Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Chapter 2397

Chapter 2397: 501: asking for humiliation! 7

Translator: 549690339

“What’s going on?”Mario asked with a frown.


“You’ll know when you come over.”Another voice came from the other end.

“Mario frowned slightly. After hanging up the phone, he immediately rushed to the laboratory. ”

“Ten minutes later, Mario appeared at the entrance of the laboratory. ”

“When his assistant saw him, he immediately rushed over. “Mr. Mario, please come over quickly.” ”

Mario followed in his assistant’s footsteps.

The two of them came to the experiment platform.

Mario was completely stunned when he saw the exotic beast trapped in the middle of the glass cover.

“He saw that the exotic beast was covered in disgusting mucus. It had three heads and five claws, but it only had two heads. ”

“What is this?”

“Mario had never seen such a strange thing before, and was instantly stunned. ”

“The assistant gulped and continued, “This is the alien that evolved from the shape of the falling object.” ”

“What?”Mario narrowed his eyes.

“The assistant continued, “Just, just 10 minutes ago, it was only the size of a sesame seed. I, I just turned around and it, it, it became like this!” ”

“How can this be?”Mario also felt that it was strange. He stood in front of the glass cover and carefully observed it.

“The assistant continued, “Doctor, do you think that it would…” ”

“In less than ten minutes, a creature the size of a fly had turned into the size of a bird. If it continued to evolve at this rate, would it turn into the size of a dinosaur? ”

Or even bigger?

The assistant did not even dare to think about it!

No Wonder Ye Zao suggested destroying it.

“At this moment, Mario pressed his index finger to his lips and made a silent gesture. “Shh.” ”

The assistant immediately shut up.

Mario bent down and took out the lighter he carried with him. He lit a piece of paper and threw it into the glass cover.

“He had thought that the exotic beasts would be afraid of fire. Who knew that just as the burning fire was about to fall on the exotic beasts, a transparent barrier suddenly appeared in the air, blocking the burning fire. ”

“Furthermore, the moment the fire touched the barrier, the barrier actually split into pieces. ”

It was obvious that the strange beast had absorbed the fire and converted the fire into energy.

“Seeing this scene, Mario’s eyes were filled with excitement. ”

“He knew that this fallen alien creature must contain some mysterious energy. If not, ye Zao would not have come up with a plan to destroy it. ”

“Compared to the excitement in Mario’s eyes, the assistant was almost scared to death. His eyes were filled with fear, and his entire body was trembling. ”

How could there be such a strange creature.

This creature reminded him of the strange beast on Europa.

“Mario continued, “Bring the liquid nitrogen.” ”

The assistant was still in a state of panic and did not say anything.

“Mario repeated, “Bring the liquid nitrogen.” ”

“Only then did the assistant come to his senses. He nodded and said, “Alright, Please Wait a moment.” ”

“With that, the assistant hurriedly jogged over to look for the liquid nitrogen. ”

“Very soon, the assistant returned with the liquid nitrogen. ”

“”Doctor, liquid nitrogen.” ”

“Mario reached out to receive it, then injected the liquid nitrogen into the glass cover. ”

“Under normal circumstances, any living creature would be frozen the moment they came into contact with the liquid nitrogen. ”

“However, the exotic beasts within the glass cover didn’t have any. ”

“Not only did they not have any, they were abnormally active. ”

“The white liquid nitrogen flickered with a strange blue light, looking somewhat terrifying. ”

“It seemed that although the exotic beasts weren’t afraid of liquid nitrogen, they weren’t able to absorb it. Just as Mario was about to withdraw the liquid nitrogen, the white smoke in the glass cover suddenly began to decrease, and it was getting lesser and lesser. ”

Only when the white smoke had completely disappeared did Mario see that all the liquid nitrogen smoke had been sucked into the mouths of the exotic beasts.

“Furthermore, the exotic beasts were already much larger than what could be seen with the naked eye. ”

This was a little terrifying.

Who would have thought that these exotic beasts weren’t afraid of fire or Ice? They were even able to absorb the energy from ice and fire.

“Right at this moment, Mario seemed to have thought of something as he continued, “Go get the potash.” ”

Ye Zao had said that he would use potash to destroy the objects that had fallen. This meant that the exotic beast was afraid of potash.

“Indeed, when the term potash was captured, the exotic beast that had been baring its fangs and brandishing its claws immediately shrank back into the glass cover. ”

Mario’s eyes were filled with astonishment. So this exotic beast could actually understand human speech.

That was even better!

“The assistant had also noticed the strange behavior of the exotic beast, and immediately trotted over to get the potash. ”

“Mario took the potash and tightly sprinkled a bit of powder inside. The exotic beast hiding in the corner began to squeal. Most importantly, Mario had also noticed that when the powder was sprinkled on the exotic beast’s body.., the Strange Beast’s body had shrunk by several times. ”

So the potassium carbonate was really effective against Strange Beasts!

“The Strange Beast gave Mario, who was holding the potassium carbonate, a pleading look. ”

“Mario guessed that the strange beast should be able to understand human speech. He continued, “Let’s make an exchange. You give me the energy I want, and I’ll let you evolve smoothly.” ”

“Hearing this, the strange beast immediately nodded. Furthermore, it had three heads. ”

“Mario immediately retracted his hands and continued, “I want a perpetual motion machine.” ”

The exotic beast nodded its head.

“As long as they had a perpetual motion machine, L continent would be able to build a flying machine that could surpass the speed of light. ”

“First it would be a flying machine, then an aircraft carrier. He would let the world see the progress of L continent one step at a time. ”

“Seeing the exotic beast like this, Mario nodded his head in satisfaction. Holding the potash in his hand, he said, “Then let’s work together happily. Otherwise, I won’t be able to hold the potash in my hand firmly.” ”

The Strange Beast continued to nod its head.

“It clearly had a disgusting appearance, but at this moment, it was even more obedient than a cat. ”

“The assistant, who had been a little afraid, was no longer afraid. In fact, he even felt some sympathy for the strange beast. After being targeted by someone like Mario, it was likely that he would only be able to be used as a test subject in the future. ”

“Mario placed the potash back into the bag. Looking at his assistant, he continued, “Send someone to keep an eye on it 24 hours a day.” ”

“Alright.”His assistant nodded.

“After saying that, Mario turned around and left. After taking a few steps, he stopped in his tracks and turned to look at the exotic beast before continuing, “Ten Days? Ten Days is all I can get to see the perpetual motion machine?” ”

The exotic beast immediately nodded its head.

The corners of Mario’s mouth curled up in a satisfied smile before he turned around and continued walking out.

“Ye Zhuo and Cen Shaoqing took a flight overnight to the international research department. Together with the top experts from all over the world, they researched and established a defensive line. After more than six hours of discussion, they confirmed the final plan. ”

Country C and a few other countries even withdrew their embassies stationed in LZHOU overnight.

Many countries that cooperated with lzhou also directly canceled their cooperation with lzhou.

“When Mario heard the news, he wasn’t angry. Instead, he laughed out loud. ”

Just wait!

“When he got the perpetual motion machine, even if those blind people kneeled on the ground and begged for cooperation, he wouldn’t spare them a second glance. ”

“Right now, China was dominant in the world of scientific research and lacked a counterbalance. ”

“Now, the counterbalance had appeared out of nowhere, but they did not know how to cherish it. ”


They were all idiots!

On the other side.

Bai Mo had been wandering on the streets for two days.

“In these two days, she had not eaten a drop of water. Her face was pale and she was in dire straits. ”

She refused to admit defeat!

She absolutely could not admit defeat!

“At this moment, Bai Mo walked to the side of a trash can. When she saw that half a large pancake had been thrown away by the trash can, she subconsciously swallowed her saliva. ”

“In the past two days, Bai Mo had been so hungry for food from outside the door. ”

“In the next second, without waiting for her reaction, she rushed over, picked up the pancake, and began to devour it. ”

It was not until she finished half of the pancake that Bai Mo broke down and cried.

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