
Chapter 598 - Diligent Klaus

Five days later.

Thousands of kilometers away from Frost City.

Grey, Reynolds, and Alice could be seen walking into the small town.

"Are you sure he's here?" Alice questioned doubtfully.

"He's close, if he's not inside the town, he should be a few meters away from the town," Grey brought out the tracking device to get the location of Klaus.

Klaus' light dot was just beside the trio's light dots, so he was only a short distance away from them.

The trio walked into the town, looking around.

Just as they were about to question Grey again, they saw the Principal silently sipping tea from a tea shop.

"Look, it's the Principal," Grey showed the Principal to the others.

"Oh, how come Klaus isn't with him?" Reynolds asked curiously.

"Let's go and ask him," Alice walked towards the tea shop.

Before the trio got to the tea shop, the Principal had already noticed them.

"Oh, it's you three. What are you doing here?" The Principal asked when he saw them entering the tea shop.

"Good morning sir, we're here for Klaus," Alice greeted the Principal politely.

Grey and Reynolds followed suit as well.

"Klaus, he's training," The Principal replied.

"Training?" Grey asked, stunned.

"Yeah, he's been causing too many problems for a while now. If he isn't kept in check, he will most likely have destroyed this town by now," The Principal said.

"Understandable," Grey and the others nodded in agreement. They all knew Klaus' behavior.

"Thank you for giving me that thing the last time," The Principal said to Grey with gratitude.

"I can see that the Principal has made a good advancement with its help. You're already part of the Sage Plane experts," Grey smiled as he replied.

"You noticed," The Principal was a little shocked that Grey was able to easily sense he was already in the Sage Plane.

What he found more confusing was that he couldn't sense Grey's cultivation stage. He could easily sense Alice and Reynolds' cultivation stage, but Grey who was standing before him was like a normal person. It was very easy to even forget his existence.

'This boy keeps getting mysterious,' He thought internally.

The reason he couldn't sense Grey's cultivation stage was that Grey had reverted back to hiding his aura. Given the fact that the Principal was still in the First stage of the Sage Plane, there was no way he could sense his cultivation stage unless he wanted him to.

"Yes," Grey nodded.

"I can see your cat is back to normal," The Principal said after noticing Void laying on Grey's shoulder.

"Yeah. Where are Instructor Blake and Instructor Delia?" Grey when he couldn't find them around.

"They went out to train. If I'm not mistaken, they should be returning in a few days," The Principal placed his hand on his chin thoughtfully.

"Klaus is just outside the town, there is a lake there," The Principal told the trio of Klaus' location.

"Alright, we'll be going then," Grey and the others bowed before leaving the tea shop.

The Principal watched them leave with a slight smile. He was impressed with the kind of friends Klaus was able to make. If not for Grey, he wasn't sure when he would be able to break through to the Sage Plane, that is if he ever gets the chance to.

Alice and Reynolds were two people regarded as geniuses in the Lightning hall back at the Academy, and Blake does speak of them on some occasions.

Of the trio, Grey was the most mysterious given his somewhat unknown background. Alice was from a big family, while Reynolds was from a small family that consisted of him, his younger brother, and his parents.


Outside the town.

A river could be seen running from the other side of the town, it ran all the way to the edge of a cliff before going down the waterfall.

The river was around one hundred and fifty meters wide, but close to the edge of the cliff, it started to narrow down.

Below the cliff, a youth could be seen sitting below the waterfall. Even though the water was falling directly under him, not a drop of water could be seen on his body. With a well-chiseled face and short well-trimmed hair, he was every lady's dream.

The youth was none other than Klaus who had been training for some days now. Although it was involuntary, he still persisted.

He was sitting on top of a boulder, with both eyes closed. His eyelashes fluttered a few times before he opened them. He exhaled a white puff of gas before he turned to the three shadows walking in his direction.

"How did you three find me?" Klaus asked calmly.

It was like he was a completely different person, and it stunned the trio, even Void had his mouth wide open.

Given Klaus' usual personality, he would've already tried to attack Grey for ghosting them for months, while he would've started cursing at Reynolds by now.

"Are you alright?" Reynolds couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, you can come closer, the waterfall isn't that bad," Klaus invited the trio over.

Reynolds was the first to fly over, and just as he got close to the waterfall, a powerful energy sucked him into the river below him, dragging him inside.

"Oh, I forgot to warn you about the trap that father placed here, hahaha," Klaus burst out laughing when he saw Reynolds being dragged into the water.

When Reynolds brought out his head, he was completely covered in a murky gooey liquid that smelled terrible. He quickly jumped into the boulder Klaus was sitting on.

"You bastard! You tricked me," Reynolds held him by the shirt, shaking him.

Klaus was laughing at the top of his lungs when he saw Reynolds' condition. This was the only reason he had been cultivating so diligently.

His father somehow managed to trap this sticky, smelly, gooey liquid below the waterfall, while also setting up a small-scale array that would drag anyone who tries to leave into it. He made it in a way that it would take a high-pressure water source before it can be removed.

Even with Klaus' ability with the water element, he was unable to remove it.

Grey stared at the water with an interesting look, before looking at Klaus again.

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