Almighty Daughter Runs The World

Chapter 1716

“Chapter 1716: 356: The Oasis Project is starting to take effect, kick them out immediately! 3”

Translator: 549690339

“”Shhh! All of you, Lower Your Voices!”At this moment, the head of the Defense Department, Pan Sisi, raised her middle finger and pressed it against her lips, making a gesture to keep quiet. ”


“”Head pan, what’s Going On?”Shen Xing asked curiously. ”

“Pan Sisi lowered her voice and said, “Didn’t you notice that there were two people missing from the regular meeting this morning?” ”

“”Who were they missing?”Shen Xing asked curiously. At that time, she was too surprised that potatoes could be grown on Mars and didn’t pay attention to anything else. She had no idea that there were two people missing from today’s regular meeting. ”

“Liu Yuan reacted at this time and continued, “Teacher Feng and director Ma didn’t come.” ”

Pan Sisi nodded.

“What happened to them? Did they ask for Leave?”Shen Xing asked.

“Pan Sisi looked around and continued, “I heard that Professor Feng and director Ma have defected! They went to C Nation Overnight Last Night!” ”

“”That won’t happen! Don’t talk nonsense!”Liu Yuan didn’t believe that her teacher would do such a thing. “I’m not sure about director Ma, but I know that teacher Feng would never do such a thing.” ”

“Liu Yuan was professor Feng’s student, and she also knew about professor Feng’s matter. ”

“Cen Shaoqing was professor Feng’s uncle. Professor Feng had said that she was very grateful to CEN Shaoqing more than once in front of these students. If it weren’t for Cen Shaoqing, she wouldn’t be the person she was now. ”

Professor Feng would never betray Cen Shaoqing!

“Moreover, she was professor Feng’s favorite student. If professor Feng really betrayed the base, he wouldn’t hide it from her. ”

“”This is not a matter of speaking nonsense. It’s just that Professor Feng and the others have indeed betrayed the base!”Pan Sisi continued, “Just you wait. The higher-ups will issue a notice soon.” ”

“Shen Xing said in surprise, “Minister Pan, do you have reliable information? Professor Feng and director Ma are just feeling unwell and resting at home.” ”

This matter was too sudden!

One had to know that Professor Feng and director Ma were both veterans of the base.

“Anyone could betray the base, but neither professor Feng nor director Ma would. ”

“Pan Sisi continued, “It’s useless for me to say anything more. You guys can go back and wait for the announcement.” ”

“Liu Yuan, who was painting, walked quickly toward the office. ”

As expected.

“Ten minutes later, there was a new notice on the internal website of the CEN base. ”

Professor Feng and Ma Jianbang had betrayed the base and defected to C Nation. They had been stripped of their citizenship and were banned from entering China for Life!

“Seeing this notice, Liu Yuan sat on the chair with a pale face. ”

She had never thought that it was true.

Her beloved teacher had actually betrayed her.

“Liu Yuan immediately picked up her phone and dialed professor Feng’s number, intending to ask him about it. ”

“However, her phone was switched off. ”

Liu Yuan frowned.

It shouldn’t be!

Professor Feng really shouldn’t have.

“Currently, China was ranked number one on the science and technology rankings. No other country could surpass China in the future. In addition, professor Feng was someone who had participated in the aircraft carrier project. He would definitely have unlimited glory in the future. ”

“However, Professor Feng had betrayed the base. ”

One wrong step led to another.

“Once she took this step, she would never have another chance. ”

Was it for the sake of landing in Europe?

Liu Yuan felt that it was simply not worth it for professor Feng to do so!

The news of Professor Feng and director Ma’s betrayal quickly spread throughout the base.

“Everyone was discussing it, and they could not believe that it was true. ”

C country.

“When director Ma and Professor Feng arrived in C country, it was already six o’clock in the morning the next day. ”

Dr. Camilla and Dr. Cara were personally waiting for them at the airport to pick them up.

“For now, Professor Feng and director Ma were the Saviors of the entire C country. ”

“After all, only the two of them could lead C country to achieve the speed of light. ”

“When the two of them walked out of the airport, Dr. Cara welcomed them warmly. “Professor Feng, director Ma, Welcome.” ”

“Director ma smiled and said, “Dr. Cara is too polite.” ”

“Dr. Cara continued, “I’ve arranged for a car to send the two of you back to rest for a while. You can come back tomorrow to attend the welcome banquet that I’ve organized for the two of you.” ”

“”Thank you, Dr. Cara, for your kindness.”Director ma cupped his hands toward Dr. Cara. ”

“Dr. Cara said, “There’s a saying in your country that goes, ‘three visits to the cottage.’the two of you are truly talented people!” ”

“As they spoke, they walked out of the airport. ”

The cars arranged by Dr. Cara were all limited-edition luxury cars.

“Dr. Cara continued, “In the future, you will use these two cars when you travel. If you are not satisfied, I will get someone to exchange them for other cars.” ”

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