
Chapter 823 Joining A Faction

Chapter 823 Joining A Faction

Grey was standing on the platform, on the ground were the young lady and her group.

He was panting slightly from the battle, and he sustained some injuries from their attacks, but he successfully defeated them.

The young lady raised her head to look at Grey in fear, she never expected him to be this powerful. Even when fighting against ten people, he still showed strength that surpassed what he did before. However, that wasn't the most shocking thing in the entire battle.

"A domain, at such a young age." The Elder dressed in white said, visibly shocked.

"Such talent, I have not seen anyone able to awaken their domain before the Sage Plane." The middle-aged man added in shock.

During the last phase of the battle, Grey used his domain to trounce the young lady and her friends. They were unable to defend against its strength.

Having a domain in the Overlord Plane made him invincible in said Plane. Even after breaking through to the Sage Plane, he would be a force to be reckoned with.

"You lose." Grey said emotionlessly.

He didn't hold back when beating them up, the only thing he restrained himself from doing was killing, other than that, he beat them up badly.

At least for the next two months, they wouldn't be able to function properly, unless they get a top Light Elementalist to heal them.

Keith on the other hand had his mouth wide open. Void was in his hand, and he couldn't help but push his mouth close.

"You're drooling on me." He said sarcastically.

"Oh, sorry." Keith apologized, but he was still stunned by what he just witnessed. Grey's abilities were mind-blowing.

He thought he had seen Grey in his full strength, but the domain blew him off his feet. How could a single person be this talented?

'It should be illegal for him to be this powerful, right?' He asked himself.

Even those geniuses at the Peak of the Overlord Plane are no match for Grey. This was a fact that he almost didn't want to believe.

The young lady wanted to speak when Grey said they lost, but she soon lost consciousness. Not just her, but the others as well.

"Can we go back now?" Grey turned to the Elders. Had the Elder taken the side of the young lady after hearing her statement, he would've lost interest in the Faction and left.

However, the Elder handled the matter with wisdom, and this gave him the confidence to show more of his strength. Beating this group should place him in a high place in the Faction, showing his domain would take it even further.

Looking at the Elders, he could tell that they were impressed.

"No need, show us the cores you acquired." The Elder who brought them here waved his hand.

Grey and Keith nodded and did as ordered. They each brought out their beast cores and Keith had more, but Grey's cores radiated more power.

"I thought as much." The Elder said with an understanding look.

"You were the one who killed all the strongest beasts?" He asked Grey.

Grey nodded to his words.


Grey nodded once again. Since Keith was with him, it was easy to assume that he helped him when he was fighting against the beast.

"I see. According to the rules, you can either keep the cores or exchange them for points." The Elder said to the duo, he looked at them before asking, "What do you plan to do?"

"I have no use for the cores, I'll exchange them for points." Grey replied.

He had multiple cores with him, besides, he didn't drop all the cores. The core belonging to the Golden fur panther was kept. The Golden fur panther used a weird move he wanted to understand, so he planned on checking the core. He hadn't seen anything on it for now, but he was certain that over time he would make a breakthrough.

Keith made the same decision as him. Grey got more points even though he had lesser cores due to the quality of the cores.

Grey asked what he could get with the points, and the Elder told him about the rules of the Faction. The members of the Faction are ranked, from rank one to nine. Grey and Keith skipped rank one and were immediately admitted to rank two since they managed to get a good number of cores.

Members in rank two are eligible to get certain techniques and go to a few places those in rank one couldn't. Once one gets to rank seven, they are eligible to become an Elder in the Faction. Of course, they had to become an Elemental Sovereign first.

The Elder took Grey and Keith into the Faction. After taking them inside, the Elder called a young lady walking by and told her to take them to get registered, he also instructed her to tell the person giving the duo their badges something, but Grey didn't hear what he told her. The young lady bowed to the Elder and took Grey and Keith to a large building to get them registered.

They were both given badges and on their badges, the place they would be staying was written on it. The duo would be staying in the same area, with Keith staying in the house before Grey's.

The Faction was huge. From the gates to the main part, there was a distance of over one thousand five hundred meters, and just like when Grey got admitted to the Lunar Academy, each person is entitled to a personal house.

The young lady left them after showing them where they would be staying. Grey looked at the place, and it was, well, empty.

'The essence here is great. I wonder how the library here is…'

With that thought in mind, he left his apartment and headed out. Keith saw him leaving and ran up to him.

"Where are you going?" He asked when he caught up to him.

"Library." Grey replied.

"Oh, alright." Keith nodded and followed him.

They asked someone for the direction, and after a few minutes of walking, they got to the place.

"That's encouraging." Grey muttered when he saw the size of the library. Compared to the libraries he had gone to, this one was the smallest Freeᴡebnovel.cᴏm.

He walked into the library but was stopped by a young man just after he walked in.

"Badge." The young man inquired.

Grey brought out his badge and gave it to the young man.

"Okay, two points for every twenty minutes you stay here. If you go to a higher level, the points deducted will increase." The young man placed the badge on a stone that lit up and a strange symbol appeared on the badge.

"You can go in now." He passed the badge back to Grey.

Grey took the badge and looked at it curiously. He recalled that he was given a total of one hundred and thirty points for the beast cores he handed over, but he forgot to ask how he would get the points.

Keith had lesser than a hundred points.

Walking past the entrance of the library, Grey knew not to judge a book by its cover. The inside of the library was gigantic, with multiple bookshelves, and there were even stairs, taking them to a higher place.

"Looks like this place is allocated to those in rank one." Keith said as they looked at the place.

"Okay." Grey nodded and walked toward a bookshelf.

'You sense it too, right?' Grey asked Void telepathically.

'Yes, this is a separate space.' Void replied.

The space inside the library was created by a powerful Space Elementalist. Grey never thought he would witness something like this here.

After walking for a few minutes, he saw a book titled, 'The rules'.

'Guess you're first.' He said to himself before picking it up.

When he picked it up, he felt a buzz from his badge, and looking at the place where the book was previously sitting, he saw a number there, one point every one hour he had the book.

'Looks like without points then staying here will be useless.' He said to himself before taking a seat.

Initially, he thought he would be given special treatment after showing his talent. Even though he didn't want that, he felt all Factions would do things like that, but to his surprise, other than appreciating his strength, this Faction didn't give him any special treatment. What they were doing was simple, if you want something, get points and acquire them.

Most Factions will want to give Grey special treatments for his talent, however, this Faction was different.

After taking the rule book, he started reading it. Since he just joined the Faction, this was the first thing he felt he should know. He didn't want to get involved in any issues later on.

Keith also picked a rule book and opened it as well.

The duo read the book for over an hour. By the time they were done with it, they had already spent two hours in the library.

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