Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Chapter 2450

Chapter 2450: 514: Bigotry beyond Redemption 3

Translator: 549690339

It’s said that female supporting actors are too stupid and crazy for love.


But Chen Siyao didn’t think so.

“If she was a female supporting actress in a TV series, she would have chosen this path. ”

A person’s life only lasts for a few short decades.

“No one knows what will happen in the future. Rather than making do with it, it’s better to live according to one’s heart. ”

Why bother restraining yourself for the eyes of others.

That would be too tiring.

“”I won’t get married, much less with you,”song Shiyu said. ”

“Chen Siyao’s expression finally changed. She continued, “Do you not want to get married, or do you not want to get married with me?” ”

“”There are two reasons,”song Shiyu said very confidently. ”

He didn’t want Chen Siyao to see any more hope.

“Song Shiyu continued, “There are thousands of good men in the world. Go out and take a walk. You’ll realize that I’m not worth mentioning at all.” ”

“”No! In My Eyes, no one can compare to you!”Chen Siyao looked at song Shiyu and said with determination in her eyes. ”

“In the past year, Chen Siyao had been to many places and seen many sceneries. She had even started to meet the dates her grandfather had introduced her to. ”

But none of this could change her love for Song Shiyu.

She just liked song Shiyu.

She only had song Shiyu in her eyes and heart.

“Do you have someone you like?”Chen Siyao asked.

“She had thought that song Shiyu wouldn’t answer this question, but unexpectedly, song Shiyu actually answered. He turned his head to look out the window. After a long while, he turned to look at Chen siyao and said softly, “Yes.” ”


The light in Chen Siyao’s eyes instantly disappeared.

She thought that a person like song Shiyu wouldn’t fall in love with anyone.

Who knew.

“Boss song, who had never loved anyone, actually showed such a loving but not sad expression. ”

“Who is that girl?”Chen Siyao asked.

She was very curious as to what kind of girl song Shiyu would miss so much.

“Song Shiyu didn’t answer Chen Siyao directly. Instead, he said, “For her, I can never marry.” ”

Never marry.

Chen Siyao’s face turned pale.

“”So… This is the reason why you’re not willing to marry me,”Chen Siyao retorted. ”

“Song Shiyu shook his head. “That’s not a reason. I Won’t marry you, with or without her.” ”

A wry smile appeared on Chen Siyao’s lips. “I don’t mind being her stand-in. I don’t care what kind of person she is.”

“”She is her, irreplaceable,”song Shiyu said. ”

“The real her, the confident her. ”

Not just anyone could replace her.

“Chen siyao continued, “Can you tell me who she is?” ”

“No.”Song Shiyu’s gaze was a little cold.

This was a secret that would remain in his heart forever.

Song Shiyu didn’t want his love to become a burden.

“Chen siyao continued, “Is it possible for you to be with her?” ”

“Chen Siyao still held a kind of hope in her heart. If there was no result between song Shiyu and that girl, would she have a chance? ”

“”Regardless of whether it’s possible for me to be with her or not, it’s never possible for me to be with you.”Song Shiyu didn’t know what to say before Chen Siyao understood what he meant, he continued, “Even if I really get to the point where I have to marry anyone, it won’t Be You.” ”

His words were extremely heartless.

He hoped to wake Chen Siyao up in time.

“But Chen Siyao didn’t want to wake up. “Song Shiyu, you’ve underestimated my love for you.” ”

Her love for Song Shiyu couldn’t be dispelled with just a few words from song Shiyu.

“”Siyao,”song Shiyu looked at Chen siyao and continued, “Don’t become someone I hate, Okay?” ”

“He was old friends with Old Master Chen, who had helped him back then. ”

“If it had been any other girl, Song Shiyu might not have had such a good expression. ”

“”On account of Grandpa Chen, I can let you off the hook, but please look at yourself,”song Shiyu continued. “A girl’s dignity is given by herself.” ”

Chen Siyao’s eyes were slightly red. “Why can’t you marry me for My Grandpa’s Sake?”

“I’ve said everything I need to say.”Song Shiyu stood up from the dining table. “Do you have anything else?”

“Chen Siyao looked at song Shiyu, she continued, “I think you’re a little impulsive! Shiyu, think about it carefully. Instead of marrying some unknown woman, why can’t you consider me? They may marry you for your money, only I, only I love you the most! No matter what you become, I have no regrets!” ”

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