Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Chapter 2517

Chapter 2517: 532: Special Patient 2

Translator: 549690339

“Although she had been pregnant before, Ye Zao was still a professional. ”


Things were different now.

“In the past, when she was pregnant, there were many things that she could not eat. Now that the transportation and logistics were developed, she could just tell her what she wanted to eat. ”

Being pregnant was not a small matter. She had to be very careful.

“Ye Zao said, “I can’t remember even if I tell her now. I’ll draft a list and send it to sister-in-law later.” ”

“”That’s even better,”ye Shu said. ”

“Bai Jingshu sat beside ye Zao, still feeling very surreal. ”

“Thirty minutes later, the car stopped at the entrance of the hospital. ”

“They had just stopped when Lin ze jogged up to them. “Dad, Mom!” ”

“Ah Ze.”Ye Shu got out of the car. “When did you get here?”

“Just now.”Lin Ze turned to look at the backseat. “Where’s Jingshu?”

“She’s sitting at the back with burning.”

“At this moment, Ye Zao helped Bai Jingshu out of the car. ”

“Lin Ze immediately walked to ye Zao’s side and asked, “Burning…” ”

“Before he could finish his sentence, Ye Zao smiled and said, “Brother, don’t worry. Sister-in-law is really pregnant and her pulse is very strong. The little guy is very healthy!” ”

“”Okay.”Lin Ze was very excited. “Thank you, burning.” ”

Ye Zao chuckled. “Why are you thanking me? The person you should be thanking the most is sister-in-law.”

“Lin Ze looked at BAI Jingshu and said, “Jingshu, thank you.” ”

“Bai Jingshu said a little embarrassedly, “Alright, Alright. Let’s go in quickly.” ”

The few of them walked into the hospital.

“Ye Zao knew the director of the hospital. When he learned that ye Zao was coming, the director personally stood at the entrance of the main hall to welcome him. ”

“”Miss Ye!”Upon seeing ye Zhuo’s voice, the Dean immediately came forward to welcome him. ”

Ye Zhuo nodded slightly. “Dean Han.”

“Dean Han continued, “This is Vice Dean Liu, and this is chief Wang.” ”

“”Hello, Miss Ye. I’m Liu Kai.”Vice Dean Liu walked forward and shook hands with Ye Zhuo. ”

“Vice Dean Liu.”

“Chief Wang walked forward. “Miss Ye, I’m Wang Fei.” ”

“Chief Wang.”

“Ye Zhuo continued, “Let me introduce you three. This is my parents, this is my brother, and this is my sister-in-law! Father, mother, brother, sister-in-law, Chief Han, vice president Liu, chief Wang.” ”

“”Mr. Lin, Mrs. Lin.”After the few of them introduced themselves, chief Han continued, “Mr. and Mrs. Lin, please come in.” ”

The group of people walked into the hospital.

The examination went very smoothly because there was no need to line up. The examination was done in less than half an hour.

“Next, they just had to wait for the results. ”

“Director Han looked at ye Zhuo and continued, “Miss Ye, can I have a word with you?” ”

“Sure.”Ye Zhuo nodded slightly.

“Director Han made a ‘please’gesture, and Ye Zhuo walked forward. ”

He arrived at the office.

Director Han first got his assistant to pour a cup of tea for ye Zao before he got to the main topic.

“”Miss Ye, actually…”director Han considered the words in his heart before he continued, “I have something that I would like to ask for your help with.” ”

“Ye Zao took a sip of tea and said, “Please speak.” ”

“Director Han continued, “Recently, a very strange patient came to our hospital. His fever has not subsided and his entire body is weak. There are also signs of convulsions. We have performed a full-body examination, but we have not found the cause of the illness. We have checked a lot of information, but we have not found the same case. “We have already reported this situation to the higher-ups, but there has been no reply so far. “So, can you please take a look?” ”

Director Han had been looking for ye Zao for a long time!

But he was only a small director. He didn’t have the right to contact ye Zao.

“If he wanted to contact ye Zao, he had to report it to the higher-ups and then go through the approval process before he could meet ye Zao once. ”

“Therefore, when director Han received ye Zao’s call, he was very excited. ”

“At this moment, director Han was looking at Ye Zao with anticipation. ”

Ye Zao was not only a doctor.

She was also Dr. YC.

“Therefore, even if ye Zao declined, the director could understand very well. ”

“However, the director still hoped that ye Zao would agree. ”

“Because at the moment, the patient’s various indicators were declining, and he was about to die. ”

“”Show me the patient’s medical record,”ye Zhuo said. ”

“”Okay!”Hearing Ye Zhuo’s agreement, director Han’s eyes lit up and he handed the prepared medical record to Ye Zhuo. ”

“Ye Zhuo took the medical record and flipped through two pages. He frowned slightly and said, “The patient was transferred here on the 26th?” ”

Director Han nodded. “Yes.”

“Because the patient’s symptoms were too strange, no hospital dared to accept him. They had been transferred here and there until now before they officially accepted treatment. ”

“But because the correct cause of the illness had not been found, the situation was not under control. ”

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