Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Chapter 1934

“Chapter 1934: 390, why ask for trouble! 2”

Translator: 549690339

“Hearing this, Qiu Di was stunned. ”


“Indeed, she was not thoughtful enough. ”

Then what should they do now?

“Qiu Changzhen continued, “Go and look for the Great Witch Doctor. Since the Great Witch Doctor Can Change and erase Ye Han’s memory, it must also be able to change Yi Ling’s memory!” ”

“”Okay.”Qiu di nodded, “Then I’ll go and look for the Great Witch Doctor First.” ”

The Great Witch Doctor lived in a mysterious cave.

“Ever since he lost to Ye Zhuo three years ago, he had been living a life of anonymity. He had even released the news of his death in order to make ye Zhuo lower his guard and wait for an opportunity to strike! ”

“”Great Witch Doctor.”No matter how arrogant Qiu Di was in front of others, she truly respected the great witch doctor! ”

“After all, the Great Witch Doctor was her military advisor! ”

“In a camp, anyone could be missing, but military advisors could not be missing. ”

“Just like Zhuge Kongming in the Three Kingdoms period, if Kongming did not die, the Shu kingdom would not be destroyed! ”

The Great Witch Doctor looked to be at most thirty-five or thirty-six years old.

He was handsome.

“He wore a long black robe and held two dark green medicine bottles in his hands. When he heard this, he said faintly, “What is it?” ”

Autumn flute told the great witch doctor about the spirit of clothes.

“Hearing this, the Great Witch Doctor put down the medicine bottle and turned to look at autumn flute. “The spirit of clothes is different from humans. It belongs to a four-dimensional creature. I Can’t change its memory. If I want the spirit of clothes to submit, I have to outsmart it.” ”

Autumn flute frowned. “Is there no other way?”

The Great Witch Doctor shook his head.

“A moment later, the great witch doctor continued, “I heard that a person who looks like a duplicate of ye Zao appeared on Earth? And he has successfully landed on Mars?” ”

“Speaking of this, Qiu di said without a care, “Great Witch Doctor, I have already sent people to investigate everything you said! He is just a small low-level person, there is nothing to be afraid of!” ”

“The great witch doctor continued, “I am not afraid of ten thousand, but I am afraid of just one chance.” ”

“Qiu di continued, “I have already sent people to Mars to scout and attack two low-level people. Ever since that incident, that group of low-level people has left Mars!” ”

“Is that so?”The Great Witch Doctor asked.

“”Yes.”Qiu Di nodded and took out the monitor. “If you don’t believe me, take a look at the monitor.” ”

“On the monitor, there was nothing special about Mars. ”

“The Great Witch Doctor took a look and continued, “Could it be that ye Zhuo blocked our Mars Monitor?” ”

“Hearing that, Qiu di laughed. ”

Blocked the monitor?

Just a bunch of lowly Earthlings?


“”Great Witch Doctor, you think too highly of that ye Zao,”Qiu di continued, “Don’t worry, the real ye Zao is already dead. A bunch of lowly Earthlings will not be able to cause any trouble!” ”

The space civilization of Chang Yue was more than a few streets ahead of earth!

“If the Earthlings were really that powerful, they wouldn’t have been stuck on Earth for so many years. The space civilization was only level 1! ”

They could crush the Earthlings as easily as crushing an ant.

“If not for the sake of the alliance, she would have destroyed Earth long ago! ”

The one from the Alliance was born on Earth and had special feelings for Earth.

“The Great Witch Doctor combined two bottles of medicine into one bottle and said, “We must not let our guard down at any time!” ”

“Qiu Di nodded. “Don’t worry, Great Witch Doctor, I know.” ”

“Has there been any movement on young master’s side?”The Great Witch Doctor asked.

“”There hasn’t been any movement for the time being,”Qiu di said in a low voice. “I heard that the Chief Witch Doctor is also looking for young master Dongli.” ”

“The great witch doctor frowned slightly. “Alright, you can go back first! If there’s anything, use wireless communication.” ”

“He had lived in seclusion in this cave for more than a year and no one usually stepped into it. If autumn flute stayed here for too long, it would definitely attract the attention of others. ”

“Okay.”Autumn flute nodded.

“After autumn flute returned, autumn town couldn’t wait to ask, “How is it? What did the Great Witch Doctor Say?” ”

“Autumn flute shook his head, “The Great Witch Doctor said that the spirit coat is a four-dimensional creature and can not directly change its memories.” ”

“”Then what should we do?”Hearing this, autumn town frowned. ”

“Autumn flute continued, “Father, can we really not directly kill it?” ”

“From Autumn Flute’s point of view, rather than wasting time like this, it was better to directly kill it. ”

“”No!”Autumn town directly rejected, “If you want to sit firmly in that position, you must get the support of the spirit coat.” ”

Autumn flute sighed. “Then what should we do?”

“Autumn town continued, “Take it slow!” ”


“After saying that, autumn town continued, “Why don’t we let ye Han go and see the spirit of clothes? After all, the two of them have been friends of life and death. With Ye Han persuading it, it might be twice the result with half the effort!” ”

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