Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Chapter 1848

Chapter 1848: 377: Someone is carrying a heavy load for you! 6

Translator: 549690339

“Although the current tofu shop was located in a remote area, there were quite a number of people who came because of its reputation! ”


“Before they reached the restaurant, there was already a long queue outside. ”

Ye Zhuo walked over to get the tickets. “May I ask how many tables are in front of us?”

“”Table 20,”the waiter replied. “If we get the tickets now, it will take about two hours.” ”

Two hours!

Ye Zhuo frowned slightly. “That long?”

“The waiter smiled and said, “You can go over there and have a seat. You can also eat something and play with your phone. Two hours is actually very fast.” ”

“Ye Zhuo didn’t want to queue up at first, but when he smelled the tofu fragrance coming from inside, he couldn’t help but say, “Get me a number.” ”

“”Okay, please wait a moment.”The waiter nodded slightly and reached out to get a number before handing it to Ye Zhuo. ”

Ye Zao took it. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Ye Zao took the ticket and went back. He looked at CEN Shaoqing and said, “You’ll have to queue for two hours.” ”

“Two hours?”Cen Shaoqing frowned slightly. He picked up his phone and made a call.

“Ye Zao said, “What are you doing?” ”

“I’m making a call to clear the area.”Cen Shaoqing’s thin lips opened slightly.

Clear the area!

Ye Zao immediately cut off his call. “It’s just a meal. Is there a need to make such a big fuss?”

“”I’m afraid you’ll be anxious,”Cen Shaoqing said. ”

A whole two hours was enough to do a lot of things.

“”There’s no rush.”Ye Zao smiled and said, “If we really cleared the area, it would be meaningless.” ”

“It was said that if it was too easy to get, one would not know how to cherish it. ”

“In fact, it was the same for eating. The food that one could eat after waiting in line for two hours was better mentally and in terms of taste than the food that was too easy to eat. ”

“After saying that, ye Zao continued, “If you have something to do, go and do it first. I’ll wait in line alone.” ”

“I’m not busy.”

He just hated waiting in line.

“But with Ye Zao by his side, he could still persevere. ”

“The service in the restaurant was very good. While waiting in line, the waiter came out with snacks for the guests to eat. ”

“Cen Shaoqing and ye Zao sat at the side, chatting while waiting in line. ”

“An hour later, ye Zao handed the phone to Cen Shaoqing. “Wait here for a while. I’m going to the washroom.” ”

“Okay.”Cen Shaoqing nodded slightly.

Ye Zao turned around and walked towards the washroom.

Ye Zao had just left when he ziteng walked over with a young woman.

“Fifth brother.”

Cen Shaoqing looked up slightly.

“He ziteng continued, “Fifth brother, what are you doing here?” ”

Cen Shaoqing twirled the Buddhist beads and opened his thin lips. “Don’t you have eyes?”

He ziteng was stunned.

“”Queue up,”Cen Shaoqing said slowly. ”

Queue up?

He ziteng stared at Cen Shaoqing with his eyes wide open!

Are you kidding me? The dignified CEN fifth master was actually queuing up!

And he was even with so many people!

“He ziteng immediately took out his phone. “Fifth brother, please wait a moment. I will immediately arrange for the person in charge of the shopping mall to clear the area.” ”

“”There’s no need to clear the area,”Cen Shaoqing said in a low voice. ”

“He ziteng looked at Cen Shaoqing and said in surprise, “Fifth brother, this doesn’t seem like your style!” ”

CEN Shaoqing hated wasting time the most.

“Other than not wanting to waste time, he also didn’t like places with many people. ”

Most people who paid their respects to Buddha liked peace and quiet.

“Therefore, no matter which shopping mall Cen Shaoqing went to, he habitually cleared the area ahead of time. ”

“At this time, he ziteng was very shocked when he heard Cen Shaoqing say that he did not need to clear the area. ”

“”Fifth brother, are you sure you don’t need to clear the area?” ”

“Cen Shaoqing nodded slightly and continued, “Your fifth sister-in-law doesn’t like it.” ”

So it was ye Zhuo who did not like it.

No wonder.

He was wondering how Cen Shaoqing could change so much in one night.

“He ziteng continued, “Where is my fifth sister-in-law?” ”

“”She went to the bathroom,”Cen Shaoqing said. ”

“He ziteng nodded and continued, “By the way, fifth brother, let me introduce you. This is my friend Xu Xiao. Xu Xiao, this is Cen fifth master.” ”

“Although she knew that he ziteng and Cen Shaoqing had been good friends for many years, Xu Xiao still did not expect to meet CEN Shaoqing here. ”

She also did not expect that the legendary CEN fifth master was so handsome.

“He was dressed in a plain white long robe with knotted sleeves. His facial features were exquisite like a knife carving. His fair-skinned face had a hint of coldness. A powerful aura erupted from his body, making him seem out of place with everything around him. ”

It was hard to ignore him even if one wanted to!

“Xu Xiao suppressed the excitement in her heart and continued, “CEN fifth master, I am Xu Xiao. The two of us, Xu, are handsome and carefree.” ”

“After saying that, Xu Xiao extended his right hand towards Cen Shaoqing. ”

Cen Shaoqing only nodded slightly and did not extend his hand to shake Xu Xiao’s hand.

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