
Chapter 866 Two Domains

Chapter 866 Two Domains

The old man, along with the man fighting against Void paused and looked at Grey with bulging eyes.

They turned to look at each other and they could see the shock in their eyes. They never thought they would witness something like this. Grey just went from the Second stage of the Sage Plane to the Peak in a matter of seconds. They also had special techniques to increase their strengths, but none of them was at this level. In fact, there was none that could improve their strength for more than two stages.

Once it gets over that, it is no different from crippling themselves.

"Everyone, leave now!" The old man warned the crowd who were watching the battle for fun. It had been entertaining so far, but now, it had gotten to a stage where even the bystanders would get affected by the battle.

Grey didn't attack after using the Fusion State. Although he wasn't too bothered about the safety of these people, he wasn't a maniac that would cause thousands of deaths without remorse, so he not only let them leave, but he decided to take the battle higher into the sky.

Since breaking through to the Sage Plane, this was the first time he was about to fight a real battle, and he was also using the Fusion State as well. He wanted to see just how powerful he had become.

'I forgot about this, and I let you trick me into fighting.' Void said with a hint of annoyance.

'Well, you needed some exercise as well. Don't act like you didn't enjoy the battle. Come on, let's go beat these guys up.' Grey replied with a smirk.

Void stuck out his tongue and they flew into the air.

The old man who wanted to capture Void for Grey was a little taken aback when he saw them together, although he didn't know of their conversation since they spoke telepathically, he could tell that they were acquainted with each other. When he thought about this, his breathing seized for a second as a frightening thought came to his head.

'He can't possibly be a human, right?'

Just the thought of this alone was more than enough to send shivers down the spines of every single member of his race. Grey being able to not only speak their language but also pretend like he was part of them by changing the color of his skin was terrifying information for them.

If humans could do this, then there was no way the people of the Lutra race would be able to know who was human or a member of their race.

In the sky.

"What are you?" The old man asked with a serious expression.

"What do you think I am?" Grey asked with a smile.

"A human." The man replied.

He didn't want to say it, but from what he could tell at the moment, this was all he could think about.

"Correct." Grey didn't deny it since there was no use in doing so.

The old man's expression changed drastically, his expression was very severe.

'I'll have to kill him no matter what!' The man came to a conclusion quickly.

If Grey went out to teach other humans about this, then they would be in deep trouble. Humans would be able to not only infiltrate into their world with ease, but they could even grow to start making decisions for them.

For instance, Grey being a human and so powerful could easily vie for a high position in the world. Once he becomes undefeatable, then he would start bringing in more humans and endanger the safety of those from the Lutra race.

'He probably wants to kill you now.' Void said when he saw the eyes of the man.

It wasn't hard to predict what the man was thinking since he suddenly started to emit bone-chilling killing intent.

'Yeah, I'd want to kill me as well.' Grey said nonchalantly, he wasn't even bothered by this.

He had made countermeasures, and that was to ensure that those who knew of his abilities to understand and look like them. Other than both men who were with him right now, there was no one else who knew about this, so he wanted to eliminate them and keep this secret safe.

The old man looked at the other man and told him of his plan in Grey's presence, he didn't think Grey was on his level, even with the help of a special technique to drastically improve his strength.

Grey chuckled and looked at Void, "Want to see my second domain?"

"Oh, you really did awaken a second domain while breaking through. For the lightning element, right?" Void tried to recall which element Grey told him of awakening a new domain.

"Yup. I plan to use both simultaneously, well, not now." Grey said before spreading out his hands.

Looking at the duo in front of him as I'd they were mere insects, the sound of lightning started to reverberate across the sky.

The duo originally thought Grey wanted to attack them so they prepared to defend, but the sound of lightning told them otherwise.

Before long, the entire place was covered with lightning arcs that were shooting across the sky. Every inch within a fifty meters radius was fully covered with lightning arcs going through the sky.

The old man and his companion scrambled to get their protection up, in a bid to block the attacks from the lighting domain.

They were still in the process when one of Grey's eyes turned pale blue. Each of his eyes currently had a different color, one of them was giving off a red glow which represented his red lightning, while his other eye was giving off a pale blue glow, which indicated his special flame.

He planned to use the icy flames here. This fire was stronger than the flame he was previously using.

'You're just showing off now, aren't you?' Void was forced to say when he saw how the sky looked.

The blue ice inferno was designed with arcs of red lightning and it gave off a majestic aura.

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