Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Chapter 2416

Chapter 2416: 407: Find a way to conquer it! 1

Translator: 549690339

The situation in L continent could not be dragged on any longer.


“If it was dragged on any longer, the damage would only be more serious! ”

He had to think of a solution immediately.

“Ye Zao frowned without leaving a trace and continued, “The two of you must protect yourselves during this period of time.” ”

“”Yes.”Mario nodded, stood up straight, and bowed to ye Zao in a very serious manner. “Miss Ye, I can’t thank you enough for your great kindness. The people of L continent and I will always remember you. ”

“Other than regret, Mario also regretted what he had done previously. ”

Why did he have to do that?

“At this moment, Mario wished that he could slap his foolish self to death. ”

“If he was ye Zao, he might not be as magnanimous as ye Zao. ”

“Perhaps, this was the reason why he would never be able to reach the height of ye Zao. ”

William also bowed.


“At this moment, a loud sound rang out in the air. ”

“The scene that was still playing suddenly became chaotic, causing the screen to turn pitch black. ”

“Following that, the roars and roars of the exotic beasts could be heard. ”

William turned his head to look at Mario.

Both of their eyes were filled with panic.


“Mario raised his index finger and placed it by his lips, gesturing for him to keep quiet. ”

William gulped.

“This way.”Mario lowered his voice and continued.

William followed in Mario’s footsteps.

The two of them walked at an extremely slow pace.

“The Strange Beast’s roar continued, sounding extremely terrifying. ”

This was the first time William had faced a strange beast in such a direct manner.

He didn’t dare to imagine what would happen if he was caught by such a thing.

“After all, Mario had studied exotic beasts for a period of time, so he had some understanding of their habits. As expected, under Mario’s command, the two of them successfully escaped from the exotic beasts. ”


“The two of them hid in a bomb shelter. Leaning against the wall, they let out a long breath. ”

“”William,”Mario continued. ”

“”Yes,”William replied. ”

“Mario continued, “Do you believe it? We’ll definitely be able to defeat these guys!” ”

“I believe it.”William looked ahead and said.

“It was clearly just a wall in front of them, but William seemed to see endless hope. ”

“If it had been an hour ago, William definitely wouldn’t have believed it. ”

But it was different now.

Ye Zhuo had already promised to help them.

“Although ye Zao was younger than them, she had an aura that could calm people’s hearts. ”

“Mario picked up a can of soda from the shelf, his expression somewhat complicated. “To be honest, I didn’t expect Miss Ye to help us.” ”

To those in the industry.

Addressing ye Zao as Miss Ye was a form of respect for ye Zao.

“From the way he addressed him, it could be seen that at this moment, Mario was completely convinced by Ye Zao. ”

There were many things about ye Zao that were worth learning from.

“He had lived for most of his life and had seen many people and many things. He thought that he was rich and knowledgeable, that he knew everything, and that he could dominate the world. ”

“In fact, he was nothing. ”

“”I didn’t expect it either.”William was similarly moved as he continued, “Miss Ye is very different from what I imagined. Perhaps, we still need to get to know her again.” ”

“In the past, when William learned that many people regarded ye Zao as their lifelong dream, he was still very puzzled. ”

“Because, in William’s eyes at that time, Ye Zao was just a person who had made some achievements in the scientific research world. ”

“In this world, there were people who succeeded every day, and there were also people who failed every day. ”

He had seen many successes.

“Therefore, even when he saw ye Zao build an aircraft carrier, he only sighed. ”

Only now did he completely understand why ye Zao had become their lifelong dream.

“From now on, Ye Zao was also his lifelong dream. ”

Mario agreed with William’s words.

“”I regret it now,”Mario continued. ”

“William said, “Do you regret not listening to miss ye earlier?” ”

“”I regret not knowing miss ye earlier,”Mario said. ”

“If he had gotten to know ye Zao earlier, things would definitely have turned out differently. ”

“After saying that, Mario added, “I was too arrogant in the past.” ”

“William looked at Mario and continued, “Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Now that things have already happened, don’t think too much about it. Thinking too much not only won’t solve the problem, it will also bring about a burden on yourself.” ”

Mario did not speak. He looked a little lonely.

William was right.

Everyone makes mistakes.

But his mistakes were unforgivable.

“When everything was settled, he would definitely give an explanation to everyone. ”

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