Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Chapter 2229

Chapter 2229: 467: help her out! 2

Translator: 549690339



“Shi Qingcheng smiled and said, “No wonder you’re as straight as a steel pipe. It turns out that you haven’t experienced the ravages of love.” ”

Ye Han laughed out loud

“What Are You Laughing At?”Shi Qingcheng looked at Ye Han. “Do you think you’re better than him or something?”

Ye Han immediately shut up.

Lin Ze picked up the camera. “Are you guys still taking photos?”

“Take a picture!”Shi Qingcheng’s gaze was immediately attracted by the camera. “Let’s go over there and take a picture! What kind of clothes are they wearing? They look too good!”

“”That’s a palace dress,”Lin Ze explained. “It was worn by the empress during the Qing dynasty. If you want to wear it, you can ask ye Han to rent one.” ”

“”Yes, yes!”Shi Qingcheng hurriedly nodded and urged ye Han. “Hurry up and rent a set for me!” ”

Ye Han jogged over.

“Soon, he ran back again. “Come and pick out the style yourself. You also need to do your hair up.” ”

Shi Qingcheng followed ye Han’s footsteps.

“It took a long time for a woman to do her hair up and pick out clothes. Lin Ze looked at the two of them and continued, “Call me when you’re done. I’ll go over there and take a look.” ”

“Okay.”Ye Han nodded.

Lin Ze went to take a look around.

“He had liked to be quiet since he was young and rarely went out to play. If it weren’t for the fact that he was going to be Ye Han’s tour guide, he wouldn’t have come out no matter what. ”

Especially during the crowded holiday season.

Lin Ze went to a small teahouse on the side and chose a seat by the window.

“Outside the window was the red walls and tiles, giving people the illusion that they had traveled through time and space. ”

“Lin Ze picked up a cup of tea and took a sip. When he turned around, he saw a familiar figure outside the window. When he looked closely, he realized that it was Bai Jingshu. ”

“Bai Jingshu stood in the middle of the crowd, holding her camera and taking pictures from left to right. ”

“She was about 1.6 meters tall and stood in the middle of the crowd, looking even more petite. ”

“After taking pictures for a while, Bai Jingshu seemed to have discovered something. She walked to a palace wall and stopped before it. Then, she took out a small notebook and began to take notes. Her expression was serious, and as people came and went, it formed a beautiful scenery. ”

This Bai Jingshu seemed to be different from the rest of the people in the s galaxy.

“On Bai Jingshu, Lin Ze actually saw a peaceful and peaceful look. ”

“No matter how others looked at her, she still loved what she loved and did not waver in the slightest. ”

“”Here’s your dessert.”Just then, the waiter brought the dessert to Lin Ze. ”

“”Thank you.”Lin Ze picked up a piece and tasted it. It tasted good and called out to the waiter, “Wait a moment.” ”

“Do you need anything else?”The waiter turned to look at Lin Ze.

“Lin Ze continued, “What’s the name of this dessert?” ”

“”Liuxin Crisp,”the waiter replied. ”

Lin Ze nodded. “Help me pack a serving.”


“After thinking about it, one serving might not be enough for Ye Zhuo. Besides, Ye Han also liked desserts. Lin Ze continued, “Four servings!” ”

“Please wait a moment.”


“After the waiter left, Lin Ze raised his head again. Bai Jingshu was no longer outside the window. ”

“For some reason, Lin Ze’s heart was empty. ”

She was clearly just a girl he had met once before.

“Lin Ze smiled faintly, shook his head, and continued eating the dessert. ”

“Perhaps it was because it was very sweet, but he felt a little tired after eating the second piece. Lin Ze picked up his cup and drank some tea. Only then did he feel much better. ”

“Just as Lin Ze finished his dessert and was about to pay the bill and leave, he received a call from ye Han. ”

Lin Ze picked up ye Han’s call. “I’ll be right there.”

“After hanging up, Lin Ze called the waiter over and was about to pay the bill. ”

“Just as Lin Ze was walking towards the door, he saw Bai Jingshu’s figure by the window. ”

Bai Jingshu was wearing a pale white retro qipao. She was pouring tea and drinking by herself. In front of her was a plate of beautiful flowing heart crisps.

She was so demure that she did not look like a visitor from outer space.

Lin Ze took note of the table number and walked to the cashier. “Help me pay for Table 6.”

“”Okay, please wait a moment.”The cashier looked at the computer and continued, “It’s a total of 716 yuan. Is it cash or Alipay?” ”

“Cash.”Lin Ze took out his wallet and counted eight bills. “You can keep the rest.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”Lin Ze carried the packed snacks and walked out of the door.

“When they reached the place, Shi Qingcheng had already put on her makeup and changed her clothes. ”

Shi Qingcheng had a good foundation. She changed into her palace attire and had her hair coiled up. She looked quite similar.

Lin Ze handed the packed snacks to Ye Han. “The snacks here are not bad. Have a taste.”

“Ye Han took the snacks and looked at Lin Ze. “Brother Ze, I’ll leave the photos to you!” ”

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