
Chapter 912 Create Another Miracle

Chapter 912 Create Another Miracle

Luthera's eyes were currently opened wide, not just her eyes, but her mouth as well. This made Klaus laugh as he found her current appearance to be very funny.

"Did he just switch places with one of them?" She asked, still shocked by the outcome of the battle.

"Oh, yeah. It's a move I taught him some time ago." Klaus said, flexing his muscles.

Luthera rolled her eyes, she knew full well that Klaus didn't know even the simplest move of the space element, so how could he teach Grey?

This was something that was possible since he might have an insight on the space element and tell Grey who's a Space Elementalist about it, helping him create a skill, but this was something that only a few people could do.

Most Elementalists focus on their elements, so even when they tend to gain insights on other elements, they wouldn't want to speak about it with said Elementalists, unless they were close to them. After all, who would want to empower their enemies?

Klaus saying something like this was very possible, but from the short time she had known Klaus, she knew he played with everything. When Klaus was on the platform fighting for her was the only time she had seen him very serious.

While thinking of Grey's battle, she recalled something, all five people Grey fought against were in the Fourth stage of the Sage Plane, while he was in the Third. Technically, each of his opponents was ahead of him with a single stage, yet it seemed like they were below him by two or more.

Grey dominated five people who each had a higher cultivation stage than himself. This was a story that was hard to believe. If most of the people here weren't present today, they wouldn't believe it if they were told about it.

Klaus felt a little better after seeing Grey dominating his opponents. His only concern from the Robertson Family was the young man who was in the Seventh stage of the Sage Plane. He was a famous genius that even Klaus had heard of, Tyris Robertson.

A pure Earth Elementalist who had one of the strongest defenses and attacks among his peers in this Region.

Grey didn't think too much about them since he could boost his strength to the Peak of the Sage Plane and dominate whoever they sent to the platform.

The Head of the Robertson Family looked at the defeated group, before taking a deep glance at Grey.

For the first time in his life, he was impressed by a figure that wasn't from his family. It was hard not to be impressed with Grey. He was a generational talent, in fact, a historical talent.

He had not seen anyone dominate so many people while being on a lower stage compared to his opponents. However, thinking of the humiliation of his Family's geniuses, he couldn't help but shake his head.

If they managed to groom someone of Grey's level, he would've been the proudest person alive. Alas, there can't be two people of such talent alive. He didn't even believe there was anyone else on Grey's level.

Thinking about this, he felt a little better since this meant that Grey would also dominate other Family geniuses in the same manner he was doing to his.

He might be more biased toward his family members, but it didn't mean that he didn't know the truth.

He looked around, and only seven figures were left. The Seventh stage Sage Plane Elementalist was out of the picture since he felt sending him out would look like bullying. Yes, he accepted Grey's talent, but he didn't think for one minute that Grey would be able to defeat Tyris.

The gap in cultivation stage was just too much for even someone of Grey's level of talent to close.

There were only six people present, four were in the Fifth stage of the Sage Plane, while the other two were in the Sixth stage. He thought about it for some time before giving a nod to the four in the Fifth stage.

He felt a bit embarrassed he had to send so many figures in the Fifth stage, but sending only two out was a bit dangerous since Grey was somewhat unpredictable.

Grey hadn't used his full strength since the start of the battle. This was something he knew too well, so he couldn't take the risk of sending out only two and having to watch them lose. If two lose, the other two would lose as well if he sent them over.

When the crowd saw the figures that were walking over from the Robertson Family, they couldn't help but shake their heads. However, they understood the reasoning behind this as well. Grey had defeated all the people sent to him, including five Fourth stage Sage Plane Elementalists.

The Head of the Robertson Family was only taking a precautionary step. As long as they won, that was all that mattered.

Losing to Grey would leave the bet wide open again and Klaus might actually end up winning. Leaving here without being able to marry Luthera would be a bigger disgrace and embarrassment to them, than actually sending out all seventeen people at once.

Of course, the only thing that could topple that is if Grey defeated all seventeen people simultaneously. Defeating them in groups gave the Robertson Family a small chance to cover their shame.

They could easily say they underestimated Grey, or maybe Grey hid his true strength.

There were even a few people in the crowd who felt Grey was above the Stage Plane, but he used a special technique to reduce his strength that even these experts above the Elemental Venerable Plane couldn't notice.

The strongest experts here were at the Peak of the Elemental Sovereign Plane. If Grey could hide from them, then he was even more of a freak than people were thinking he was.

Luthera was a little worried, but seeing Klaus' nonchalant expression, she also decided to put her faith in Grey.

'Maybe he will produce another miracle.'

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