Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Chapter 1744

Chapter 1744: 359: The Almighty Miss Ye! 6

Translator: 549690339

“Different backgrounds, different circumstances. ”


Gu Si and Liu Yuan could not be compared.

“It seemed that there was no difference in his investigation of Liu Yuan. Jamila nodded and continued, “Then let’s do it this way first. When you have a clear understanding of the OASIS project, contact me again.” ”

“With that, Jamila took back the check on the table. ”

“Team leader Fang stood up as well. “Don’t worry, I Promise I won’t let you and Dr. Cara down. By the way, do you still count on helping me move to C Country?”Team leader Fang’s family had many relatives who had settled in C country, therefore, he also wanted to move to C country, but unfortunately, he had never been able to do so. ”

“Jamila knew what team leader Fang was thinking. She smiled and said, “Team leader Fang, work hard. I will help you bring up this matter in front of Dr. Cara.” ”

“Okay.”Team leader Fang nodded and bowed. “Then I’ll have to trouble you.”

“You’re welcome.”Camilla stood up and left.

“Not long after Camilla left, team leader Fang also walked out of the coffee shop. ”

On the other side.

Ye Zhuo took an aircraft carrier to Mars for a trip.

More than three months had passed. The changes on Mars were not small.

“As far as the eye could see, it was full of lush greenery. Not far away, there were a few white rabbits running around. ”

“If it wasn’t for the Azure Blue Planet hanging in the sky, others would definitely think that this was a corner of Earth. ”

“Yu Zifei brought ye Zao to tour around and then said, “Oh right, Miss Ye, I’ll bring you to the paddy field to take a look.” ”

“Okay.”Ye Zao nodded slightly and followed Cen Jiang’s footsteps.

The paddy field was quite far from here. They needed to take the Mars carriage.

“Fifteen minutes later, they arrived at an open area. ”

“A total of 10 acres of paddy field had been mined. At this moment, the professor from the University of Agriculture was leading his students to do experiments. These professors and students were like Yu Zifei and the others. They basically went back once a month. ”

“Seeing ye Zhuo and the others come over, the professor immediately brought his students over. “Miss Ye.” ”

“Ye Zao nodded slightly. “Professor Yin, you’ve worked hard.” ”

“It’s not hard at all.”Professor Yin’s face was full of smiles. “It’s our honor to be able to bring them to study on Mars!”

The students behind Professor Yin looked at ye Zao seriously.

Ye Zao was completely different from what they had imagined. She was also a little different from what they had seen on television.

She was very young and very beautiful.

“Ye Zhuo continued, “What is the survival rate and germination rate of the current rice? Have you encountered any thorny problems?” ”

“Hearing this, the Professor adjusted his glasses out of habit and continued, “The survival rate is currently around 90% , but the germination rate of the seeds is only around 25% .” ”

Ye Zhuo frowned slightly. “The germination rate is so low?”

“”Yes.”The professor nodded. “Currently, we are looking for the reason.” ”

“Ye Zao continued, “The survival rate is around 90% . This means that the climate on Mars is completely adapted to the growth of rice. The germination rate is not up to the standard. Is it because of the seeds? How many seeds have you brought up?” ”

“”A total of 51 types,”the professor replied. “These varieties are the best of the best. Under normal circumstances, the germination rate is more than 99% !” ”

The things that could carry sparks were all carefully selected.

Ye Zao’s beautiful eyes narrowed. “Bring over some samples of each variety.”

“Okay.”The professor immediately asked the student to bring over the samples of the seeds.

“Soon, the student returned with the samples. “Miss Ye, here you are.” ”

“Thank you.”Ye Zao took the samples.

The student glanced at ye Zao.

They felt that ye Zao was different again.

They thought that ye Zao was just a big shot in science and technology. They didn’t expect ye Zao to know so much about plants.

“Where is the laboratory?”Ye Zao continued to ask.

“Please follow me.”The professor made a “Please”gesture.

Ye Zao followed the professor’s footsteps.

“Soon, they arrived at the laboratory. ”

Ye Zao took out some samples and did some experiments.

“She was wearing a white lab coat specially designed for experiments. She had a serious look on her face, and her every move exuded a unique charm. ”

The students followed her around to take notes.

“They were clearly around the same age. In fact, she was a few years younger than many of the students, but she gave people the impression that she was a teacher. ”

This kind of attitude was emitted from her bones.

“There was no way to replicate it, much less imitate it. ”

“Three hours later, ye Zao came to a conclusion, “The germination rate is the problem of the seeds. I’ve just looked at them. These seeds all have a common feature. Their embryos and endosperm are dyed in the same color. “Mars is still different from Earth. On Earth, the germination rate is as high as 99% , but on Mars, it may not be possible.” ”

“Hearing this, the professor nodded. “Then what do you mean?” ”

“”Change the seeds,”ye Zao said. ”

“”Okay,”the professor continued, “By the way, Miss Ye, if the germination rate is reduced because of the embryo and endosperm staining, then we need to change the ordinary seeds.” ”

“”Okay.”Ye Zao nodded slightly. “If the seeds still don’t work, we’ll look for other problems.” ”


“After looking at the paddy fields, Ye Zao was ready to go back. ”

Just as he got off the Mars rover.

“CEN he carried a basket of potatoes and ran over excitedly. “Miss Ye, Miss Ye! Look at our bumper harvest! It’s only 30% of the land, but we’ve already collected more than 1,300 catties of potatoes!” ”

“The yield is so high?”Ye Zao was also a little surprised.

“Under normal circumstances, on a very fertile land, one Mu of land could at most hold 4,500 catties of potatoes. ”

“This was only 30% of the land, and the yield was more than double that on earth! ”

“”Yeah.”Cen he smiled and said, “Not only is the yield high, but the texture of this potato is also very good! When you go back, remember to bring some for them to taste.” ”

“”Okay.”Ye Zhuo nodded slightly, picked up a potato, and looked at it carefully. ”

“Perhaps it was because of the difference in the soil, the potatoes grown on Mars not only had a high yield, but their appearance was also somewhat different from the potatoes grown on earth. ”

Just the size alone was several times larger than a normal potato!

“The potatoes on earth were yellow in color, while the potatoes on Mars were close to white in color. They looked dainty and very good-looking. ”

“When they went back, cen he packed a few baskets for ye Zao. ”

“”By the way, Miss Ye, can you help me send this to my parents?”Yu Zifei handed ye Zao a cell phone and continued, “This contains the video I sent to my parents.” ”

“Due to work, Yu Zifei had not been back for more than two months. ”

“Sure.”Ye Zhuo took the phone.

“Yu Zifei continued, “By the way, Miss Ye, the password is 087566.” ”

“Okay.”Ye Zhuo nodded slightly.


“As usual, Gu si sent her sister to the tutoring class to learn dance. ”

“Just as she sent her sister to the tutoring class, an unfamiliar male voice sounded from behind her, “Miss Gu.” ”

“Gu si frowned slightly. She turned around and saw a blond-haired, blue-eyed face. ”

“Because of Professor Feng, Gu Si wasn’t unfamiliar with this person. ”


“Professor Feng had lost Europa because of Gamila, so Gu si didn’t have a good impression of Gamila. She turned around and left. ”

“Seeing this, Gamila immediately chased after her. “Miss Gu, Can we talk privately?” ”

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