
Chapter 701 - Why Wait Till Next Time?

Chapter 701 - Why Wait Till Next Time?

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" The young man cursed as he chased after Grey.

Even though he couldn't see Grey's figure, he didn't want to give up.

"You assh*ole! I'll kill your entire family! F*ck!" The young man yelled in frustration when he was unable to locate Grey any more, punching the wall by the side.

He couldn't accept the fact that someone in a lower stage took advantage of him. This was unacceptable!

Grey was currently laughing in one of the rooms. He wasn't even close to the hallway the young man was in. He had not only left that part of the mansion, but he was on another wing entirely.

'This thing is not bad. I'll try to see if I can get something out of it.'

Thinking up to this point, he tried to destroy it. But it didn't budge, even after attacking it multiple times.

'Damn, I can't hold onto it like this throughout.' He felt a little disappointed about it.

Just as he was about to give up, he felt a reaction in his body. It was coming from the orb inside him.

"Huh? What's this?" He was a little scared. The orb in his body is usually dormant, so seeing it have a reaction towards this orb alarmed him.

The orb inside his body started vibrating, and the one in his hand followed suit, shaking to the same rhythm as the orb inside him.

As the orb started to vibrate, a strange aura spread out from it, the second Grey sensed the aura, it was as if his consciousness went out of his body, entering a place filled with nothing but miasma.

'What's this?' He asked himself, shocked by the sudden development.

He tried recalling his consciousness back to his body, but to his shock, he was unable to. After trying multiple times, he gave up on it and decided to explore the place.

The place was dimly lit, and other than miasma, he couldn't see anything else. He couldn't even see from his knee down since it was covered by the miasma.

"This thing isn't trying to kill me, right?" He asked himself, a little afraid.

One of the main reasons he hated the orb inside him was that he had zero control over it. This meant that it could react however it wanted without him being able to do anything. It rarely reacted to anything, and since he got it, this was the first time it was doing something like this.

'I'll need to find a way around this thing. I can't take any chances.' He concluded.

While exploring the place, he was oblivious to time.

Outside the mansion. Two more days had gone by and the miasma had returned.

Every person inside had left the place, and the miasma had already covered the mansion.

"What's Grey doing?" Alice felt something was wrong.

"I don't know. But he's still inside, apparently." Klaus' expression was gloomy.

This was not something any of them expected, Grey still being in the mansion even after the miasma returned.

Kyle wore a glum expression. The consequences of staying in this miasma was terrifying. Even if Grey came out in a few hours' time, he would've already been infected by the miasma, and it would only be a matter of time before he died.

Of all of them, only Void had a nonchalant expression. He had seen Grey healing Ellis' father who was plagued by these miasmas, so he knew Grey would be alright.

His only concern was that it took Grey a while to do this, and he was drained after every session. He didn't know if Grey was immune to the miasma, but if he relied on a special power to heal Ellis' father, then he would be in trouble once he stays in here for too long.

"Void, how come you're so nonchalant?" Reynolds' noticed Void's behavior and asked.

"I still don't get the reason why you people take him for a 'normal' person, when he's obviously not." Void's reply stunned the group.

Klaus thought about it for sometime before smacking his head lightly, "Haha, I totally forgot about his weird abilities. But it's still difficult not to worry about him. I don't think he's encountered something like this before."

Alice and Reynolds nodded their heads, they knew Grey was special, but this was a miasma they've not seen in the Azure Continent, so they didn't think Grey would have a way around it.

"He has, well, not personally." Void recapped the event in Ellis' house to the group.

The group's expression lightened up a little, with the exception of Kyle who felt his head was about to explode.

'How is that even possible? If he healed him a few hours or days after the miasma infected him, then it would've been believable, but months after the infection, is that even possible?' Kyle thought to himself.

This was something even those powerful figures at the top wouldn't be able to do, yet Grey, who was still in the Origin Plane at that time was able to do it. Other than feeling tired, he was fine.

This was something that could transfer to someone else if they come in contact with anyone infected, yet he healed him. Kyle was finally blown away by Grey.

He had known he was different from the time they first met, but now, he didn't even know what to think anymore. If people were unique, then Grey was unique even when placed amongst other unique people.

"He's still alive, so don't worry." Void said to the group.

He could sense Grey's life-force, so he knew he was perfectly fine.

The group calmed down and started looking at their gains in this place. Void and Alice were the biggest beneficiaries, while Klaus and Reynolds were also part of those who earned a lot of items from robbing people, along with tons of enemies.

They were still discussing when they saw the young man speaking with Camille.

"That animal used me, I'll kill him the next time I see him." The young man said in annoyance.

"Heh! Why didn't you kill him when you saw him the last time?" Camille mocked.

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