Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation

Chapter 365 - Chapter 365: Wishing You Good Luck, Yuanqi

Chapter 365: Wishing You Good Luck, Yuanqi

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Analysis completed. Wormhole detection.

Chu Leqin only ordered the cosmic warp when the detection percentage reached 100%.

Rumble! Rumble!

The Silver Road Azure Mountain Starship activated its defense system and entered the wormhole at light speed.

Thanks to the stable material and structure of the origin energy starship, even when it underwent a long-distance cosmic warp, there wasn’t too much shaking and vibration.

It was as if time passed in the blink of an eye.

In just an instant, the feeling of time flowing away disappeared and slowed down.

“Warp successful.”

“Starship testing…”


The Al’s voice sounded.

Within the radar area, the Silver Road Azure Mountain Starship and the team members quickly began to work.

Chu Leqin stared at the data above and held her breath.

Very soon-

“7800 light years!” Chu Leqin clenched her fists happily.

Looking at the data from the detection results, her eyes were filled with joy. “We are only 18 degrees away from the Ancient Battlefield Milky Way. We have shortened our exploration journey by half!”

“Yes.” Wang Ye could understand some of the data.

After this cosmic warp, they were only 3618 light years away from the center of the Ancient Battlefield Milky Way. It would save at least 5 cosmic years of exploration time.

He was getting closer and closer to his goal.

He watched as Chu Leqin quickly recorded and uploaded the data, analyzing the surrounding starfield.

Wang Ye immediately used his bloodline, Treasure Hunt.

All the cells in his body were throbbing, and the calling was very strong. Compared to before, they were even closer, and the fluctuations were even greater!

The component of the supreme treasure that Senior Wu Yuan mentioned!

Wang Ye now knew why this supreme treasure component was still in the Ancient Battlefield after 5,000 years and hadn’t been taken away.

The battle that ended with the eruption of the super black hole had destroyed almost all the experts.

Unless they were lucky enough to escape early, they were either blown up or devoured by the super black hole.

Naturally, the components of the supreme treasure were left behind.

He secretly noted down the starfield area and coordinates. When he accepted a mission in the future, he would keep it in mind.

“It’s time to leave.” Wang Ye was quite fond of the Azure Mountain Squad. Lan Jian and Xiaoyu were respectable seniors. Lan Jian was kind, and Xiaoyu was amiable.

It was just that the captain sometimes went berserk… though she was not a bad person.

But now, his goal was clear.

The components of the supreme treasure!

Then, he would go to the super black hole in the center of the Ancient Battlefield to find the guidance of Xia Yu and see if he left anything for him.

Battle credits were secondary now.

Therefore, the key was that he could make decisions independently. He couldn’t let Yuanqi do whatever she wanted.

If she accepted the wrong mission, he might miss the best opportunity.

Wang Ye connected the team emblem with his mind.

Data appeared in front of him.

[Current missions: devil kill, guardian.]

[Mission location: Kuigu Galaxy.]

[Battle credit reward: 16.75 million.]

It was mainly the battle credits obtained from demolishing the base.

After that, he destroyed two batches of devil race scouting troops, and his gains were mediocre.

Overall, this trip was already very profitable.

Finally, there was also the team reward after the mission was settled. Although it was not much, it was better than nothing.

Entering the mission details, Wang Ye looked at the details of the eight teams for the demon-exterminating mission.

The damage was quite great.

For example, the Red River Squad, which was ranked last, had two members killed and the rest heavily injured. Even their captain, Xiao Anli, was injured.

The Hongyuan Squad, which was ranked second to last, had been wiped out.

The other squads also suffered losses.

In general, because they were more prepared, the Silver Warband suffered less damage than the devil race troops.

It was normal.

The Silver Warband had always been walking on the edge of life and death. Therefore, they had the most military achievements in the entire Milky Way Army.

“Hongyuan Squad…” Wang Ye thought to himself.

This was the only squad that he could apply to be captain as the members had been wiped out in battle.

The other squads did not lose their captain.

Of course, he could also continue to wait. After all, the death rate of the Silver Warband was high.

Losing a captain was just a matter of minutes.

“There are still five cosmic days before the mission ends. I’ll apply then.” Wang Ye glanced at his squad, which was ranked first in the demon-exterminating mission.

In the team, his battle credits were far ahead, suppressing Captain Ke Yuanqi.

“Having such an outstanding employee like me saves a lot of trouble. The captain can even open a champagne bottle to celebrate.”

The discovery of the wormhole caused a huge uproar in the Milky Way Ace Team, causing a chain reaction.

The Milky Way Ace Team quickly dispatched their teams.

A portion of them attacked the devil race’s wormhole base while the other portion built a cosmic wormhole base and strengthened their garrison.

There was no doubt about the importance of the cosmic wormhole to mankind. It greatly shortened the time needed to enter the center of the Ancient Battlefield Milky Way, allowing them to be ahead of the devil race and the demon race.

Wang Ye and the Silver Road Team’s Azure Mountain Squad didn’t continue to explore the unknown starfield and other wormholes.

For the remaining five cosmic days, they guarded outside the wormhole.

Their luck wasn’t bad. There were no devil race troops.

After the arrival of the first Silver Warband, the Azure Mountain Squad’s iron triangle, the Silver Road Team’s mission was officially over.

“I hope we can work together again next time.” Chu Leqin smiled at Wang Ye.

“No problem. The cooperation has been a pleasure.” Wang Ye held Chu Leqin’s hand and said goodbye.

Along the way, they had gone through thick and thin together, sweeping through devil race bases and discovering cosmic wormholes.

In just a short cosmic year of carrying out the guardian mission, he had experienced a very profound experience.

Ke Yuanqi was left to the side, and her mouth twitched.

She was the captain!

“Good luck, Yuanqi.” Chu Leqin said goodbye to Wang Ye, then waved at Ke Yuanqi and returned to her starship.

Ke Yuanqi, who was left behind, had no idea what her good friend meant.

Yan Sanqi, who was standing at the side, knew very well.

Wang Ye might leave.

With Wang Ye’s departure, the Azure Mountain Squad would be beaten back to their original state.

With Captain Ke Yuanqi’s leadership… The squad’s overall ranking would probably not change much. Rather, it was already good enough that they could maintain their current improvement and not fall.

Looking at Wang Ye’s back, Yan Sanqi had mixed feelings.

She was happy for him, but at the same time, she felt an indescribable sense of panic as the distance between the two of them grew further.

He was too outstanding!

Double mission completed!

The team rewards were distributed.

Because the two Azure Mountain Squads were ranked first among all the squads, the team rewards were quite considerable.

Especially for Yan Sanqi.

After all, the battle credits she obtained from killing devil-race experts were not too much. It was only a little over 1 million.

But following Wang Ye, the rewards for the two missions were 2.77 million!

Yan Sanqi had not expected that she would be able to get such a good start after joining the Milky Way’s trump card army by accident.

A total of 4 million battle credits!

She had only accumulated a few hundred thousand battle credits in her decades on the battlefield.

Yet, following Wang Ye, in just a few cosmic years, her battle credits, title, and position in the military camp rose again and again!

The feeling of being carried by someone was too wonderful.

All members were rewarded with battle credits.

After this battle, the Azure Mountain Squad’s battle credits rose from 12.75 million to 25.78 million.

It doubled, suppressing the Red River Squad’s 25,520,000 battle credits!

They were now ranked 23rd.

To the Azure Mountain Squad, who had been at the bottom for a long time, it was like rain after a long drought. It was so refreshing that they felt as if they were ascending.

This caused the other squads that were ranked lower to be envious.

“4.12 million.” Wang Ye looked at his reward.

He was the one with the most gains.

Firstly, he had accepted many missions.

Secondly, Chu Leqin gave him a share of the profits for the discovery of the cosmic wormhole.

Not bad.

In addition to the 16.75 million he had obtained from killing devil race troops…

20,870,000 battle credits!

He had completed 20% of his target in one mission!

“100 million battle credits isn’t that far away.” Wang Ye was very satisfied.

Adding on the 127,000 battle credits he had earned from the exchange, he now had 21,000,000 battle credits.

A few more of these missions would be enough.



A new encampment was established!

With the cosmic wormhole as the core, the Milky Way Ace Team built a wormhole base and set up a new ace army encampment.

As the main force of the exploration, the vanguard of the Milky Way Army, the Milky Way Ace Team had no fixed encampment and was always at the front line.

The encampment did not require any special construction. They just needed to slightly modify the planet.

Basically, regardless of whether it was the Silver Road Team, the Silver Search Team, or the Silver Warband, most of them still moved within starships.

Soon, 10 cosmic days passed.

As more and more Milky Way Ace Teams arrived, the encampment was thriving and lively.

There were constantly starships going in and out. It was completely different from the desolate and empty scene when Wang Ye first arrived.

In the cultivation room.

Through the spatial sub-origin seed of the Space-lock Saber, Wang Ye carefully comprehended the path of space.

Compared to comprehending it in the human virtual cosmic, the spatial sub-origin was directly related to the truth of space.

Just like the white origin of thunder, using the spatial sub-origin to comprehend the path of space would bring twice the result with half the effort.

The foundation of space and time was control.

When one’s Spatial Control reached stage 4 or above, they would basically be able to comprehend the advanced path of space.

That being said, everyone’s aptitudes and abilities were different.

Those with high spatial attainments, good comprehension, or a spatial bloodline might be able to comprehend the advanced path of space at stage 2 or 3 Spatial Control.

In contrast, those who did not have a high spatial talent would need a higher stage of Spatial Control and life level to build a solid foundation.

The advanced path of space had three forks, namely the enemy-targeting Space Distortion, the self-effective Spatial Synchronization, and the origin-related dimensional crack.

There was not much difference in terms of their advantages and disadvantages.

Just like the six ability user systems, it depended on which path one was more suitable for.

Amongst them, Space Distortion was the most well-known and most practiced.

This was due to combat prowess.

Out of the three paths of space, Space Distortion increased one’s combat prowess the most.

The second was Spatial Synchronization.

Wang Ye had come into contact with both and fought against them many times.

Without the Space-lock Battle Domain, it would be difficult to deal with enemies who were proficient in Space Distortion or Spatial Synchronization.

If one’s realm was not high enough, they could only make up for it with treasures.

“So that’s how it is…” After 10 days of comprehension, Wang Ye had pretty much cleared a path.

The battle with Xia Yu made him understand the paths of space and time more deeply.

Space Distortion could be used directly in battle, or it could be integrated into saber techniques and saber intent.

Spatial Synchronization was used more in battle domains and treasures, with the user as the core.

Both were pretty good.

His consciousness was connected to the spatial sub-origin, combined with his own comprehension.

The door to one of the paths of the path of space slowly opened.

“Whoosh-” The spatial sub-origin of the Space-lock Saber vibrated lightly, filled with joy.

In that instant, Wang Ye was moved.

After crossing the door, he touched on the mysteries of the advanced path of space.


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