
Chapter 847 Vicious Beating

Chapter 847 Vicious Beating

Both fighters were currently sprawled on the ground, none of them moving.

The onlookers were anxious and a little excited, well, just those from the Pyrmond Faction. Grey's ability to attack Lydia when all hope was lost is something they never expected. There had been too many twists in the battle, and they didn't think Grey would get any chances of ever winning again after he was affected by Lydia's special attack.

Grey opened his eyes to look around, he was dead exhausted from taking too many attacks from Lydia, even when he tried to defend to his fullest, he was still hit by many of her attacks.

'This girl is something.' He commented before trying to stand up.

He could feel all his body ache from the pain of the battle. It would take him some time before he recovered, and this would affect the next round of battles.

'I still have some of the liquid left, guess I have no choice but to use it.' He thought as he tried to stand up.

While he was on his knees, he saw Lydia looking at him. His eyes glowed instantly and Lydia screamed in pain. She was still trying to recover from the previous attack, Grey attacking once again made the pain unbearable for her.

Grey knew she was defeated yet since the effect of her special attack was still on. The moment the effect stops, he would be assured that he had defeated her. He got to his feet and walked over to her, looking down at her while she tried to stand up once again.

"You're powerful, but not my match." He said calmly.

Lydia gritted her teeth as she looked at him. When she saw Grey's eyes starting to glow once again, she hastily shut her eyes.

Grey smiled when he saw this and kicked her. She was still on the ground, so when he kicked her, she was sent sliding on the ground.

The kick took her from one side of the platform to the other side. She screamed in pain once again. Grey didn't hold back when he kicked her, so she felt a sharp pain in her stomach.

The onlookers looked at Grey, a little appalled. Lydia was a lady, however, Grey didn't seem to be treating her as one. He walked over to her once again, and tried to kick her. She placed a defensive wall around her body, but Grey kicked it twice, and it started to shatter. The strength of Grey's blow or kick is not something that should be taken gently.

The audience were in a state of shock as they watched Grey literally kicking Lydia around like a rag doll. He wasn't even holding back in the slightest.

All the young men from the Syphilis Faction stood up in anger, never expecting Grey to be so cruel.

The young ladies from the Pyrmond Faction were a little taken aback, not knowing if to applaud Grey or not. They felt he was a little too aggressive and cruel.

"This guy is really something." Alec said with an awkward smile.

To be honest, he wouldn't do something like this.

"She's his opponent, what do you expect him to do?" Conor didn't see anything wrong with what Grey was doing.

He wasn't the only one with this view, all the Elders also felt this was normal. Grey and Lydia were enemies, so he didn't have to go easy on her. When she had the upper hand, she was still beating Grey up as well.

While they were all speaking about the matter, Grey continued his vicious assault. Lydia was already bleeding from her head, mouth, and even her nose and ears. Her current appearance was miles apart from how she looked like when she stepped onto the platform.

After a few more kicks, she tried to use the space element to create some distance between herself and Grey. But before she could escape into the spatial tunnel, Grey threw a punch into the spatial tunnel. One punch, laced with destructive power.

The spatial tunnel started to shake vigorously, Lydia was forced to close it. Entering that would endanger her life. At this point, she didn't know how to fight against Grey. She couldn't create a space between them, and if she tried to open her eyes, Grey would use his mental attacks.

For Grey's attacks, he needed eye contact before he could employ it. As long as she closed her eyes, she was safe from it. However, doing that would mean she couldn't fight against him. She had tried using her spiritual senses, but it was affected when Grey attacked her the first time. Presently, she was blind.

"Aren't you ashamed? You're fighting a blind opponent!" A young man from the Syphilis Faction yelled from the other side.

"When she fought against a defenseless opponent, why didn't you speak out?" A young lady from the Pyrmond Faction retorted with a smile.

The young man paused when he heard her words. What she said was true, after Lydia used the special technique, Grey was a sitting duck. If not for Grey having such an impressive physique, he would've been defeated long ago. Now that the case was reversed, they felt it was not fair.

They tried to abuse Grey, in hopes that he would stop his assault. Unfortunately, Grey had never been bothered with what others said about him, moving with Klaus made him even more shameful.

Lydia struggled, but she still couldn't help herself, she was only able to keep herself on the platform, other than that, she couldn't do anything else.

"Aren't you tired of getting beat up?" Grey asked him slowly.

He was purposely not eliminating her because he wanted to dampen the morale of those from the Syphilis Faction. The Elders from both Factions already saw through this, and most of the Elders from the Syphilis Faction already tagged Grey as a terrifying opponent. Alec wasn't this evil when doing things, he was smart, but he still had a bit of conscience, Grey didn't.

"Are you tired of beating me up?" Lydia asked with a smirk.

"I know you can't defeat me, so you're searching for a way to make me give up." She added.

"Hehe, you think so?" Grey asked with an amused smile.

Lydia felt staying on the platform was her doing, she didn't know Grey was ensuring he didn't send her out of the platform too quickly.

"Alright, enough playing."

With that, Grey prepared to kick her out of the platform once again, this time, he was dead serious. His leg stayed behind him a little longer, as if he was accumulating his energy.

Dust started to gather around his feet. At this moment, the Elders from the Syphilis Faction stood up.

"We give up." An Elder hurriedly said.

Bang! Crack!

Grey's feet connected with Lydia's stomach once again, and a clear cracking sound resonated in the entire space.

Lydia's body coiled, before shooting out at a terrifying speed.

She opened her mouth to scream, but only blood came out. She fell on the ground, outside the platform, knocked out cold.

"You little monster, didn't you hear me admit defeat?" The Elder asked angrily.

"No." Grey's voice was blank of any emotions as he turned to look at the middle-aged man from the Dawson Family.

The man announced him as the winner and turned to look at Lydia who wasn't able to move. An Elder from the Syphilis Faction had rushed over to her and tried feeding her a tonic.

"You animal, you'll pay for this!" The Elder screamed when he saw the state of Lydia.

She wasn't on death's door, but from all the injuries, she would wish she was dead from the pain. What he found more annoying was that her core was almost cracked, he could sense it.

"I didn't kill her, I only gave her a taste of her own medicine. Also, don't threaten me." Grey said as he walked back to his seat. He was presently suffering from severe pains.

After the effects of Lydia's technique wore off, he felt an influx of elemental essence across his entire body, along with intense pain. The effects of the attack were still on.

'Such a troubling move.' He thought in annoyance before taking a seat.

"Good job." Conor gave him a thumbs up.

Alec also congratulated him, as well as the others from the Faction.

The Elders looked at each other before heaving a sigh of relief. With Grey defeating Lydia, they had two powerful geniuses in the last round. Although it wasn't what they planned from the start, it was better having just one.

There were still two more battles to be fought, if they managed to win them, then they would get four people in the last round, however, the possibility of that happening was not high.

Those from the Syphilis Faction were on another level, and everyone from the Pyrmond Faction could sense it. Only Grey and Alec could defeat them.

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