
965 Not Allowed To Kill

Everyone turned to look in the direction the young man was looking and their eyes fell on the body of the young man sitting close to Grey. The young man was among the externals, he was one of the few Eighth stage Sage Plane Elementalists on the side of the Burchard Family.

The young man stood up and walked straight to the platform, he knew what was coming and he had to prepare himself to survive the young man’s first attacks. As long as he successfully defends, he could give up later.

“Look around properly, this will be the last time you see anyone.” The young man said, while saying that, his eyes didn’t leave Grey’s body.

He felt after his attack, Grey wouldn’t show up, he didn’t think he would even when his realm was still so low.

‘I’ll let someone else kill him. If he survives till the next round, I’ll personally kill him.’ He thought internally.

The only reason he didn’t pick Grey was that there were weaker people in his group, even though the Nether Faction was strong, there were still a few Seventh stage Sage Plane Elementalists who came, so he was leaving Grey for them.

However, he knew Grey was no pushover, especially after Grey managed to survive his attack even though he was in the Origin Plane, a Plane lower than him at that time. Now Grey had advanced at a speed that shocked him to the core. Although he hid it, he was astounded when he realized Grey was already in the Fifth stage of the Sage Plane.

When they last saw each other, there was a gap of almost an entire Plane. However, the gap was only four stages now, and he only broke through to the Ninth stage of the Sage Plane a week ago.

If Grey can successfully defeat his opponent, then he wouldn’t mind fighting against him next.

He threw the thought of fighting against Grey to the back of his mind and focused on the figure in front of him. He wanted to assert his dominance, and killing his opponent with a quick move was the best choice.

The start of the battle was announced, and he moved with the fastest speed possible.

His body was covered with the lightning element as he charged at a terrifying speed toward his opponent.

The young man he challenged was already prepared for a relentless first assault so he prepared all the defensive skills he had.

When the young man got close to him, he unleashed them, trying to fight for his life.

The young man attacking didn’t see his defenses as anything, without even blinking, he blazed through it with an attack.

Seeing the attack, Grey recalled what he was attacked with. It was the same technique, a single strike, but holding unimaginable power.

After getting to the Sage Plane, the young man’s strength and mastery of these attacks were on another level.

The attack cleanly struck the young man from the Burchard Family and he was sent flying.

Before his body could touch the ground, the young man from the Nether Faction who was on a move from the start was already upon him.


He attacked once again.

Against an opponent who couldn’t fight back, it was easy to see who the clear winner was.

Just as the figure of the young man was about to hit the ground, it was covered by a light and it flew away from the platform, landing beside those from the Burchard Family.

“You’re not allowed to kill a defenseless opponent. “

An aged voice sounded in the area, and everyone turned to where the old man was sitting.

The old man had a nonchalant expression, but it was obvious that he was the one who saved the life of the young man a few seconds ago.

“I’m sorry Elder, I didn’t know he couldn’t defend any longer.” The young man from the Nether Faction apologized with a soft expression.

He felt a bit indignant inside, but against such an old figure, he didn’t dare to show it. Originally, he thought his first strike would be enough, but the young man was able to survive it, even though it caused horrific injuries to him.

The old man snorted coldly before looking away as if uninterested in the whole event.

Grey on the other hand looked at the young man from the Nether Faction with a serious expression. From his assessment, he wasn’t that far off from those at the Peak of the Sage Plane.

If Grey were to know that he only broke through to the Ninth stage a week ago, he would also be astounded at the talent of the young man.

Nevertheless, no matter how high the young man’s talent was, it didn’t change the fact that he tried to kill Grey once, and Grey would never let that slide. Even if he showed most of his cards here, he wouldn’t mind it as long as he took down someone he perceived as an enemy.

The young man glanced at Grey before walking away, heading back to the side of the Nether Faction.

Of the twenty people the Burchard Family brought over, four had advanced to the next round while six had been eliminated, adding this young man who managed to escape with his life thanks to the old man, seven had been, leaving only nine left.

From those on the side of the Nether Faction, seven had advanced to the next round while only four had been eliminated. In contrast to the numbers on the side of the Burchard Family, they had a clearer advantage.

The other five at the Ninth stage of the Sage Plane naturally challenged those of lower stages, and only two of them had to challenge those in the Ninth stage since they all felt that they had to leave Grey for someone in a lower stages.

One of those from the Burchard Family managed to defeat the person who challenged her, and she moved on to the next round without having to challenge anyone.

Only four of them won, and in total, eleven of those from the Burchard Family were eliminated, leaving only five who had advanced, and four who hadn’t challenged anyone.

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