
Chapter 677 - Monstrous Group Of Friends

Chapter 677 - Monstrous Group Of Friends

Klaus smirked when he saw this. The man in charge of the platform also noticed this but didn't do anything to stop the young man. He was a little curious about the strength of Klaus' attack.

This was a strange attack that was hard to understand. Klaus had kept it hidden till the very last battle, this showed how cunning he was. Now, he was starting to doubt if the strength Klaus showed all this while was his true strength.


When the jet stream came in contact with the earth wall, compared to the first time, there was a bit of resistance.

When the young man saw this, he smiled in glee, feeling happy that he had been able to show everyone the scam Klaus was.

His smile froze when he realized after the first bit of resistance, the water passed through once again, sending him flying for the second time.

Crash! Bang!

His figure was shot off the platform once again, and this time, the force he used in crashing into the ground was even more powerful than the first time.

Just like the young man, Klaus evilly increased the strength of the attack at the last minute. This way, the impact on that young man would be even more terrifying.

Grey and the others shook their heads in pity when they saw the condition of the young man. The young man looked like he had lost a tooth or two, although it wasn't really much since it would grow back in at most a month, it was still kind of embarrassing.

"Haha, I knocked the teeth outta him." Klaus laughed when he saw that young man.

His words made those in the crowd burst out laughing, making the young man more embarrassed.

The old figures sitting in the special area all stared at Klaus in amazement. The skill he just displayed was something that they had only heard of. For someone to be able to do this meant their mastery of the water element was on another level entirely. Klaus might just be the best Water Elementalist in his generation.

They couldn't say this claim though since they haven't seen all the geniuses of this generation, but what they know is that even if he wasn't the best, he wouldn't be far from it.

For them to even think of this showed how highly they regarded Klaus.

They couldn't help but turn to look at his friends. Only Grey had fought, and he was clearly someone even more special. Having four elements, and two of said elements were special types. He also had the space element, with terrifying speed as well.

Grey was even more monstrous than Klaus, and they didn't even dare to think the other two were on their level, if they were, then it meant this group of youngsters would cause chaos in this continent in the future.

The man finally announced the winner of the battle.

Klaus wore a smile on his face, just as he was about to leave, he recalled something and turned to the man.

"Sir, can those in the Mid and Early stages be challenged here?" He asked.

They couldn't leave without Reynolds and Alice battling.

The man looked at him for a while before telling him to give him a minute. He flew to where the old figures were seated, after getting confirmation from them, he nodded at Klaus, telling him that once this round of battles was over, they could step forward.

The reason the old figures agreed to his request was simple; they've seen Grey and Klaus show their abilities, and now they wanted to see just how talented the other two were.

If they were truly on the same level as Klaus and Grey, then they wouldn't even mind trying to convince them to join their Factions. That's all on the premise that they've not joined one though. However, they all knew that was nothing but an impossible thought. If they hadn't joined a Faction only meant that they were from powerful families.

Those in the Early and Mid stages were still around, since watching these battles was beneficial to them, they couldn't afford to miss it.

Klaus returned to his seat to give the others the news. Alice and Reynolds were pumped when they heard this. They thought only Grey and Klaus would grab all the fun, but it seems they still had a small chance to show what they were made of.

The man announced the next round of things which came as a shock to those in the arena. Some of them were even about to leave since the competition was over, but something that had never happened before happened which surprised them.

The young lady who was ranked first wanted to leave, but the middle-aged man who was with her stopped her. His attention had been on Grey's group since Grey's last battle. He thought Grey was the only one, but after seeing Klaus' last battle, he had to reevaluate the group.

He overheard when Reynolds told Klaus to ask if they could still battle, so when he heard this, he knew this was done only because the old fogies also wanted to see the talent of the other two.

"It wouldn't be bad to become friends with such figures." He whispered to the young lady.

"Them?" The young lady turned to look at Grey's group.

"Yes. I can already see that they will be influential later on. It wouldn't be bad to be acquaintances, don't you think?" The middle-aged man said.

"Hmm, whatever you say, uncle." The young lady replied.

After the man announced that those in the Mid and Early stages could be challenged, the first person to stand up was Reynolds. He couldn't keep it in any longer, he wanted to see how he would fare against those in the same stage as he is.

For this battle, he wasn't going to summon his Elemental Warrior. He would be fighting on his own. Besides, his Elemental Warrior was already on the Sixth stage of the Overlord Plane.

His opponent was the person ranked first in the Early stages rankings.

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