Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Chapter 1842

“Chapter 1842: 376: average, number three and seven in the world”

Translator: 549690339

“Soon, the aircraft stopped beside the base. ”


Qiu Di and Qiu Changzhen entered the liquid nitrogen room.

“Ye Zao lay in the ice coffin with a natural expression, as if… … He was asleep. ”

“Although ye Zao was already lying in the ice coffin, Qiu Changzhen was still a little scared. His legs were so weak that he could barely stand. ”

“Is… is she really dead?”Qiu Changzhen looked at Qiu Di.

“Although Qiu Di was also a little scared, seeing Qiu Changzhen like this, Qiu Di was a little speechless. “What do you think? Do you think that she can still sit up?” ”

Sit Up?

How could that be possible!

“After saying this, Qiu Changzhen relaxed and continued, “Di’er, take out the information on the star-crossing case.” ”

“Okay.”Qiu Di nodded and took out the information.

Qiu Changzhen took out the information on the inter-star case and waved it in front of ye Zao.

There was no reaction from the inter-star case.

“Seeing this, Qiu di frowned slightly and asked, “Do you need fingerprints?” ”

“Can the ice coffin be opened?”Qiu Changzhen asked.

“”I don’t think so,”Qiu di replied. ”

“Although ye Zao was no longer around, her status in Chang Yue was still there. ”

Her ice coffin could not be easily opened by just anyone.

Even Qiu di could only look at her through the ice coffin.

“After learning that the ice coffin could not be opened, Qiu Chang Zhen frowned and said, “Can you think of a way?” ”

Qiu Di shook her head.

Qiu Chang Zhen’s frown deepened. “Then we can only think of another way.”

Qiu Di narrowed her eyes and did not say anything.

It would be a lie to say that she was not unwilling at all.

Why was she not a person of the Phoenix Life?

Why did she have to look at the information on the trans-star case and have to look at the expression of a dead person?


“When Ye Zhuo was still alive, it was fine if she wanted to look at ye Zhuo’s expression. ”

“But now, Ye Zhuo had already died. ”

Why did she still have to Suffer Like This?

“Qiu di bit her lips tightly. The more she thought about it, the angrier she got. ”

“Qiu Changzhen could feel Qiu Di’s anger. He comforted her in a low voice, “If you can’t bear it, you’ll mess up the big plan.” ”

Ye Zhuo was already dead.

Could it be that a dead person could still affect Qiu di’s position.

“After saying this, Qiu Changzhen continued, “Di’er, perhaps there’s something wrong with the way we opened the information. Don’t be anxious.” ”

“En.”Qiu Di nodded.

“At this moment, Qiu Changzhen seemed to have thought of something and continued, “Has there been any news from Young Master Dongli?” ”

“”Not yet,”Qiu di said. ”

“Hearing this, Qiu Changzhen frowned slightly. ”

On the other side.

Ye Zhuo had a very long dream.

In the dream.

She actually had a younger brother named Ye Han.

“Most importantly, this dream was very real. It was as if she really had a younger brother. ”

In the dream.

She had gone through life and death with Ye Han and had experienced many hardships together.


“At this moment, a dog bark suddenly came from the room. ”

“Ye Zhuo also woke up at this moment. When he opened his eyes, he saw that Little White was fighting with Rollie. ”

“After more than five months, Rollie had transformed from a little husky into a husky that was about to reach adulthood. Coupled with its unrestrained eating, it looked much bigger than an ordinary husky! ”

It was very fat!

“Of course, its ability to demolish homes was also top-notch. ”

“Like all girls, Ye Zao had no resistance against furry creatures, even if the other party was a demolition husky. ”

“”Rollie, come over quickly. Let Me Touch it.”Ye Zao narrowed his eyes. ”

Rollie put down the pillow that was half-bitten and wagged its tail as it walked to the bedside.

“Ye Zao stretched out his hand and patted its head, then touched it again. Finally, he stood up and carried Rollie. ”

Ye Zhuo carried a dog that weighed nearly 80 pounds effortlessly.

Rollie widened its eyes and looked at ye Zhuo with disbelief on its face.

Even ye Shu couldn’t carry it.

But Ye Zhuo easily carried it.

“After a while, Ye Zhuo put down Rollie and looked at little white. “Take it out first. I need to change my clothes.” ”

“”Okay, got it!”Whitey immediately glided over. “Rollie, we’re leaving!” ”

Rollie seemed to understand ye Zao’s words and immediately followed Whitey.

A robot and a dog left ye Zao’s bedroom in harmony.

Ye Zao sat on the bed and massaged his temples.

What happened to the Dream Just Now?

She had dreamed about ye Han more than once.

“Did Ye Han only exist in the dream, or was he a real person. ”

What did she forget?

Ye Zhuo scratched her hair in annoyance.

What had happened before her rebirth.

Ye Zhuo even suspected whether her memories before her rebirth were real or fake.

“If ye Han really existed, then the memories of the past in her mind were fake. ”

“The person behind her had erased her memories, so there must be some conspiracy. ”

“In front of a higher-level civilization, changing memories was a very simple thing. ”

“Fifteen minutes later, ye Zhuo washed up and dressed neatly. She appeared in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling mirror. Looking at the beautiful woman with bright eyes and white teeth in the mirror, she whistled. “Why do I Look So Good?” ”

“When she arrived downstairs, Cen Shaoqing was already sitting at the dining table. ”

“How did you get here so quickly?”Ye Zhuo asked in surprise.

“I also came over to eat breakfast.”Cen Shaoqing put the newspaper back to its original position.

“Ye Zhuo looked around and then said, “Where are my parents?” ”

“They went to fourth uncle and fourth God’s aunt’s house.”Cen Shaoqing’s thin lips opened slightly. “Now there are only the two of us at home.”

“At this moment, the sound of a third person’s footsteps could be heard from the stairs. ”

“Ye Zhuo looked back slightly and said with a smile, “Brother, you’re home too.” ”

“Yes.”Lin Ze nodded slightly. “I just got home last night.”

Cen Shaoqing greeted him as well. “Ah Ze.”

“Lin Ze glanced at CEN Shaoqing and acknowledged. Although it had been a long time, Lin Ze still did not let down his guard against Cen Shaoqing. From time to time, he would ask ye Zhuo if Cen Shaoqing had shown any violent tendencies. ”

“After Lin Ze appeared, CEN Shaoqing became much more reserved. ”

“After all, one only needed to do the wrong thing once. ”

“Fortunately, after eating, Lin Ze returned to his room. ”

Ye Zhuo handed the bag to Cen Shaoqing. “Let’s go to the base too.”

“Okay.”Cen Shaoqing nodded slightly.

They got into the car.

“CEN Shaoqing asked, “What’s with the dream you mentioned?” ”

“Ye Zhuo leaned against the back of the chair, his eyes half-closed. “I suspect that the memories of my past life are not completely real.” ”

Cen Shaoqing frowned slightly. “Not completely real? How So?”

Ye Zhuo briefly told Cen Shaoqing about his dream.

“At first, Cen Shaoqing was still a little uncomfortable. When he heard ye Zhuo Call Ye Han his little brother, he immediately heaved a sigh of relief and continued, “When did you start having such a Dream?” ”

“”About two weeks ago,”ye Zhuo replied. ”

Two weeks ago?

Cen Shaoqing’s phoenix-like eyes narrowed slightly.

Two weeks ago was probably when ye Zhuo had not slept for five days and five nights in order to look for Yu Zifei.

“Have you been too tired recently?”Cen Shaoqing said as he leaned over and massaged ye Zhuo’s shoulder.

“When people were extremely tired, it was easy to dream. ”

“Cen Shaoqing’s technique was very good. Ye Zao squinted his eyes comfortably. “Not bad. Over there. Yes, a little harder! Cen Shaoqing, I didn’t realize that your massage technique was so good.” ”

“It’s average. The third best in the world.”Cen Shaoqing imitated ye Zao’s usual manner of speaking.

“Ye Zao gave him a slap and continued, “I plan to invite a hypnotist to take a look.” ”

“Hire me.”Cen Shaoqing opened her thin lips. “I’m the Best Hypnotist.”

“You’re bluffing.”

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