Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Chapter 1902

Chapter 1902: 383: it’s actually fifth Cen! 5

Translator: 549690339

“”What’s going on?”Li Erzhu asked curiously, “Why are you suddenly going to Sanzhu’s house to celebrate the New Year?”One had to know that Linda didn’t agree when Li Sanzhu invited them to celebrate the new year. What was going on today? ”


He actually took the initiative to celebrate the New Year and even brought gifts!

Something seemed wrong.

Did he still know Linda?

“”Tell me, what’s Going On?”Li Erzhu asked. ”

“”Nothing, I just want to go to your brother’s house to celebrate the New Year. Why, Don’t you agree?” ”

“”I don’t disagree, I just feel that it’s a little strange.”Li Erzhu continued, “Is it third brother who came to invite us?” ”

“”I asked you to get the wine, why do you talk so much nonsense!”Linda said. ”

“Li Erzhu touched his head and continued, “You don’t have to use that bottle of maotai! I spent a lot of effort to get it back!” ”

“The maotai collected by Li Erzhu was no longer produced. He bought it ten years ago, and now the price had increased several times. ”

“Are you going or not?”Linda narrowed her eyes.

“Li Erzhu immediately said, “I’ll go, I’ll go now.”He was not afraid of anything except his wife. After all, it was Linda who made him! ”

“If it were not for Linda, he would still be a small herdsman. ”

“Not long after, Li Erzhu took out the Maotai from the house, his face full of reluctance. ”

“He had treasured the wine for ten years, and now he was going to sell it to someone else. This made Li Erzhu a little uncomfortable. Ten years ago, he could buy a set of wine with tens of thousands of yuan, but now it was out of print. ”

“Linda said, “Come with me to third brother’s house.”After saying that, she looked at Li Shuyi. “You go with me! Do you know what to Do?” ”

“I know.”Li Shuyi nodded.

“Soon, the family of three arrived at the Li family’s door. ”

“Li Sanzhu and Fang yinyue had just returned from the ceremony. When they saw Linda carrying something over, they asked curiously, “Second brother, second sister-in-law, Shuyi, why are you here?” ”

“Linda smiled and said, “We’re here to have New Year’s Eve dinner with you. Why? Aren’t you welcoming us?” ”

To have New Year’s Eve dinner together?

Of course not!

“But before Fang yinyue could say anything, Li Sanzhu said, “Welcome, welcome, of course! Second Brother, second sister-in-law, come in quickly.” ”

“Linda handed the wine to Li Sanzhu. “Third brother, your second brother specially brought this wine for you.” ”

Li Sanzhu took the wine and was stunned.

It was a limited edition Maotai from ten years ago!

“Now, even if one had money, they could not buy it. ”

This second sister-in-law of his had always been stingy. To think that she would give him such a good wine.

Something must be wrong.

Something was wrong.

Something was very wrong.

“Li sanzhu smiled and said, “Second sister-in-law, you’re too polite! I can’t accept this wine! You and second brother are friends, not outsiders!” ”

“Hearing this, Li Sanzhu heaved a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Li Sanzhu would accept it directly. ”

“Linda smiled and said, “Third brother, just accept it. Your second brother, Xia na, rarely drinks anymore. It would be a waste to leave this wine at home.” ”

Li Sanzhu still refused.

“Fang Yueyin, who was at the side, was also somewhat incredulous. ”

The couple’s behavior was too abnormal.

“Before Fang Yueyin could react, Linda walked over and said, “Third sister-in-law, you haven’t cooked yet, right? What do you want to Eat Tonight? I’ll Help You Cook!” ”

“Although the Li family had servants, Fang Yueyin would cook the New Year’s Eve dinner every year. ”

“”Second sister-in-law, there’s no need for you to cook. I can do it myself,”Fang Yueyin said. ”

“”How can that be! We can’t just let the three of US eat and let you Cook by yourself.”Linda insisted on helping Fang Yueyin Cook, so Fang Yueyin could only agree helplessly. ”

Linda helped Fang Yueyin Cook.

“Soon, it was past five in the evening. ”

“It was almost time for the New Year’s Eve dinner. Li Yueyue also came back at this time. When she saw Linda cooking in the kitchen, Li Yueyue was also very surprised. ”

What kind of wind blew today?

“Seeing Li Yueyue, Linda said warmly, “Yueyue is back! You must be hungry. Let’s eat immediately.” ”

“Li Yueyue nodded uncomfortably. She walked to her mother’s side and asked in a low voice, “Mom, what’s Going On?” ”

Fang yinyue shook her head. “Serve the dishes first.”

“Okay.”Li Yueyue nodded.

“Today, Li Shuyi became extra diligent and helped to serve the dishes. ”

“However, after working for a long time, she still didn’t see Cen Shaoqing. ”

“Even when she sat at the table to eat, Cen Shaoqing still did not show up. ”

“This time, Linda could not sit still and said with a smile, “Third brother and third sister-in-law, aren’t you going to ask the guests to come down to eat together?” ”

The guests at home…

Fang yinyue suddenly realized that Linda was coming for Cen Shaoqing.

No wonder.

“Fang yinyue continued, “Second sister-in-law, are you talking about Cen Fifth Master?” ”

“Yes Yes Yes!”Linda hurriedly nodded.

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