ye mean?

Not only did he not come to coax her back, he even went overboard!

To think he found someone to replace her!

She was the most important!

Yao was very confused.

Coming from the Silver Road Team to the Silver Warband was like a dream.

Although they were both Milky Way Ace Teams, the weight of the two was completely different.

Not only were there fewer members in the Silver Warband, but they were all super strong, the trump cards of the Milky Way Ace Team.

He wanted to join too, but he was not strong enough. He didn’t expect to be chosen for no reason and join without any mishaps.

“This is the main control room. This is the training base. Your room is here…” Lan Jian introduced the place to him with a smile. His eyes sized up the thin and short Yao from time to time. He had no idea what Wang Ye meant.

This boy… Was he very strong?

The newcomer was at the beginner Dark Energy level. He didn’t seem all that powerful.

“Senior, I, you…Why me?” Yao was not good with words, but he still managed to express his meaning.

“I don’t know.” Lan Jian smiled bitterly.

He had thought Wang Ye was joking, but who would have thought that he would choose a rookie from the list provided by Silver Road Team the next day?

Moreover, it was the Red River Squad that they had a rivalry with!

Poaching the enemy team’s members to strengthen their own team’s combat prowess?

What was the use of a newbie…

Suddenly, an angry shout came from outside the starship.

“Wang Ye, come out! You dare to do it but don’t have the guts to admit it?!” Ke Yuanqi was furious.

“What are you saying? Those who don’t know might think that we’re a couple.” Wang Ye walked out of the starship with a smile.

“Bah! You wish! What do you mean?!” Ke Yuanqi glared at Wang Ye. “Why did you find someone to replace my position?!”

“After you left, there’s a vacancy. If I don’t find someone to fill it, should I leave it empty?” Wang Ye was confused.

Didn’t he know how to coax her?

Ke Yuanqi had a stomach full of complaints, but she could not say anything.

“How can he compare to me?!” Ke Yuanqi looked at Lan Jian and the other man from the corner of her eye and quickly locked onto the thin figure in a colored battle suit.

Wang Ye glanced over.

He had already seen Yao when he first arrived. Although the other party was completely different from when he was on the Blue Planet, it was undoubtedly Yao.

It was just that he knew Yao, but Yao didn’t know him.

When Yao was taken away by the Munro family, he was still rolling around in the mortal world, absorbing the essence of the Sun.

They didn’t recognize each other, and there was no need for them to recognize each other for the time being.

“He’s better than you in many ways. He’s smarter than you,” Wang Ye said with a smile. “He’s quick-witted. He’s younger than you, but his cultivation speed is faster. He has also been on the Silver Road Team before. In the future, missions related to scouting will be easier. Most importantly, he’s more obedient than you.”

Ke Yuanqi was stunned. She didn’t expect Wang Ye to say so much in one breath.

Yet, she couldn’t refute it!

Thinking about it carefully, other than being stronger, she did not seem to have any other advantages.

“You will regret this!” Ke Yuanqi’s face turned red. She stomped her feet and turned to leave.

“Oh, where to?” Wang Ye said.

“Other squads!” Ke Yuanqi had her back to Wang Ye and raised her chin. “I will prove you wrong with my actions. I, Ke Yuanqi, am far more outstanding than you think!”

“Go, but I have to remind you,” Wang Ye said. “You’re just an ordinary member now. You can’t choose which squad to join. According to the rules of the Milky Way Ace Team, I’ve chosen a member of the Silver Road Team’s Red River Squad. If you want to join other squads, they have the choosing priority.”

Swoosh! Ke Yuanqi’s expression changed instantly.

Silver Road Team? And it was the Red River Squad?

Not only was she going to be demoted, but she even had to join the opposing team?!

“Wang Ye, you!” Ke Yuanqi’s face was flushed red. She turned around abruptly, wishing he could eat Wang Ye up.

“You have two choices now,” Wang Ye said to Ke Yuanqi. “Either come back or go to the Silver Road Team’s Red River Squad. It’s your choice and I respect it.”

He knew Ke Yuanqi’s personality very well.

She was strong but not easy to use. Especially since she was originally the captain, her personality was even more arrogant. It was very likely that she would cause trouble during the mission.

This could be seen from the previous guardian mission.

Which sane captain would let two rookies go on a mission alone?

To him, it was not that important whether Ke Yuanqi joined or not, but if she did, he had to be able to suppress and subdue her.

He didn’t a Ke Yuanqi who was spoiled and willful and needed to be coaxed. He couldn’t spoil this kind of unruly and willful young miss.

“I…” Ke Yuanqi’s thoughts were a mess.

The Wang Ye in front of her was a completely different person from when he defeated her. He was incomparably tall, like a huge mountain pressing down on her, making it difficult for her to breathe.

“Of course. Lan Jian, Xiaoyu, and I welcome your return. I asked Lan Jian to invite you back two days ago,” Wang Ye said. “But you didn’t want to come, so I found someone to replace you.”

Lan Jian was speechless.

“If you want, the Azure Mountain Squad will always be your home. You can challenge me anytime,” Wang Ye said with a smile. “As long as you can beat me, I’ll hand over the position of captain.”

Ke Yuanqi raised her head and stared at Wang Ye. Her chest rose and fell rapidly. “You said it!”

“Of course.” Wang Ye’s gaze fell on the dazed Lan Jian. “Help Yuanqi complete the application procedures and make preparations. I’ve already accepted a mission. Well depart tomorrow.”

“Ah?” Lan Jian was a little stunned.

When did he accept a mission?

Also, he had settled the most difficult thing, Yuanqi, just like that?

Looking at Wang Ye’s back as he left, Lan Jian was impressed.

He and Xiaoyu seemed to have underestimated Wang Ye. Not only was he strong, but his methods were also quite great…

As soon as he took over the position of captain, he established his prestige and made the most difficult-to-serve young miss obedient.

With a carrot and a stick, the innocent Yuanqi was completely defenseless.

No wonder he chose Yao from the Silver Road Team’s Red River Squad!

It turned out that he had set a trap here, blocking Yuanqi’s path of retreat.

“Awesome…” Lan Jian sighed.

Wang Ye returned to the cultivation room.

He did not have the time nor did he want to serve Ke Yuanqi.

It was best to be quick.

As for Yao, everyone was from the Blue Planet. They had the same blood flowing through their bodies, so he naturally had to help if he could.

Staying in the Silver Warband, Yao’s growth would be smoother with his care.

He had already accepted a mission. They would set off tomorrow.

However, his real goal was the component of the supreme treasure from five thousand years ago.

At that time, there would definitely be different voices in the squad, and there might even be doubts and objections.

Therefore, before setting off, it was very necessary to establish the captain’s prestige. He had to eliminate all possible problems before they could even sprout!

The first mission after becoming captain must be completed perfectly, and he was even more determined to obtain the component of the supreme treasure!

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