
Chapter 856 Celebratory Occasion

Chapter 856 Celebratory Occasion

Later that day.

Grey's house.

Grey was sitting down, reading a book he just took from the Faction's Library on arrays. He didn't have time to waste, he still had to think of a way to remove the mark on his back.

He was still reading when he sensed someone coming into his place, before long, he heard a knock on his door. Dropping the book, he walked over to the door.

Opening it, he saw Alec standing outside with a smile.

"You're not going?" Alec asked when he saw Grey's state.

"Going where?" Grey asked with a confused expression.

"The ceremony the Faction Leader spoke of." Alec couldn't believe Grey had forgotten about the ceremony they spoke about earlier that day. It hadn't even been up to three hours yet, and Grey has forgotten about it.

"Ceremony…" Grey paused and tried to think, he soon recalled the Faction Leader speaking of a ceremony to celebrate the victory.

"Oh that, I completely forgot about it." He said with an awkward smile, he invited Alec into his place.

When Alec entered his place, he stood frozen stiff. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

'Are there still any books left in the library?' His eyes twitched multiple times when he saw the amount of books on the side of Grey's chair.

Grey brought out all the books since he wanted them for reference. After the competition, his rank in the Faction increased. From rank two, he was currently a rank five member. He was the only member in rank five that was in the Overlord Plane. With his new rank, he went to higher ranks to acquire as many books on arrays as he could find.

When the young lady in charge of the library saw the number of books he was taking home, she couldn't help but take a double look at Grey's badge.

"Sorry about this." Grey said before keeping all the books in his storage ring.

He went inside to get dressed and came out with new clothings. He was currently wearing a white long sleeve shirt, and blue trousers. His hair was well combed, and he gave off an aura of fresh air.

When he came out, Alec couldn't help but click his tongue. He had to admit, Grey was not only stronger than he was, but he was also far more handsome. He had never seen anyone that was as handsome as Grey. Dressing up made Grey even more handsome.

They left Grey's place, and on the way, they met up with Keith who was with Void.

"You finally left your place?" Void mocked when he saw Grey.

After the journey, he couldn't believe that all Grey did was to collect books from the library, with more than half of his points. He didn't even get him anything shiny! He decided to hang out with Keith since Grey would be too busy reading the books he took from the library.

"The cat can talk?" Alec was a little taken aback.

He saw Void with Grey when he first met him, but he never thought Void could speak. He only concluded that Void was Grey's pet.

"Yes, and my name's Void." Void was the one who replied.

There was no use in hiding the fact that he could speak any more. It wasn't like it would change much if people knew he could.

"Oh, sorry. It's nice meeting you Void." Alec apologized for his manner of addressing Void.

"It's okay. Do you have any shiny objects?" Void asked, almost like a criminal who wanted to rob someone.

Grey almost facepalmed when he heard this and dragged Void by the tail before holding him in his hands.

"We should get going." He said to Alec and Keith.

Keith had already used the Void's ways since they had traveled together a few times when he was going out for missions. There was a time Void robbed people of all their shiny treasures. Luckily, he only robbed those who were bad people, well, those he deemed were bad people.

They got to the place where the ceremony was held and it was already filled up. When Grey and Alec made their appearance, they drew all the attention. Keith, who was walking with them, was barely noticed by anyone.

Grey's appearance dumbstruck most of the young ladies in the place. They almost couldn't take their eyes off him.

'Every single time, this is why I hate occasions.' Grey complained internally.

'In times like this, I miss Klaus.' He thought as they walked over to their seats.

"You're Grey." A young lady who was close to their seats asked.

Grey didn't need to check before knowing she was in the Sage Plane. The young lady should be around his age, if not younger with a year.

"Yes, you are?" Grey tried to be as courteous as possible.

"Eva." The young lady replied with a smile. She was genuinely curious about Grey.

The story of how he was able to get his strength above the Overlord Plane, and using a strength that could rival a Sage Plane Elementalist has gone around the Faction, so even the geniuses in the Sage Plane had taken note of Grey.

For someone who could show such strength against other geniuses, it meant that once he gets to the Sage Plane, he would show even greater strength.

Eva wasn't the only one who approached Grey, a few others, as well as some young men also came over to him. They all knew of Alec, so they didn't need to make any introductions with him.

They all spoke and enjoyed the ceremony until it was finally time for the Faction Leader to address them.

Grey didn't think the Faction Leader would take the time to come to such an occasion. But he not only came from the start, but he also wanted to address them.

When the Faction Leader stood up, everywhere became quiet, and everyone placed their attention on him.

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